Progress report for NCMOLU22-002
Project Information
Missouri SARE co-coordinator, from Lincoln University, provides and supports training of agriculture educators from Lincoln University, University of Missouri, USDA agencies in Missouri, and Missouri Department of Agriculture. The SARE co-coordinator shares SARE resources and information to agricultural educators and farmers, at local, state, regional and national conferences, workshops, field days, and farm tours.
Missouri specific initiatives, at Lincoln University, are categorized into five basic areas.
Missouri Initiative 1: Missouri Statewide Horticulture Initiative, addressing issues related to Sustainable Horticulture in the State of Missouri
Missouri Initiative 2: Methods of Outreach, Education, and Communication with Minorities, Beginning Farmers, Future Farmers, and Underserved Audiences.
Missouri Initiative 3: Sustainable Small Ruminants Production and Protection in Missouri
Missouri Initiative 4: Sustainable Apiculture in Missouri addressing issues related to bee management for pollination and for honey production in Missouri
Missouri Initiative 5: Climate Smart Agriculture addressing the definition of “Climate Smart Agriculture” and its practices
Missouri Initiative 1: Missouri Statewide Horticulture Initiative, addressing issues related to Sustainable Horticulture in the State of Missouri
The Horticulture industry in Missouri is poorly assessed. There is no clear picture of how much of each crop is produced where and by home. The initiative aims to assemble all the stakeholders of the industry [educators, USDA personnel including National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), and MDA personnel] to work together to identify our farmers, what they produce and how much they produce so we have a clear picture of the industry in Missouri. Knowing our farmers will allow outreach and education, which in turn will allow an increase in crop production and quality and an increase in our farmers’ income and profits.
To develop a network of Horticulture educators and build communication and capacity is Sustainable Horticulture in Missouri.
1) A meeting of Horticulture educators and service providers will be conducted (2023, 2024)
2) A database of Horticulture producers will be formed so educators and service providers know who to serve and educate (2023-2024)
3) Minority and underserved farmers will be encouraged and assisted to have a farm tracking number through Missouri Farm Service Agency (FSA) so their information is accessible to educators and service providers (2023-2024)
4) Farmers’ Resources Lists will be developed for each county or the 114 counties of Missouri, so farmers and educators know the resources that are available to farmers from the land-grant universities, USDA, and MDA (2023-2024)
Expected Outcomes:
1) A network of at least 30 educators and service providers will be formed
1) At least 30 educators will have access to information about at least 100 farmers, so they help them toward sustainability and profitability
2) At least 30 educators will have access to farmers’ resources lists so they know of the resources that are available to farmers, in general, and to underserved farmers, in particular.
3) At least 300 farmers will benefit from the network service and from the farmers’ resources lists
Success of Missouri Statewide Initiative will be assessed through the number of agriculture educators entering the network; the number of new farmers getting the farm number so they are known to USDA; the number of farmers’ resources lists developed, and the number of farmers taking advantage of the farmers resources list in one way or another.
Missouri Initiative 2: Methods of Outreach, Education, and Communication with Minorities, Beginning Farmers, Future Farmers, and Underserved Audiences.
There are six groups of Minority and underserved farmers in Missouri. (1) African American Farmers are underserved because sometimes low-literacy, history and stereotype prevent them from access to education directly or indirectly; (2) Hmong farmers; (3) Asian Farmers; and (4) Latino Farmers have limited access to education because they don’t speak English, and therefore, they have difficulty benefiting from an educational event or an educational publication; (5) Amish and Mennonite farmers are underserved because they can’t drive to an educational event and don’t have access to a computer to access educational material because of religious believes; (6) Veterans and Farmers with Disabilities are underserved because their access to education is limited due to mental or physical disabilities. Providing education and technical support to each one of these groups need some skills to be successful. Beginning farmers and future farmers (young people wanting to become farmers in the future) may be considered underserved as their education may differ from that of well-established farmers.
To educate agriculture educators on how to communicate and build trust with minority and underserved audiences.
1) One-day workshop will be conducted. Six presentations will be conducted. Each presentation will tackle education and communication of one of the six groups discussed above. Speakers are educators that are used to work with a particular group that will share their experience communication and building trust with the group.
2) Travel scholarships will be offered to three educators to attend the National Children & Youth Garden Symposium. The three educators will share their knowledge with other educators.
Expected Outcomes:
(1) At least 30 agriculture educators will increase knowledge on how to communicate and build trust with at least one of the minority groups
(2) Three agriculture educators will attend the National Children & Youth Garden Symposium; and share their acquired knowledge with at least six other agricultural educators.
Post-event evaluations indicating change in knowledge and intentions to act on new information will be conducted. Agriculture educators receiving travel scholarships will complete SARE PDP post-event evaluation of 1-6 months after workshops to assess short- and intermediate-term outcomes.
Missouri Initiative 3: Sustainable Production and Protection of Small Ruminants in Missouri
To educate educators on the new innovations and new knowledge on the production and protection of small ruminants.
1) One 2-day In-Service of Education training will be conducted to educate educators on the new innovations in the production and protection of small ruminants.
Expected Outcomes:
At least 30 agriculture educators will learn new innovations and new knowledge on Small Ruminants production and protection.
Post-event evaluations indicating change in knowledge and intentions to act on new information will be conducted. Missouri educators will complete SARE PDP post-event evaluation after workshops or events to assess short- and intermediate-term outcomes.
Missouri Initiative 4: Sustainable Apiculture in Missouri addressing issues related to bee management for pollination and for honey production in Missouri
To educate educators on the new innovations and new knowledge in Apiculture
1) One 1-day In-Service of Education training will be conducted to educate educators on apiculture, and bee-hive health and maintenance for pollination and honey production
Expected Outcomes:
At least 10 agriculture educators will learn new innovations and new knowledge on apiculture, and bee-hive health and maintenance for pollination and honey production
Post-event evaluations indicating change in knowledge and intentions to act on new information will be conducted. Missouri educators will complete SARE PDP post-event evaluation after workshops or events to assess short- and intermediate-term outcomes.
Missouri Initiative 5: Climate Smart Agriculture addressing the definition of “Climate Smart Agriculture” and its practices
To conduct a train the trainer workshop on Climate Smart Agriculture to educate educators on the different definitions of Climate Smart Agriculture, its objectives and its practices.
1) one 2-day train the trainer workshop on Climate Smart Agriculture.
2) one fact sheet on Climate Smart Agriculture will be developed and published on SARE website
Expected Outcomes:
At least 30 educators will learn about the definitions and suggested practices of climate smart agriculture from the workshop or from the guide-sheet
Post-event evaluations indicating change in knowledge and intentions to act on new information will be conducted.
Education of farmers and farmers' educators was conducted through one-on-one contact (Farm visits, phone calls/texts, emails, workshops, conferences, webinars, Exhibits) through indirect contacts with farmers and farmers' educators (publications and Facebook posts, facebook posts
Education & Outreach Initiatives
To develop a network of Horticulture educators and build communication and capacity in sustainable horticulture in Missouri.
The Horticulture industry in Missouri is poorly assessed. There is no clear picture of how much of each crop is produced where and by home. The initiative aims to assemble all the stakeholders of the industry [educators, USDA personnel including National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), and MDA personnel] to work together to identify our farmers, what they produce and how much they produce so we have a clear picture of the industry in Missouri. Knowing our farmers will allow outreach and education, which in turn will allow an increase in crop production and quality and an increase in our farmers’ income and profits.
Events and activities related to this initiative included:
- 1 meeting was conducted in Sikeston Missouri on 9/29/2023. 28 participants attended
- 82 newly recruited farmers - 7 farmers applied and got the farm number.
- 49 (out of 114) Farmers Resources Lists were developed for 49 counties (one per county).
Outcomes and impacts:
- The meeting started a discussion among the stakeholders of the Horticulture Industry of Missouri to assess the industry and start collecting data.
- 82 newly recruited farmers learned about the importance of the Farm Tracking Number and where and how to get it. 7 farmers applied and got the farm number for the first time. This farm number will allow farmers to access USDA programs. In return, USDA will learn about the existence and the farmer and what they produce and how much they produce.
- The Farmers Resources Lists allow the farmers of each county know about the resources that are available to them through Lincoln University, the University of Missouri, and USDA at the county level.
To educate agriculture educators on how to communicate and build trust with minority and underserved audiences.
There are six groups of Minority and underserved farmers in Missouri.(1)African American Farmers are underserved because sometimes low-literacy, history and stereotype prevent them from access to education directly or indirectly;(2)Hmong farmers;(3)Asian Farmers; and(4)Latino Farmers have limited access to education because they don’t speak English, and therefore, they have difficulty benefiting from an educational event or an educational publication;(5)Amish and Mennonite farmers are underserved because they can’t drive to an educational event and don’t have access to a computer to access educational material because of religious believes;(6)Veterans and Farmers with Disabilities are underserved because their access to education is limited due to mental or physical disabilities. Providing education and technical support to each one of these groups needs some skills to be successful. Beginning farmers and future farmers (young people wanting to become farmers in the future) may be considered underserved as their education may differ from that of well-established farmers.
Events and activities related to this initiative included:
- One Minority and Limited resources Farmers and Producers Conference was conducted in Sikeston MO on 1/29/2023 – 12 farmers’ educators attended (3 from NRCS, 1 from FSA, 1 from RD and 7 from LU).
- One presentation on “How to educate Hmong Farmers on Food Safety Modernization Act / Produce Safety Rule” was conducted at the National Project Directors’ Meeting of the Food Safety Outreach Program, in Tampa FL, on May 31, 2023 – 15 Farmers Educators stopped by the poster and heard the presentation (Faculty and Extesion Educators).
Outcomes and impacts:
- 12 Farmers educators learned about and practiced culture friendly methods to communicate with underserved farmers. One educator provided outreach and training publications to Hmong farmers. The evaluations indicated an average knowledge gain of 2.9 (on a scale from 1 to 5)
- 15 Educators learned about the necessity of translation in presentations and in curriculum development to non-English speaking farmers. No evaluations on knowledge gain were conducted.
To educate educators on the new innovations and new knowledge on the production and protection of small ruminants.
Consumption of small ruminants (especially goats) is increasing in popularity due health benefits. Through this initiative, we intend to strengthen this industry through training of educators on the importance of this industry in Missouri and the sustainable practices to produce and protect small ruminants.
Events and activities related to this initiative and the outcomes:
- One 2-day Face-to-Face in-service of education training on “Management of gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep and goats across Missouri” was conducted in Jefferson City MO, on 4/14-15/2023. 31 participants attended (2 from NRCS, 11 from the University of Missouri and 19 from Lincoln University) .
Outcomes and impacts:
- 31 Farmers’ Educators learned the newest information on how to grow and protect small ruminants sustainably in Missouri. The overall goal is for them to convey what they learned to farmers. The evaluations indicated an average knowledge gain of 2.7 (on a scale from 1 to 5).
To conduct a train the trainer workshop on Climate Smart Agriculture to educate educators on the different definitions of Climate Smart Agriculture, its objectives, and its practices.
The practices of Climate Smart Agriculture are still not fully understood. Through this initiative we intend to educate educators on the definition as well as the practices of Climate Smart Agriculture.
Events and activities related to this initiative included:
Nothing to report this period.
Outcomes and impacts:
Nothing to report this period.
Educational & Outreach Activities
Participation Summary:
Learning Outcomes
Project Outcomes
Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule (FSMA PSR) is relatively new, and all produce farmers must know of the rule, know if it applies to them, and if it does, they need to learn about the rule and how to comply with it. The training usually takes two days and is conducted in English by a Food Safety trainer with a Lead trainer in the training room. The trainers are usually Extension personnel trained on how to be trainers and certified.
Since the training is conducted in English, immigrant farmers that do not speak English, have difficulties getting the training although it is mandatory for all farmers that are not exempt from the rule.
Lincoln University, in collaboration with the University of Missouri, developed a curriculum on how to educate Hmong farmers, and developed a handbook for Hmong farmers to practice food safety behavior based on produce safety alliance training. Two versions of the handbook were developed - one in English and one in Hmong. 6 Hmong farmers got the training (condensed in one day and translated to Hmong) in a classroom setting. The farmers also got certified on Food Safety. The handbooks are also used by the University of Minnesota for the education of Hmong farmers on Food Safety.
Same handbook could be translated toother languages to benefit other immigrant farmers that do not speak English.
Face of SARE
Face of SARE:
SARE exhibits were presented at:
- The 2023 Great Plains Conference in Saint Joseph MO on 01/13-14/2023: 272 people attended.
- Missouri State Fair in Sedalia MO, on 8/10-20/2023 08/2023. About 200 people attended.
- Missouri Governor's Conference on Agriculture in Osage Beach MO, on 11/16-17/2023
- Minority and Limited Resources Conference in Sikeston MO, on 9/29/2023