Giant Miscanthus Production on Maryland Eastern Shore’s Marginal Land: Grassroots Efforts to Restore Profitable Agriculture

Final report for ONE21-392

Project Type: Partnership
Funds awarded in 2021: $25,801.00
Projected End Date: 11/30/2024
Grant Recipient: University of Maryland
Region: Northeast
State: Maryland
Project Leader:
Dr. Sarah Hirsh
University of Maryland
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Project Information


On the Eastern Shore of Maryland in certain areas close to the Chesapeake Bay tributaries or low elevation, three serious challenges have arisen: saltwater intrusion, frequent flooding events and increased deer pressure. These once fertile fields for growing agronomic crops have been left fallow or suffered total yield losses. Preliminary research indicated that Giant miscanthus (Miscanthus giganteus) could withstand these marginal conditions. Giant miscanthus is a sterile hybrid warm season grass that was bred to be a biomass crop. The goal of this study was to evaluate a 10 acre commercially managed field of giant miscanthus in an area where all three factors (saltwater intrusion, deer pressure, and flooding) were present. Our research methods included observations about deer traffic using wildlife cameras, soil moisture monitoring at different depths in six areas of the field, soil sodium (Na) measurements, and 20 x 12 m subplot yield measurements.

Results indicated that giant miscanthus could be grown successfully on most areas of the marginal field. Levels of Na in the field ranged from 57-510 ppm Na, with an average of 174 ppm Na. This level of Na would cause crop stress that would result in yield loss to corn or soybean. Deer were observed frequently in the field, but did not affect the growth of giant miscanthus. All parts of the field remained flooded during winter months, as measured by soil moisture sensors. In areas of the field where intermittent flooding was present throughout the growing season, giant miscanthus grew successfully. Only areas of the field which remained flooded year-round were not able to viably grow giant miscanthus. Overall yields for the entire field were 2.8 tons per acre and 4.8 tons per acre in the first- and second-years, respectively. Average first- and second-year yields on prime land for growing giant miscanthus would be 2.5-3 tons per acre and 6 tons per acre, respectively (personal communication with grower).

Project investigators presented on giant miscanthus project at 2 field-days or workshops, 7 oral presentation, 2 webinars, 2 poster presentations. Project investigators wrote 2 factsheets about giant miscanthus and an article for University of Maryland Extension Agronomy News. The project was featured in 4 news publications. We directly reached 553 farmers participants and 574 agricultural educator or service providers through our education and outreach activities.

Project Objectives:

This project seeks to:

1)     Perform research about giant miscanthus growth on marginal land

The field will serve as an important next step to make observations about potential issues and the outlook of this crop on marginal land. Correlations between soil moisture and soil salt content with miscanthus yield will be important for researchers to understand how this crop performs in coastal marginal land. The field will also allow researchers to study miscanthus tolerance to deer. The field-scale (10 acre) planting of miscanthus by our collaborating farmer will allow researchers to study a range of soil conditions and to study deer behavior in a realistic environment.

2)     Foster regionally relevant education about giant miscanthus

The planting will provide a field-scale demonstration of miscanthus for regional farmers to observe. Through field-day and workshop education events the project will educate regional farmers about this crop and facilitate a grassroots effort among farmers to discuss the viability of this crop as an option for marginal land.


In low lying areas on the Eastern Shore of Maryland cropland has been subject to sea-level rise and saltwater intrusion, causing farmers to abandon growing conventional crops (corn, soybean, wheat) on some fields. Affected land will continue to expand over the next century (Boesch et al., 2018). In addition, farmers are abandoning land due to extreme deer pressure from both white-tailed and sika deer. Farmers express interest in growing crops and crop varieties that are deer resistant or not affected by deer herbivory. 

The proposed project investigates growing giant miscanthus (Miscanthus x giganteus) on marginal land on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. There is a need to find crops that grow on marginal land and have a regional market. A needs assessment of farmers on the Eastern Shore of Maryland found that “marketing opportunities for local products” ranked as the highest need in the area of farm management (Behnke et al., 2019). Giant miscanthus is a promising crop for Maryland with a burgeoning market. Furthermore, miscanthus can provide an array of environmental benefits.

Our collaborating farmer has approximately 500 acres of marginal land in Dorchester County, Maryland, which no longer supports rowcrop production due to prolonged periods of flooding, saltwater intrusion and heavy deer pressure. In recent years the field was planted into soybean, but yielded no harvestable crop. As a result, the farmer is interested in the prospects of growing giant miscanthus on this land. However, miscanthus requires a large initial investment of approximately $1200/acre simply to acquire rhizomes and rent specialized planting equipment. Because of the high upfront costs and the lack of field-scale trials of miscanthus on marginal land, farmers are not able to risk planting miscanthus on marginal land. While miscanthus is one of the most promising perennial herbaceous industrial crops worldwide, cultivation is lacking due to high initial costs and low biomass potential during the crop establishment period (von Cossel et al., 2019).  A 10 acre field that will serve as both a demonstration and research plot will be planted by our collaborating farmer to investigate the viability of giant miscanthus on marginal land. Giant miscanthus is a perennial crop (maintaining maximum biomass for up to 15 years) and requires minimal inputs after establishment (Kalmbach et al., 2020).

Studies gathering data on the tolerance of alternative crops to environmental stressors are often performed in small plots or pots. This project is unique as we propose miscanthus be planted on a 10 acre field that is representative of the typical marginal land in this region, posing multiple environmental stressors (salt, flooding, and deer pressure) and being managed with commercial scale equipment by an experienced farmer. In addition, this field-scale trial will serve as a demonstration site for educational events. We propose holding educational workshops to discuss the agronomy and economics of miscanthus as well as a facilitated roundtable meeting of local farmers to discuss the efficacy of giant miscanthus as a viable crop for marginal land in the region.


Click linked name(s) to expand/collapse or show everyone's info
  • Dr. Sarah Hirsh (Educator and Researcher)
  • Dr. Haley Sater - Technical Advisor (Educator and Researcher)
  • Dr. Jon Moyle (Educator and Researcher)
  • Ben Flahart - Producer
  • Bud Malone


Materials and methods:

1)     Perform research about giant miscanthus growth on marginal land

The collaborating farmer contacted the giant miscanthus rhizome supplier company (AgroTech) as well as a neighboring farmer who grows giant miscanthus on prime land at a commercial scale. The collaborating farmer coordinated with AgroTech and the local neighboring farmer to plant and establish the miscanthus on two small fields (total of approximately 10 acres). Giant miscanthus is recommended to be planted in either early spring or fall according to rhizome availability and field-conditions, which varies by weather and other factors both on the Eastern Shore and in North Carolina where the rhizomes are grown. In our study, the giant miscanthus was planted on 7 Jun 2022, approximately 2 months later than anticipated, due to weather and equipment availability.

We divided the field using GPS technology into a grid with 20 x 0.5 acre subdivisions (Figure 1). In order to characterize field conditions we took soil samples on 6/24/22 in each 0.5 acre subdivision (sample of 20 composite cores per subdivision). Those 20 cores were taken along a straight transect diagonally across each plot. Complete soil analyses were completed by AgroLab (Harrington, DE), which included all of the basic measurements (pH, nutrients, CEC, etc.) as well as total salts, salinity, and nitrogen.

Detailed observations and measurements were made in 20 x 1 m2 quadrats (Figure 1). These 20 quadrats were located within each of the 20 0.5 acre subdivisions. The following observations and measurements were taken in the quadrats:

  • Soil samples (sample of 10 composite cores per quadrat) were taken on 3/10/23. Complete soil analyses were completed by AgroLab (Harrington, DE), which included all of the basic measurements (pH, nutrients, CEC, etc.) as well as total salts, salinity, and nitrogen.
  • Sprouted rhizome count to determine emergence and stand establishment was completed on 8/15/22.
  • Heights of miscanthus was measured on 8/15/22.
  • Total biomass of miscanthus post dry down and leaf drop was measured on 3/10/23.

We monitored soil moisture continuously from planting through the first year of growth using Watermark soil moisture sensors and datalogging equipment. We measured soil moisture at 2”, 6”, 12”, and 18” soil depths within six of the 1 m2 quadrats (Figure 1). Quadrats were chosen that spanned the obvious drainage variability in the field--two in flooded areas, two in dry areas, and two in what appeared to be intermediate areas.  

In order to assess deer pressure on giant miscanthus, we walked down four miscanthus rows on 9/1/22 and 10/26/22 and recorded the number of leaves that were grazed by deer. We also set-up two wildlife cameras and counted the number of deer sightings during the first year of growth. 

We will perform a regression analysis to correlate miscanthus yield versus salt content, total salts, nutrient content, and other factors. We will perform a multivariate analysis to determine which soil factors most influence miscanthus yield.

In addition, the collaborating farmer will provide miscanthus yield data from the whole field at the end of the season. Through interviews with the collaborating farmer, we will document experiences and challenges involved with planting miscanthus on marginal land.

Figure 1. Map of 0.5 acre field subdivisions, 1 m2 quadrats, and soil moisture monitoring equipment locations.


2)     Foster regionally relevant education about giant miscanthus

We will hold a series of five educational programs introducing giant miscanthus and facilitating farmer discussion. Topics will include:

1)     Introduction to giant miscanthus and basics of production; Discussion of AgroTech partnership and potential markets (Virtual webinar)

2)     Experience growing giant miscanthus on marginal land and results of research study (Virtual webinar)

3)     Crop budget and economic analysis (Virtual webinar)

4)     Tour of miscanthus growing on marginal land (In-person field-day)

5)     Facilitated roundtable farmer discussion of whether miscanthus is a viable crop on marginal land in the region (grassroots efforts to garner grower interest and support and get ideas/engage). Example topics of discussion include, "What support would farmers need to make this crop more viable?", and "How does miscanthus compare with other options such as conservation easements or other crops?" (In-person meeting)

Research results and discussion:

Giant miscanthus growth and yield

We found that giant miscanthus successfully grew in marginal conditions with some yield reduction. On August 15th, 2022 there was an average of 3.8 rhizomes per 1 meter area in the 20 subplots with a minimum of 2 and maximum of 7 rhizomes. On August 15th, 2022 plant height in the 20 subplots ranged between 26 and 42 inches.  Even though the giant miscanthus was planted fairly late in the spring of 2022, it emerged in most parts of the field. Places with spotty or no giant miscanthus coverage were waterlogged a significant portion of the growing season. By December of 2022, giant miscanthus had flowered and reached between 5-9 feet in height. 

Yield on average in year one (March 2023) was 2.8 tons of dry biomass per acre and yield on average in year two (February 2024) was 4.8 tons per acre (Figure 2). Average first- and second-year yields on prime land for growing miscanthus would be 2.5-3 tons per acre and 6 tons per acre, respectively (personal communication with grower). Giant miscanthus does not reach its full biomass yield potential until the third growing season, where it can ideally yield between 7-12 tons per acre (Kalmbach, et al., 2020).

Figure 2. Average giant miscanthus yield


Sodium in the soil

Soil results from the 20 subdivisions are listed below (Table 1). Sodium levels are considered high in all subdivisions.

Table 1. Baseline soil characteristics

Field Subdivision pH sodium (ppm) soluble salts (EC mmho/cm) nitrate-N (ppm N) ammonium-N (ppm) phosphorus (ppm) potassium (ppm) CEC (meq/100g) organic matter (%)
1 5.7 280 0.82 13.7 6.8 81 96 7.2 2.4
2 5.8 150 0.74 16.1 5.3 70 123 7.8 2.5
3 5.6 400 1.39 17.2 7.5 169 182 9 2.9
4 5.7 120 0.69 13.8 9 73 170 7 2.1
5 5.8 160 0.87 17.3 8.3 81 129 9.7 2.3
6 5.7 150 0.76 23.2 7.9 95 138 7.4 2.5
7 5.6 160 0.88 14 9 74 125 7.2 2.1
8 5.8 190 0.93 21.5 10.4 58 91 7.4 2.2
9 5.8 550 1.54 8.4 3.5 127 101 10 2.8
10 5.6 420 1.36 6.4 5.7 110 64 8.6 2.7
11 5.7 260 0.75 6.3 1.7 85 50 6.8 2.7
12 5.7 210 0.65 7.4 1.8 84 45 6.6 2.5
13 5.9 280 0.51 7.4 1.4 87 70 7.4 2.7
14 5.7 620 1.67 8.3 3.3 136 110 9.2 2.5
15 5.8 270 0.74 6.6 0.8 79 58 7.1 2.5
16 5.8 400 1.07 7.4 6.9 129 93 7.9 3
17 5.7 520 1.38 6 1.6 148 113 9.4 2.9
18 5.6 460 1.13 7.6 2.5 142 111 9 2.8
19 6.1 300 0.91 8.2 1.8 78 68 8.1 2.6
20 6.2 430 1.13 6.9 5.2 153 98 8.4 2.3

Soil results from the 20 quadrats are listed below (Table 2). Levels of sodium (Na) in the field ranged from 57-510 ppm Na, with an average of 174 ppm Na. This level of Na would cause crop stress that would result in yield loss to corn or soybean. A normal range of Na in Delmarva row crop land is 5-40 ppm (University of Delaware, 2024). Higher concentrations of Na correlated somewhat with reduced giant miscanthus biomass yield, more so in the second year than in the first year (Figure 3).

Table 2. Soil characteristics from quadrats

Quadrat pH soluble salts nitrate-N (ppm N) ammonium-N (ppm) P (ppm) potassium (ppm) calcium (ppm) magnesium (ppm) sulfur (ppm) Boron (ppm) zinc (ppm) manganese (ppm) copper (ppm) sodium (ppm) CEC (meq/100g) H % sat K % sat Ca % sat Mg % sat Na % sat organic matter (%) Al (ppm) Iron (ppm)
1 6.8 0.16 1.3 9.2 43 121 729 187 8 0.69 1.89 150 0.92 70 6.1 5 5 59 25 5 2.3 930 150
2 6.2 0.35 1.2 9 151 117 431 180 27 0.9 2.48 140 1.28 170 5.4 12 6 40 28 14 2.6 1100 290
3 6.4 0.24 0.6 6.2 49 91 675 169 19 0.7 2.06 110 0.98 110 6 9 4 56 23 8 1.7 890 180
4 6.3 0.15 0.4 4.7 58 139 621 99 11 0.66 2.29 120 1.33 70 5.1 10 7 61 16 6 2.2 870 170
5 6.1 0.13 1.2 6 121 159 598 113 13 0.71 3.34 81 1.78 72 5.4 13 8 55 18 6 2.4 1100 220
6 6.2 0.11 1 6.9 95 166 512 77 10 0.68 2.4 120 1.46 57 4.4 12 10 57 15 6 2.3 1000 210
7 6.2 0.16 0.6 6.9 49 105 618 106 17 0.71 1.95 110 0.95 61 5.1 11 5 61 17 5 2.7 820 170
8 6.1 0.27 1 9.2 74 41 759 126 23 0.75 2.3 150 1.06 70 6 13 2 63 17 5 2.5 870 210
9 5.6 0.78 1.4 6.9 92 55 882 209 39 0.74 2.19 130 1.27 260 9.8 24 1 45 18 12 2.4 1400 190
10 5.9 0.21 0.6 3.8 75 28 460 136 24 0.6 1.29 91 1.08 98 4.7 16 2 49 24 9 2.3 1300 170
11 5.8 0.31 1.7 10.1 104 29 768 142 29 0.66 1.77 110 1.19 100 6.9 19 1 56 17 6 3.4 1400 170
12 5.9 0.19 0.1 5.3 94 21 451 85 25 0.6 1.45 130 0.99 82 4 16 1 56 18 9 2.3 1300 170
13 6.1 0.16 0.1 4.9 108 27 610 136 21 0.68 1.65 98 1.32 74 5.3 14 1 58 21 6 2.5 1300 190
14 6 0.95 0.2 4 120 73 482 293 26 0.89 1.84 83 1.05 510 8.6 15 2 28 29 26 2.2 1200 250
15 6.3 0.3 1.2 6.4 71 47 497 173 17 0.8 1.27 87 1 140 5.2 10 2 48 28 12 2.5 1100 250
16 5.9 0.8 0.2 5.2 86 49 496 210 39 0.84 1.53 87 0.93 320 6.9 17 2 36 25 20 2.5 1300 240
17 6.6 0.54 0.4 4.9 93 67 497 192 22 0.76 1.08 150 0.96 310 6 7 3 41 27 22 2.5 1400 190
18 6.2 0.59 0.1 4.2 125 79 450 241 31 0.92 1.34 73 1.06 350 6.8 12 3 33 30 22 2.5 1400 280
19 6.5 0.28 1 4.1 106 34 765 216 20 0.92 1.76 100 1.51 170 7 7 1 55 26 11 2.9 1300 240
20 6.5 0.64 1.1 5.7 240 93 511 250 27 1.2 4.66 130 1.12 390 7.1 8 3 36 29 24 1.7 1100 300

Figure 3. Correlation between yield and sodium


Soil moisture

Soil moisture data was collected using Watermark 200SS soil moisture sensors placed in five areas of the field. The areas were selected to span the moisture gradient of the field. At each collection point, moisture was measured at 3”, 6”, 12”, 18”, and 32”. Especially at deeper depths, the field was frequently or constantly saturated (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Soil moisture

The entire study field stayed waterlogged during the winter months. The duration of waterlogging affected both giant miscanthus growth and yield potential. Areas of the field where the soil stayed saturated throughout the winter and summer months had dramatically reduced giant miscanthus growth compared to areas of the field where the soil was saturated in the winter months but only intermittently during the summer months. In the year-round waterlogged parts of the field, giant miscanthus had shorter stand height, weaker stems and experienced lodging (Figure 5). The giant miscanthus grew equally well in the parts of the field that were intermittently flooded in the summer compared to the driest parts of the field (Figure 6). 

Woman holding computer, collecting data from a datalogging box; woman is standing with rubber boots in flooded part of field, surrounded by poor growth stand of giant miscanthus
Figure 5. Giant miscanthus growing in year-round waterlogged part of field; soil moisture data collection from wettest part of the field. Photo credit Sarah Hirsh.
Mature, dried down giant miscanthus growing on the edge of a water-logged part of the field
Figure 6. Giant miscanthus can grow on land affected by severe deer damage, saltwater intrusion, and waterlogging. Photo credit Haley Sater.


Deer pressure

The field had heavy deer pressure based on edge-of-field wildlife camera photos and observed deer tracks and paths in the field (Figures 7 and 8). However, no deer browsing of giant miscanthus was observed in the field.

Figure 7. Deer sightings

Figure 8. Deer prints in mud and deer on camera



Kalmbach, B., Toor, G., & Ruppert, D. (2020). Soil fertility recommendations-nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium requirements of miscanthus. University of Maryland. EB-443.

University of Delaware. (2024). Agriculture and salt issues. Delmarva Saltwater Intrusion. Retrieved October 10, 2024,

Research conclusions:

Farmers and land managers with marginal land are seeking alternative options to row crop production that will allow them to remain profitable while sustainably managing their land. The University of Maryland Extension and the collaborating farmer performed a three year research trial on marginal land facing severe deer pressure, saltwater intrusion and waterlogging. The marginal conditions of this field resulted in multiple consecutive years of total soybean crop failure prior to this project. We found that giant miscanthus was a versatile and resilient crop that can be grown on marginal land where other traditional agronomic crops can no longer be profitably grown. Yield on average in year one was 2.8 tons of dry biomass per acre and yield on average in year two was 4.8 tons per acre, whereas average first- and second-year yields on prime land for growing giant miscanthus would be 2.5-3 tons per acre and 6 tons per acre, respectively (personal communication with grower). We found giant miscanthus can withstand deer damage, saltwater intrusion and waterlogging, which make it a valuable option for farmers in Maryland looking to diversify their crops and improve the sustainability of their operations.

Participation Summary
2 Farmers participating in research

Education & Outreach Activities and Participation Summary

20 Consultations
2 Curricula, factsheets or educational tools
5 Published press articles, newsletters
1 Tours
11 Webinars / talks / presentations
2 Workshop field days
3 Other educational activities: 2 poster presentations
Meeting with Maryland Department of Agriculture about potential giant miscanthus markets and cost-share

Participation Summary:

553 Farmers participated
574 Number of agricultural educator or service providers reached through education and outreach activities
Education/outreach description:

Project PIs presented on giant miscanthus project at the following events and outreach platforms:

  • Webinar – Miscanthus: Inputs, maintenance, and return. University of Maryland Extension Nutrient Management Research Recap. Virtual. Feb 2022. 17 attendees.
  • Presentation – Miscanthus as a potential alternative crop for the Easter Shore. Lower Eastern Shore Precision Agriculture Day. Princess Anne, MD. March 2022. 120 attendees.
  • Presentation – Giant miscanthus grass as a poultry house buffer. Buffer Demo Day. Lower Eastern Shore Research Center. Salisbury, MD. 10 Jun 2022. 56 attendees.
  • Presentation – Production of miscanthus on salt-water intruded soils. 2022 National Association of Conservation Districts Northeast Region & Maryland Association of Soil Conservation Districts Annual Meeting. Cambridge, MD. Aug 2022. 30 attendees.
  • Poster – Giant miscanthus production on Maryland Eastern Shore marginal land: Grassroots efforts to research an alternative crop. Maryland Commodity Classic. Queenstown, MD. 27 Jul 2023. 100 attendees.
  • Presentation – Miscanthus: an alternative crop for marginal land? National Association of County Agricultural Agents Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference. Des Moines, IA. 15 Aug 2023. 12 attendees.
  • Poster – Giant miscanthus production on Maryland Eastern Shore marginal land: Grassroots efforts to research an alternative crop. National Association of County Agricultural Agents Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference. Des Moines, IA. 13-17 Aug 2023. 200 views. Extension Research Poster Contest, 3rd Place National Winner.
  • Workshop and Virtual tour – Giant miscanthus production on marginal land. Salisbury, MD. 24 Aug 2023. 20 attendees.
  • Presentation – A grassroots effort on the Eastern Shore to produce an alternative crop giant miscanthus on marginal land. University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Cornerstone Event: Advancing agricultural production systems. College Park, MD. 24 Oct 2023. 20 attendees.
  • Presentation – Miscanthus as an alternative crop on marginal land. Lower Shore Agronomy Day. 26 Jan 2024, Princess Anne, MD. 144 attendees.
  • Webinar – Miscanthus as an alternative crop in the Mid-Atlantic. Women in Ag Webinars. 13 Feb 2024. 179 views.
  • Field-day – Giant miscanthus production on marginal land. Vienna, MD. 21 Feb 2024. 29 attendees.
  • Presentation – Giant miscanthus production on Maryland Eastern Shore’s Marginal Land: Grassroots efforts to restore profitable agriculture. Salinity-Affected Lands in Transition (SALT) Conference. Cambridge, MD. Jun 2024. 200 attendees.

Original Publications

  • Hirsh, S., Sater, H., Moyle, J. (In Press). FS-2024-0735 Growing giant miscanthus on marginal land: A sustainable solution for challenging conditions. University of Maryland Extension. College Park, MD. [Factsheet]
  • Sater, H., Hirsh, S., Moyle, J. (In Press). FS-2024-0734 Giant miscanthus (Miscanthus × giganteus): A perennial biomass crop. University of Maryland Extension. College Park, MD. [Factsheet]
  • Hirsh, S., Sater, H., Moyle, J. (2024). Growing giant miscanthus on marginal land. University of Maryland Extension Agronomy News. Volume 15, Issue 8. pp 8-9.

News Features

  • Schweitzer, R. Delmarva trials giant miscanthus for salt-intruded and flooded land. Lancaster Farming. 31 Aug 2023. Interviewed collectively with Sarah Hirsh, Jon Moyle, and Kurt Vollmer and quoted in article, supplied photos for article. 59,500 paid subscribers.
  • Kast, S., Bermas-Dawes, S. Rising tides, saltier waters are a challenge for farmers along the Chesapeake Bay. National Public Radio, On The Record. 5 Dec 2023. Interviewed in radio broadcast segment. WYPR with sister stations WYPF WYPO reaches over 150,000 listeners per week in Maryland including Frederick on to the Eastern Shore.
  • Cutlip, K. Cultivating the future. Momentumd. University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Winter 2024. pp 16-19. Available in print or online. Work featured on front cover and article of magazine.
  • Metz, K. Ridgely farm uses miscanthus grass as innovative crop. The Star Democrat. June 2024. Available in print or online. Interviewed and quoted in article.

Learning Outcomes

1 Farmers reported changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills and/or awareness as a result of their participation
Key areas in which farmers reported changes in knowledge, attitude, skills and/or awareness:

-How well giant miscanthus grew in flooded and salt-intruded land

-Ability of giant miscanthus to withstand deer pressure

-Planting, managing, and harvesting giant miscanthus

-Information about markets for giant miscanthus

Project Outcomes

1 Farmers changed or adopted a practice
9 New working collaborations
Project outcomes:

Farmers and agriculture service providers who attended giant miscanthus programs and presentations were very interested and impressed with the growth and yield potential of giant miscanthus on marginal land. Many farmers expressed interest in growing giant miscanthus on their marginal land, if additional markets for the product become available. Multiple entrepreneurial and governments individuals and agencies have reached out to us to discuss our project results and to discuss potential opportunities to expand giant miscanthus markets.

Feedback from giant miscanthus field-day (2/21/24), "excellent program today; I learned more today than I have in the past year."

Assessment of Project Approach and Areas of Further Study:

We believe our study's approach was successful. In particular, the field-scale (10 acres), rather than small plot size, was beneficial. The field-scale permitted us to study a wider range of flooding and salt-level conditions, it was a realistic setting to measure deer pressure, and a better representation for farmers to see giant miscanthus grown at scale using commercial equipment. 

We successfully promoted our outreach events and were able to reach 1127 participants at programs or presentations, as well as discussing our project results in five news publications, including National Public Radio, Lancaster Farming, The Star Democrat, University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Momentumd, and University of Maryland Extension Agronomy News.

A challenge presented itself when the field site was sold by our collaborating farmer toward the end of the project. This is always a risk when doing on-farm research.

We successfully answered our study questions, investigating if giant miscanthus would grow on marginal land. We plan to continue working with giant miscanthus on marginal land, and our expand our research to address remaining barriers for farmers to adopt this crop in the region. Additionally, we plan to study best potential markets and promote market development in our region.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or SARE.