Sycamore Syrup: Generating Farm Income and Protecting Riparian Zones in West Virginia

Final report for ONE21-404

Project Type: Partnership
Funds awarded in 2021: $29,996.00
Projected End Date: 06/30/2023
Grant Recipient: Future Generations University
Region: Northeast
State: West Virginia
Project Leader:
Dr. Michael Rechlin
Future Generations University
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Project Information


American Sycamore (Plantanus occidentalis) is a diffuse porous hardwood that can produce sugary sap that can be turned into syrup. With the movement towards natural sweeteners and the new successful market of black walnut syrup, sycamore syrup could be a new high value product for maple syrup producers, but there is not much known about sycamore sap flow and syrup production. This study was designed to explore the basics of sycamore sap flow, collection, and syrup production.

This study employed three different research sites to look at sap flow data, weather data, and syrup production. Each site was set up with a small sap collection system with remote, solar powered vacuum pump, RO (reverse osmosis) bucket, and rocket stove evaporator. These syrup production systems were paired with weather stations, allowing for detailed weather data to be collected at each site. This data was paired with information collected by partner farmers on sap flow, sugar content, vacuum levels, and syrup sales.

Researchers found that sycamores do not have a fall sap season and require some vacuum to produce sap. Overall, one sycamore tap produces approximately 5.7 gallons of sap per year at 0.5% sugar. By the Jones Rule of 86, each sycamore tap produces 0.03 gallons of syrup. It was also observed that sycamore trees may run better in colder weather.

Though these numbers may not mean much out of context, they provide the basis for syrup producers to plan their business and look at the economic viability of a sycamore syrup industry. Using best bulk price estimates for sycamore syrup and the data from this study, it is predicted that approximately $1,000 worth of sycamore syrup can be produced from 100 taps. Through the insite found in this study, a door has been opened for producers to enter the sycamore syrup industry.

Project Objectives:
  1. This project seeks to discover the proper time to tap American Sycamore (Plantanus occidentalis) trees to maximize the volume and sweetness of the sap collected. This will allow farmers to increase yield and quality of this specialty crop and thereby increase potential sales.
  2. This project seeks to determine the optimal level of vacuum that should be applied to sap lines in order to maximize sap flow. Answering this question will allow farmers to develop superior sap collection strategies that improve the reliability of this crop.
  3. This project will test the efficacy of sap collection spouts specifically designed for walnut trees in a previous NR SARE project (ONE19-347) on Sycamore sap collection. It will be designed to reduce sap leakage and increase yield, thus increasing the amount of syrup farmers can process and sell from their sycamore tapping operations.

Vegetated riparian zones provide essential ecosystem services, such as erosion control, stream bank stabilization, water pollution mitigation, flood control, and critical wildlife habitat (Gregory, et. al., 1991). However, regulations protecting these streamside regions are often looked at as a loss for farmers and woodland owners. These typically established protected zones prohibit clearing for crops or pasture, limit timber harvesting, and, at times, place restrictions on livestock grazing. A dominant species of many riparian areas is American sycamore (Platanus occidentallis); it is often referred to as a “trash species'' for its low timber value (Wells & Schmidtling, 2003).


This project proposes to take this “trash species” and turn it into a “treasure,” making riparian zone protection not a loss, but a new source of farm income. Historically, as farmers up north tapped maple trees for sugar, Appalachian farmers tapped sycamores in addition to their maples. As a diffuse porous hardwood, sycamore trees pressurize their xylem in the spring, and when tapped exude a sweet sap (Rechlin, 2016). Just as the maple syrup industry is a mainstay of many farm economies of the north, sycamore syrup production could become an important source of farm incomes within its more southerly range, extending through Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and West Virginia (McAlpine & Applefield, 1973). West Virginia, alone, has 9.6 million sycamore trees of tappable size, and these four states combined have 13.4 million trees (USDA Forest Service, 2021).


Specialty syrups are gaining an increasing market share in the local food economy. Bourbon barrel-aged maple syrup as well as maple syrup infused with everything from coffee to lavender are in high demand, bringing up to three times the sale price of plain maple syrup. The bulk price of walnut syrup is presently $275/gallon as opposed to $26/gallon for maple syrup. New Leaf Tree Syrups ( has a standing offer to purchase sycamore syrup at that same $275/gallon price. The problem, however, is that there is none on the market. With this price per gallon and the gallons per tree and sugar content data the Future Generations University research team has collected over the past three years, the estimated value of sycamore syrup that could be produced in West Virginia is 227.7 million dollars per year if all sycamores were used to their syrup potential.

This project will do the research and extension necessary to solve that problem. The objectives and hypotheses posed in this proposal will develop the tapping practices needed to turn the historic Appalachian practice of making sycamore syrup into a valuable new agricultural commodity. By tapping the “treasure” of riparian zones, it will provide a direct economic benefit to farmers from buffer zone protection. 


Gregory, Stanley V., et al. “An Ecosystem Perspective of Riparian Zones.” BioScience, vol. 41, no. 8, 1991, pp. 540–51.

McAlpine, Robert G., and Milton Applefield. American Sycamore.. an American Wood. U.S. Government Printing Office, US Department of Agriculture Forest Service, 1973.

Rechlin, Michael. Maple Syrup: An Introduction to the Science of a Forest Treasure. McDonald & Woodward Publishing Company, 2016.

USDA Forest Service. “Design and Analysis Tool for Inventory and Monitoring.” Design and Analysis Tool for Inventory and Monitoring, 21 Mar. 2021,

Wells, O. O., and R. C. Schmidtling. “Platanaceae -- Sycamore Family.” Platanus Occidentalis L. Sycamore, US Department of Agriculture Forest Service, 2003,


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Materials and methods:

In partnership with four collaborating farmers, Future Generations University will be conducting research and field-testing practices to maximize sap flow from sycamore trees. At the University’s sycamore research site, the team will continue to grow the data set for sycamore tree tapping and sap collection practices. This site was established for sycamore sap research in 2018 and data was collected in the 2018, 2019, and 2021 sap/syrup seasons. Initially, tapping and sap collection practices used in maple and walnut syrup operations were adapted to the unique physiological characteristics of sycamore and the ecological characteristics of sycamore’s riparian habitat. This preliminary data collection has defined the research methodology to be used with partner farmers during this expanded site phase of research. 


Year 1. (2021 - 2022 sapflow season) 

Partner farmer study sites

  1. Partner farmers will be provided with the materials necessary to set up a sycamore two sap collection systems. These include: sap bag taps, bag holders, and bags as well as sap collection tubing and standard maple spouts, a diaphragm vacuum pump, pump controller, and a sap storage tank. They will also be provided with a volumetric measure, and a digital refractometer to measure sap flow and sap sweetness.
  2. Technical on-site support in setting up their study site will be provided by Future Generations University researcher, Kate Fotos, to assure uniformity at all four field/partner farmer sites. In addition to setting up the tubbing and sap collection system, each tree’s diameter will be measured, its basal area calculated, and its position in the riparian zone GPS mapped. A WeatherStation will also be installed at each research site.
  3. Partner farmers will be responsible for collecting data on sap volume, by observing volume in the sap collection tank, and sweetness, using the digital refractometer. Sap data as well as weather data will be reported weekly. This will allow our University researcher to monitor conditions at each study site during the time of data collection.


Future Generations University research site:

  1. Related to Objective #1. The University research site will be used to test the hypothesis that Sycamore has two distinct sap flow seasons. It will be monitor stem pressure buildup in sycamore trees. It has been hypothesized that a fall sap flow season may occur, and that it may result in more profuse sap flow than the winter season due a combination of stem pressure and root pressure. The University research team plans on conducting a fall tapping as well as time lapse photo monitoring of gauge readings to test this hypothesis.
  2. Related to Objectives #2. During the “normal” winter/spring sap flow season, the University’s research trees will be tapped and the sap collected in a similar way to that of the partnering farmers. However, at the University site two parallel sap collection lines and two spouts will be installed in each tree; one spout feeding into each line. Sap from each line will be collected using two distinct pumps. This system will allow us to vary the vacuum level separately on the two lines as the research team investigates the optimal level of vacuum for sap extraction from sycamore trees.
  3. Data on sap flow volume and sweetness will be collected and recorded using similar methodologies to that of the partner farmer sites.
  4. Additionally, with private foundation funding, the University propose to work with Marshall University to chemically profile sycamore sap and syrup. Although not formally part of this proposal or to be funded through this grant, this chemical analysis, particularly looking at the type of sugars, will help dictate sap evaporation processes, and augment the knowledge base that will be needed to bring sycamore sap production to scale and expand the commercialization of this new agricultural product. 


Year 2. (2022-2023 sap flow season)

Partnering farmer study sites

  1. During the second year of the study partner farmers will adapt the maple tapping procedures used in year 1 to the sap collection optimization knowledge generated through the University’s year 1 studies of tap timing, of sap flow, and optimal level of vacuum. 
  2. Data collection and reporting will be the same as the first year, allowing us to document at multiple sites any production changes.
  3. During the second year of the study partner farmer sites will become extension centers to disseminate knowledge of sycamore sap flow and syrup production. Experience from the University’s preliminary studies shows that tapping sycamore trees creates a lot of interest. Passersby cannot help but to stop and look. These observations are often followed by the comment “I think you tapped the wrong trees; those aren’t maples.” 


FGU Research Site

  1. During the second year of the grant, Objective 3 will be the focus of research at the University’s sycamore site. Sycamore wood is less dense than maple. We have learned in our walnut sap flow research that maximizing sap flow in less dense species also requires different tapping procedures. In an earlier Northeast SARE grant (ONE19-347), we developed a sap spout and tapping procedures for walnut trees that increased sap flow by 83 percent on average (Rechlin, et. al., 2020). Working with the West Virginia Department of Agriculture and Marshall University’s Robert C. Byrd Institute for Advanced Manufacturing, we plan on having these walnut spouts manufactured and out for testing the first year of this project. In this second grant year, we plan on testing the efficacy of the new spouts on Sycamore, while at the same time developing tapping procedures specific to this new species.
  2. The University’s study site will also be repeating the successful research of the first year on vacuum and timing of tapping, adding validity to any findings. 
  3. In addition, the University intends to organize a sycamore syrup production workshop, including tastings, at the research site.


Research results and discussion:

Year 1: (2021 - 2022 sapflow season) 

The project began in late summer with the development of a detailed work plan for the fall through sap season. These plans included scheduling wood lot assessments, ordering equipment for each partner site and the University research site. 


Six sycamore trees were tapped in November 2021 at the Future Generations University Sycamore Research Site and collection was set up using sap bags (rather than collection tubing lines). There were several small sap runs when the temperatures fluctuated appropriately, however the sugar content in the sap collected was negligible. Weather data also shows that it was an especially warm fall and early winter which may have impacted both the quantity of sap collected in the limited runs as well as any potential for measurable sugar content. 

In late October, the specific sycamore stand analysis (collecting DBH, GPS Location, etc) for each tree to be tapped. All of the required equipment, including site-specific needs such as solar power for pump setups, was ordered and during the months of November and December, equipment was delivered and set up with partner farmers. 


With the limited sap flow in the fall season, supported by previous research looking at the internal pressure generated by a sycamore, and the lower to negligible sugar content, it appears that a fall season would not be worth pursuing for sycamore. This conclusion is also supported by work done in the maple season as well, indicating that trying for a fall season is not necessarily beneficial to a sugaring operation because of lower production numbers and increased tree damage (van den Berg, 2020).


Year 2: 2022 Sap Flow Season


Production Data:


The first season of this project was focusing on the feasibility of the small vacuum system for sycamore, as well as testing the feasibility of producers making both maple syrup and sycamore syrup simultaneously. The data points collected were focused predominantly on sap production and how sap production responds to temperature fluctuations. Specifically, we asked producers to record, sap volume, sugar content, vacuum readings on their pump controllers each day. The weather stations at each site recorded temperature data over the course of the season. Some of this data was also augmented with information from local weather stations accessed through Weather Underground ( because of technical difficulties with the weather stations.


The first season of data collection focused on looking for indicators of sap flow and developing baseline data for each research site. Overall, there are few definitive conclusions we can draw from this initial data, but it is good descriptive data to look at what commercial sycamore syrup production entails. Future Generations University never received data from the Noonan research site, and the partner farmer stopped all contact.


Table 1. Sap production at each site compared to the number of taps and basal area across the research sites.


Number of Taps

Total Gallons Sap

Gallons Sap Per Tap

Gallons Sap Per 1 Basal Area

FGU Research Site





Hillsboro Maple Works





Ronk Family Farm






As indicated in Table 1, Hillsboro Maple Works greatly out performed both the FGU Research Site and Ronk Family Farm in sap production even when analyzed by tap. Looking at the next column, the sap production data has been analyzed to account for tree size discrepancies across the research sites using basal area. Tree size is a known indicator of potential sap output in maple (Isslehardt, et al., 2018). Focusing specifically on Hillsboro Maple Works and Ronk Family Farm, sap production per foot of basal area is far closer than sap production per tap. Indicating that the trees at each site were producing similarly, but the trees at Hillsboro were much larger than the trees at Ronk, accounting for more than double the sap production per tap. The FGU research site still lagged behind in sap production, which could be attributed to climatic or site specific factors. The FGU research site also had a shorter season than the Hillsboro and Ronk sites.


Table 2. Other production data from the three research sites.


Average Vacuum (inHg)

Average Brix

Potential Syrup Production (gal)

Potential Syrup per Tap (gal)

FGU Research Site





Hillsboro Maple Works





Ronk Family Farm

18 (only reading)

0.4 (only reading)




Looking at possible production discrepancies between the FGU research site and the other two reporting sites, it is important to analyze the vacuum system. Higher vacuum is directly correlated to greater sap production in maple (UVM Proctor, 2019). However, as seen in Table 2, there is not a significant difference in the average vacuum between the Hillsboro site and the FGU site over the course of the season, ruling this out as a possible explanation. This leads the researchers to believe that it was an unknown site difference or local weather difference that accounts for the difference in sap production at the FGU research site. The reason Ronk Family Farm is being excluded from this data is because only one vacuum reading was recorded, making it an unreliable data point because the other two research sites saw fluctuations in vacuum over the course of the season. Fluctuations in vacuum, especially with a diaphragm pump, are to be expected over the season.


Another important factor in syrup production is the sugar content of the sap, which is measured in Brix. From preliminary sycamore studies, it is known that the average brix for sycamore sap is lower than that of maple. This factors into the feasibility of sycamore syrup production because it determines the amount of sap it takes to make one gallon of syrup and has already been accounted for in the research design by providing RO buckets to all sites. The FGU Research Site had higher average Brix than the other two sites, which can be explained by tree and site differences. Genetic differences in individual trees, their canopy health and size, exposure to sun, and length of growing season can all cause Brix to be higher in certain trees even if they are of the same species (Taylor, 1956).


 Using the average Brix from each site and the Jones Rule of 86, the amount of syrup that each site could have produced was calculated. The FGU research team looked at potential syrup production to standardize for operator error and inherit volume loss in syrup processing. For confirmation that the calculations were accurate, Hillsboro Maple Works reported making 3 gallons and the FGU research site reported making 0.5 gallons of syrup. It is important to note that Ronk Family Farm was unable to make any sycamore syrup. Ronk Family Farm is at a lower altitude and further south than the other two sites and had on average warmer daily temperatures in 2022. In warm weather, sap spoils quickly, and Ronk Family Farms’ sap spoiled before they were able to process it. This does point to the possible added labor ask of processing both sycamore and maple sap at the same time. In terms of informing sycamore syrup production potential, the amount of syrup per tap was analyzed, and both Ronk Family Farms and FGU research site produced 0.02 gallons of syrup per tap and Hillsboro Maple Works produced 0.05 gallons of syrup per tap.


Table 3. Cumulative data from the three research sites from 2022.


Sap Per Tap (gal)


Syrup per Tap (gal)






It is important to note that these averages are only from a single season and three sites. However, these numbers begin to be a possible predictor for the production potential of a sycamore sugar bush. For example, from this data, a 100-tap sycamore sugarbush would be expected to produce approximately 3 gallons of syrup. Combine this information with the best estimates for the market value of sycamore syrup, approximately $325.00 bulk, it's predicted that a 100-tap operation would make about $975.00 worth of syrup.




Using the weather stations purchased for the project, temperature data was analyzed for each of the three sites to look at climatic factors that may impact sycamore sap flow. As in maple, sycamore relies on freezing temperatures at night and warm during the day to trigger a sap flow event. A few separate metrics were looked at to see if weather accounted for some of the differences in sap flow between the research sites. Looking at the data presented in Table 4, it becomes apparent that a possible explanation for the Hillsboro site out producing the FGU and Ronk sites is the fact that it had better sap flow weather.


Table 4. Run days and average temperatures for each site. Note: “Possible Run Days” indicate days where the maximum temperature was above freezing and the minimum temperature was below freezing. “Ideal Run Days” indicate days where the minimum temperature was below 25 ºF and the maximum temperature was above 40 ºF.


Possible Run Days

Ideal Run Days

Average High (ºF)

Average Low (ºF)

FGU Research Site





Hillsboro Maple Works





Ronk Family Farm






ONE21-404 Data-tables
Figure 1. Daily temperature fluctuation paired with sap flow in gallons of sap per tap over the course of the season at FGU Research Site.
Figure 2. Daily temperature fluctuation paired with sap flow in gallons of sap per tap over the course of the season at Hillsboro Maple Works.
Figure 3. Daily temperature fluctuation paired with sap flow in gallons of sap per tap over the course of the season at Ronk Family Farm.


The figures above illustrate that Table 4 showed that Hillsboro Maple Works had more runs than both the FGU site and Ronk Family Farms. Looking beyond just sap flow days, there is a trend of more gallons of sap per tap after extended cold spells. Though a similar statement could be made about maple sap, this is partnered with observations from the partner farmers that sycamore trees appeared to prefer colder temperatures than maples, and the suggestion to tap earlier the following year.




Two of the research sites were able to make syrup in the first season as mentioned previously. This allowed for some preliminary observations about the possibility of a sycamore syrup market. Thus far, all data used to inform about sycamore syrup sales has come from research on the newly emerging walnut syrup industry and the birch syrup industry. This was the first opportunity to see any true consumer data points. The FGU research site does not commercially sell any products, but the syrup produced at the research site was used to drum up interest about sycamore syrup through tasting events and small bottles sent to specific groups. It was also used to experiment with a new product called “Maplemore,” which is a mixture of maple syrup and sycamore syrup. This mirrors what walnut syrup producers are doing to bring down the price point of their walnut syrup and increase the price point of their maple syrup.


Hillsboro Maple Works did sell some of their sycamore syrup commercially, finding that they had more demand than they had product at their initial price point. They also experimented with making sycamore syrup straws. These small, individually packaged sample straws seemed to be a hit and sold well for them. With the initial success of sycamore sales and the initial taste testing of both sycamore syrup and “maplemore,” it looks promising that sycamore syrup could have similar success as the other alternative syrups.


Gravity and Tap Height:


In the first full season of this study, two research sites looked at height of tapping and the viability of gravity collection systems for sycamore. Gravity collection systems in maple hold an important role for small scale producers because it is cheaper and easier to maintain than a vacuum system. In early experimental tappings of sycamore, no significant sap flow was observed in buckets, however one of the partner farmers, who had some previous experience tapping sycamores, said that when he tapped lower on the tree, he saw significant sap flow into a bucket. In field trials, the FGU research site and Hillsboro Maple tapped five sycamores each on bags. Each tree had two taps, one in the normal maple tapping zone and one lower on the tree. Neither site saw any significant sap flow into the bags, resulting in no data. However, the lack of data allows for the conclusion that commercial sycamore syrup production requires a vacuum system to be viable.


Year 3:


Production Data:


Moving into the third year of the study, the second full sap season, the FGU research team held a meeting with the partner farmers to discuss what areas of the study needed to be looked into further or altered and what research they were interested in. All research sites voiced their desire to tap earlier, as they had noticed that sycamores seemed to produce better in colder weather. It was also decided that it was important to continue collecting the same data as last year with the same collection methods because the yield data from the three sites varied greatly. Again, we asked producers to record, sap volume, sugar content, vacuum readings on their pump controllers each day. The weather stations at each site recorded temperature data over the course of the season. Some of this data was also augmented with information from local weather stations accessed through Weather Underground ( because of technical difficulties with the weather stations.


Table 5. Sap production at each site compared to the number of taps and basal area across the research sites.


Number of Taps

Total Gallons Sap

Gallons Sap Per Tap

Gallons Sap Per 1 Basal Area

FGU Research Site





Hillsboro Maple Works





Ronk Family Farm






The first thing of interest is that the Ronk Family Fam research site did not see any sap over the course of the season (Table 6). Though some sap may have run, it was never enough to collect any data off of, leaving us with little information in terms of sap yield. The lack of data from the Ronk family research site and its greater implications will be discussed later. Hillsboro Maple Works had a less productive year than they had in 2022, producing 134 gallons of sap less. Meanwhile, The FGU research site produced 61.3 gallons of sap more, almost doubling last years runs. Even though the FGU site greatly increased their sap yield, and Hillsboro saw a reduction in sap output, the trees at both sites were producing about the same amount of sap per foot of basal area.


 It is important to note that the FGU site was retapped part way through the season to test experimental taps, which could have accounted for the bumper crop. 53.75 gallons of sap were collected after they were retapped. Retapping has become popular amongst southern maple syrup producers because of the possibility of an extended season. For the sake of looking at season long data, the sap collected before and after the retapping will be included in the descriptive statistics.


Table 6. Other production data from the three research sites.


Average Vacuum (inHg)

Average Brix

Potential Syrup Production (gal)

Potential Syrup per Tap (gal)

FGU Research Site





Hillsboro Maple Works





Ronk Family Farm






Continuing to look at other descriptive statistics about the season, the FGU pulled less vacuum on the system over the course of the season, explained by a few serious leaks were found in the system throughout the season. Hillsboro Maple Works also saw a slight decline in vacuum, which is to be expected in a systems second year. Hillsboro Maple Works and the FGU research site both saw a decline in sap sugar content, which could be caused by a variety of factors described earlier (Taylor, 1956). Using the Jones Rule of 86, possible syrup production was calculated and syrup per tap was estimated to be the same between the two research sites. Though this number is influenced by so many possible factors, it is of note because this may indicate that this study has been able to develop some predictive data.


Table 7. Cumulative data from the three research sites from 2022 and 20233.


Sap Per Tap (gal)


Syrup per Tap (gal)

Average 2022




Average 2023





Looking at averages of the production data over the two seasons supports that this study did produce predictive data. Though the Brix varied some, based on this data, it can be assumed that on average a sycamore tap will produce around 5.7 gallons of sap, at approximately 0.5 Brix to make 0.03 gallons of syrup over the course of the season, leading to roughly $1,000.00 worth of product per 100 taps. It is worth noting that this is all still heavily influenced both by local climate and yearly weather patterns.




Table 8. Run days and average temperatures for each site. Note: “Possible Run Days” indicate days where the maximum temperature was above freezing and the minimum temperature was below freezing. “Ideal Run Days” indicate days where the minimum temperature was below 25 ºF and the maximum temperature was above 40 ºF.


Possible Run Days

Ideal Run Days

Average High (ºF)

Average Low (ºF)

FGU Research Site





Hillsboro Maple Works





Ronk Family Farm






To try to determine why the FGU site had a much better year, while the other two sites had worse years, it is important to look at the weather data. The FGU research site had a much better, longer season with more possible run days and ideal run days, as well as colder temperatures overall. These better climatic conditions, longer season, and the retap could explain the large jump in production at the FGU research site. In Hillsboro, the season looked about the same as the previous year when examining run days and the average high of each day. The main difference is it was not as cold. The average low was three degrees higher than in 2022.


As mentioned previously, Ronk Family Farms did not produce any usable sap data. As reported by the partner farmer, it never ran enough to collect data. He also struggled with the small diaphragm pump as its smaller, cheaper parts did not hold up well in the off season. It was also not a particularly good maple year for him either, indicating that there may be some climactic cause for the lack of sap flow on top of the collection system issues. Looking at possible run days and ideal run days, his season looked about similar or slightly better than 2022. The average high was also similar to 2022. The main difference was the average low was 2 degrees higher than the previous year. With both Ronk Family Farm  and Hillsboro Maple Works having worse years and higher average lows, it may indicate that sycamore do prefer colder temperatures during sap season. Figure 1 and 2 analyze sap flow along with the daily maximum and minimum temperatures. As in 2022, it appears that higher production follows colder temperatures.


ONE21-404 Data-tables
Figure 4. Daily temperature fluctuation paired with sap flow in gallons of sap per tap over the course of the season at FGU Research Site.
Figure 5. Daily temperature fluctuation paired with sap flow in gallons of sap per tap over the course of the season at Hillsboro Maple Works.




Feedback was taken from all research sites on the feasibility of making both maple and sycamore syrup. In the first season, Hillsboro Maple Works was successful at making a usable amount of sycamore syrup, and was positive about the experience even though it did add a significant amount of extra work. In the second season, they were less positive about the experience because they felt that the amount of syrup made was not worth the extra effort. However, they have shown interest in trying for another season, but are wary of being able to sustain the added labor if the syrup yield is not enough.


The Ronk Family Farm experienced more technical difficulties than the other site. Some of the difficulties were due to the location of the pump set up and lack of sun exposure for the solar array, which could be improved had the study not needed to order the same equipment for each site. In the future the research site can change the collection system as needed to work with their site specific requirements. Another issue seen was the same as Hillsboro which was the amount of extra time it took. One particular note is that at Ronk Family Farm the sycamore were separate from the maple trees and where sap was processed was separate as well, which seemed to add difficulty to juggling the two. Despite the difficulty, the Ronk Family Farm is still interested in trying to produce sycamore syrup because they have seen an increase in interest in their operation with the newest product.


Lastly, the FGU research site only produced sycamore syrup, negating most of the issues the other two sites saw. However, they continued to work on the blended syrup “maplemore,” which may hold the key to making both. The “maplemore” that was finalized as the best ratio is approximately 20% sycamore syrup and 80% maple syrup. This means that a single gallon of sycamore syrup can make a lot of maplemore. Why this could be the key to success is because a maple producer could tap just a few sycamore trees and make enough product to have a substantial stock of maplemore, which could make the added time worth it.




Though this study initially wanted to look at what differing levels of vacuum would do to sycamore sap production, it quickly became clear that there was not enough baseline data to adequately assess the effects of medium to low vacuum. What this study was successful in doing is establishing a baseline for sycamore tree sap production under low to medium vacuum. This baseline can now be used to assess the possible production potential of sycamore sugarbushes and be used as a comparison point when other collection systems are tried. If this study had attempted to fluctuate vacuum throughout the season it would have not gathered enough definitive data to draw any conclusions from. However, it can now be confidently said that a sycamore tap on medium to low vacuum will produce approximately 5.7 gallons of sap per season, while a sycamore with no vacuum will not produce any.


Alternative Taps:


An experimental tap was used at the Future Generations University research site when it was retapped. The tap is designed to seat less deeply in the tap hole leading to higher sap production (Perkins, et. al., 2019). Looking at the data, the traditional maple tap did collect more sap than the experimental tap, but it was also in the tree longer (Table 9). The traditional maple taps were in the trees for thirty four days before they were retapped. The experimental taps collected sap for twenty days until the season was over. Looking at gallons of sap per day, it does appear that the experimental tap outperforms the traditional tap. It is worth noting that some of this spike in productivity could be attributed to the freshening of tap holes mid season. Fresh sap wood will produce more sap than wood that has been exposed to air for a few weeks. Another point of interest is the average vacuum for the line was 1inHg higher with the experimental taps than with the traditional maple tap, which may indicate that they seal better in the sycamore tree.


At the Ronk Family Farm research site, 5/16ths v. 7/16ths taps were tested using vacuum chambers for sap collection. However, due to the over all poor season this research site had no reportable data.


Table 9. Production data on traditional maple tap v. experimental maple tap in sycamore.

Tap Type

Total Gallons Sap

Gallons Per Day

Average Vacuum (inHg)

Traditional Maple Tap




Experimental Tap




Works Cited

Isselhardt, M., Perkins, T., & van den Berg, A. (2018). Tree Size and Maple Production: Forest

Science Theme. NESAF News Quarterly, 79(2), 5-6.


Perkins, T. D., Bosely, W., & van den Berg, A. (2019, September 19). The Goldilocks Touch:

Overdriving spouts reduces sap yield. The Maple News.


Taylor, F. H. (1956). Variation in Sugar Content of Maple Sap. Agricultural Experiment Station

University of Vermont and State Agricultural College Bulletin, 587, 3-39.


UVM Proctor Maple Research Center. (2019, September 19). Vacuum and Yield in Maple

Production [Video]. Youtube.


Van den Berg, A. K. (2020, October 3). Researches downplay fall tapping: Experts ‘Probably not

worthwhile.’ The Maple News.

Research conclusions:

Over the course of three years, this study established solid baseline production data for sycamore syrup production. This includes sap production, sugar content, climatic preferences, collection system, processing information, and feasibility information that had not previously existed for this alternative syrup species. The study initially set out to look specifically at the timing of tapping, vacuum, and alternative taps, and all were accomplished to some extent. Sycamore seem to run better in colder weather, indicating an earlier tapping season than maple, and the research team had little luck with fall tapping; vacuum is needed to produce sycamore sap, and a sycamore tap under medium vacuum will produce 5.7 gallons of sap per season; lastly, alternative taps could benefit sycamore syrup production by creating a tighter seal and allowing for more sap production. This study’s partner farmers also showed the efficacy of the small scale syruping set up using affordable equipment. Through working on this project, the small diaphragm pumps have become popular with other producers as well as the solar set ups, bucket ROs, and rocket stove.

The unexpected success of this study is that it established baseline numbers that the partner farmers and prospective producers can use to forecast their production. Without the data from this study, a sycamore producer would be unable to plan their operation from the size of their equipment to their expected profit. This study has opened the door for people to enter the sycamore syrup industry as a well-informed endeavor instead of a hobby project that happened to make some money.

Participation Summary
3 Farmers participating in research

Education & Outreach Activities and Participation Summary

4 Consultations
2 Curricula, factsheets or educational tools
1 On-farm demonstrations
6 Tours
1 Webinars / talks / presentations
1 Workshop field days

Participation Summary:

30 Farmers participated
4 Number of agricultural educator or service providers reached through education and outreach activities

Learning Outcomes

29 Farmers reported changes in knowledge, attitudes, skills and/or awareness as a result of their participation
Key areas in which farmers reported changes in knowledge, attitude, skills and/or awareness:

Beyond our 4 partnering producers, two years of certificate course participants have gained knowledge because of this research, totaling  an additional 25 people.


This grant has primarily focused on the seasonality of sycamore syrup and production techniques. Farmers have reported increased knowledge in production techniques due to workshops and 1-1 coaching, and an increased understanding of varying tapping time for sycamore syrup related to the maple season. With sycamore syrup’s unique differences to maple syrup, participating producers have gained important skills regarding sycamore sugar bush set up, evaporation techniques, and marketing techniques for their finished syrup. These skills and new information will lead to a viable sycamore industry. Before the market can be built for this specialty syrup, there first must be enough syrup in production to create the market. 

Project Outcomes

5 Farmers changed or adopted a practice
1 Grant applied for that built upon this project
1 Grant received that built upon this project
$81,394.00 Dollar amount of grant received that built upon this project
2 New working collaborations
Project outcomes:

2022 Season Outcomes

Cooperating farmers and certificate course participants have either begun to make sycamore syrup or have increased their efficiency of production. With this new information about seasonality of sycamore syrup and production techniques, the producers are now able to produce sycamore syrup more effectively, leading to a higher profit margin for existing producers and a new product for new producers.


Existing sycamore producers have higher yield because of increased efficiency in sap collection systems and finding the appropriate tapping season. With the increased yield, the university is on track to have the first commercial sycamore syrup in the market after the 2023 season. As shown by the growing walnut syrup industry, alternative syrups provide a highly valuable second product for existing maple producers, using the equipment they already own. With the progression of sycamore syrup production, the producers are able to raise the profit margins of their existing syrup businesses as well as reach new markets with their new product.


The work funded by this grant has allowed for new sycamore producers to enter the industry. For some of these producers, they already produce maple syrup and are looking to increase their product offerings and value. Other people who are entering the sycamore industry, do not currently produce maple syrup, but have a surplus of sycamore trees.  With more sycamore syrup producers entering the market, the work done on sycamore syrup production will help to build a robust consumer base for this unique product.


2023 Season Outcomes

Through this project, the cooperating farmers and those who have received outreach can effectively plan and run a sycamore syrup business. This study started by proving the efficacy of a small sycamore syrup operation. The small scale collection system with solar panels used in this study proved successful, and has now been adopted by both sycamore producers and small maple producers around the area, increasing production of both sycamore and maple syrup. Another technology that has grown in popularity in part because of this project is the rocket stove evaporator. This small volume, low cost, and fuel efficient evaporator has become popular amongst small and hobby syrup producers. The demonstration sites were able to show how effective they are, and more people have entered the syrup industry because of it.


On top of opening the door to small production, this study was able to establish baseline production data for sycamore syrup. This data will now allow new and existing producers to predict what their annual production will be, which in turn allows them to plan their business. They can now estimate the size of equipment they will need, allowing for an accurate start up cost or expansion cost estimate. Producers, perspective or existing, can also now estimate their annual profit, allowing them to financially plan for their business.


Lastly, sycamore syrup was successfully made by full time maple syrup producers and was sold successfully at local retail outlets, creating the first commercial sycamore syrup market. The existence of this market and the outreach this study has done to the general public has opened the door for other sycamore syrup producers to enter the market. The FGU research sites work with “maplemore” has contributed greatly to the marketability of sycamore syrup as well. Two of the greatest hurdles with alternative species syrup entering the consumer market is the unfamiliarity of the flavor and the price. Often many taste tests are needed because the public expects the classic maple flavor, and then once they are convinced on the flavor the sticker shock can be tough. Alternative syrups sell for approximately $325.00 per gallon bulk versus maple’s $32.00 per gallon. “Maplemore” makes sycamore syrup more palatable to those who are used to maple syrup while also reducing the price down to where it is only slightly more expensive than maple. This newly created product will allow for sycamore syrup to reach a much greater consumer base.

Assessment of Project Approach and Areas of Further Study:


Overall, the study’s approach was relatively effective. Future Generations University found success in the collection systems and the weather stations, apart from one weather station not connecting to the internet. Overall, data from research sites was collected, but the data was quite different across the partnering farmers. There were differing weather conditions across the sites, but the differences in total sap yield seemed greater that what the weather differences would cause. One site produced 1.9 gallons per tap per season, while another site produced 12.3 gallons per tap per season. With these numbers being so vastly different, Future Generations University has put effort into gathering comparable data in this upcoming sap season. With comparable data, a true baseline for expected sap production on a yearly basis can be established.

ONE21-404 Interim Report Data tables


Upon embarking on the initial study, it was found that less was known about sycamore sap flow than originally thought. Without this information, it will be difficult to establish a sycamore syrup industry because producers will be unable to predict their production levels. It will also be difficult to do any further research because there is no baseline. With this being said, some of the focus of the second syrup production year of study will continue research on sap flow and tap type over vacuum levels.  The university is putting effort into make sure that each collection site remains the same this year, allowing for their data to be directly compared to last year’s data.


The project team and partner farmers have started to find methodologies of sap collection that work well for sycamore syrup. Producers had great success with the research sap collection systems designed for this project. This indicates that sycamores perform well under vacuum generated by a diaphragm pump, on 3/16 inch tubing with 5/16 inch taps. Based on the performances of the research sites, this has been the advised collection methods for new sycamore producers. In this upcoming season, tap style and design effects on syrup production are being explored to further improve collection techniques.




Upon embarking on the initial study, it was found that less was known about sycamore sap flow than originally thought. Throughout the course of the study, the scope of research was shifted to focus more on baseline sap flow data and sycamore syrup production feasibility. The methods used in this study were very successful in establishing baseline sap flow and syrup production estimates under medium vacuum and found that gravity systems are not effective for sycamore. The study was also successful in creating a simple remote small vacuum system that has been implemented by sycamore syrup producers and maple producers alike. Also this study was successful in getting sycamore syrup on the market.


Some preliminary data was collected on alternative taps in sycamore as well as looking at tap placement in the tree. However, no conclusive data was developed by this study. Future studies can repeat the methodology developed in this study to determine the effect of tap design and tap placement. Now, with baseline production data, it will be easier to conclude if any alteration in tapping height or tap styles effected sap production.


Looking further into sycamore syrup research, there is still work to be done. Higher levels of vacuum could increase sycamore sap production, but does need to be studied because it does not always lead to more sap in alternative syrup species. Working on the production and market side of sycamore syrup would further the sycamore syrup industry. This study opened the door for more work by developing a small scale production system and getting some sycamore syrup and “maplemore” on the market. There is still room for advanced study on the production and marketing of sycamore syrup.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.