Final report for OW21-363
Project Information
Production of Kernza intermediate wheatgrass for grain promises to provide a sustainable alternative to wheat-fallow while producing food for a growing population. Winter wheat constitutes 135,000 acres in Wyoming, yet degraded soils, climate change, and weak markets threaten farming in this region. Kernza has not yet been planted in Wyoming, where the drier climate presents unique challenges, yet the High Plains Region stands to particularly benefit from the adoption of a perennial crop. We plan to plant Kernza at five farms across southeast Wyoming and at SAREC extension center under a variety of different management strategies, and to collect economic, soil health, and water use data. Our research will address the questions: “Can Kernza be profitably grown in eastern Wyoming?” and “What can soil health and water use data tell us about Kernza’s long term viability in this climate?”
All project members will collaborate to bring information about perennial agriculture and our project to the local community, and to support farmers interested in trialing Kernza. Findings will be shared through on-farm field days, extension meetings, and alternative venues such as social media, youth groups, and the state fair. Eventually, we hope to equip more producers with the knowledge to grow and sell this novel grain. We expect that despite lower yields, reduced input costs and higher market prices will make Kernza a viable option for Wyoming wheat farmers that can sustain the agricultural productivity of this area in the long-term.
Kernza Viability: Determine agroecological viability of Kernza intermediate wheatgrass in eastern Wyoming under different farming strategies.
- Economic Analysis: Evaluate Kernza profitability under different farming strategies.
- Soil Health: Evaluate effects of Kernza on soil health and carbon sequestration compared to wheat-fallow and CRP land.
- Drought Response: Predict and compare Kernza and wheat-fallow yields across the Central High Plains ecoregion using a model for water use.
- Maintain stakeholder engagement and cooperation.
- Host events to engage with the local community about perennial grain agriculture.
- Publish our findings on Kernza profitability, soil health, and drought response.
Year 1 and 2 focused on the establishment of Kernza on five farms as well as taking baseline soil and water use data. In Years 2 and 3 of the project, we continued gathering agroeconomic, soil, and water use data, which was conveyed to all stakeholders in yearly reports at annual stakeholder meetings. Other outreach activities began in Year 2 and will be the focus of Year 3. From winter 2022 onwards, we are organizing outreach through 4H groups, the Wyoming State Fair, extension meetings, and other media forms including radio, local newspaper, and social media. After data collection is finished in fall of 2023, we will spend the winter and spring of 2023-2024 producing and distributing educational materials.
As stated above, initial on-farm planting costs were covered by J. Norton’s Soil Resource Lab at the University of Wyoming because planning and ground preparation needed to begin as early as February, 2021, before the grant was announced.
- Kernza planting.
- Begin community outreach activities (youth engagement, field days, state fair, extension meetings).
- First Kernza harvest.
- Begin building expanded drought response model.
- End of data collection for Objectives 1-3.
- Finish publishing all materials.

- - Producer
- - Producer
- - Producer
- - Producer
- - Producer
Kernza Viability: Determine Agroecological Viability of Kernza Intermediate Wheatgrass in Eastern Wyoming Under Different Farming Management Strategies.
Site Descriptions:
The Central High Plains ecoregion that comprises Wyoming’s wheat growing region experiences 12-17 inches annual precipitation, 100-125 frost-free days, and a mesic temperature regime (8-40°F average January min/max, 52-88°F average July min/max). Soils are mainly silty and loamy mollisols (agiustolls, haplustolls) and entisols (torriorthents, torripsamments, ustorthents).
Kernza was planted at four dryland farms using various management strategies as well as at The James C. Hageman Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension Center (SAREC) under irrigation.
In spring/summer 2021, Kernza was planted at two farms (Hellbaum and Jessen) and at SAREC.
Rob Hellbaum planted 17 acres in two fields previously under wheat-fallow, and has been managing Kernza conventionally.
Clint Jessen planted between 10 and 20 acres into a conventionally-managed, irrigated field previously in a crop rotation including wheat, corn, and alfalfa. After a hailstorm in August 2021, Jessen will no longer be growing Kernza.
In spring/summer 2022, Kernza was planted at two additional farms; Gregor Goertz and Monte Lerwick.
Goertz manages his Kernza conventionally, and will graze Kernza after harvest with his cattle.
Monte Lerwick, joined the project in Summer 2022. Lerwick planted 40ac to a 70/30 mix of Kernza and Alfalfa into a field previously under hay. Lerwick plans to manage his Kernza as conventional no-till as a dual use crop for both grain and forage for his cattle.
SAREC is located in a major wheat-growing area in Lingle, Wyoming. Kernza was planted in 6 small (5ft x 30ft) irrigated research plots. Half is being irrigated up to average precipitation monthly, and half is being fully irrigated, in order to evaluate Kernza growth with average and with non-water-limiting conditions.
Study Design: Research activities took place at Kernza fields at each participating farm, plus wheat-fallow and CRP fields at the Hellbaum farm. Eight small plots (5x30ft) serve as replications at the Hellbaum fields, and three small plots served as replications at other farms. All yield, soil health, and water use analyses occurred in these plots. Additionally, two Kernza fields under different irrigation treatments were established at SAREC. We want replicated data within each study location because each farm represents a different management strategy.
3 fields at Hellbaum farm + 3 fields at other farms + 2 SAREC fields = 8 fields
3 Hellbaum fields * 8 replicate plots + 5 other fields x 3 replicate plots = 39 plots in total.
OBJECTIVE 1: Economic: Evaluate Kernza profitability under different farming strategies.
Materials & Methods:
Plant biomass and yield were sampled each year in July (wheat and CRP) or August (Kernza) 1-2 weeks before harvest, using three 60 cm2 squares per plot in CRP or three 1 m sections of row per plot for Kernza and wheat. Biomass was dried and weighed, then threshed to determine yield. We subtracted 30% from Kernza yields to account for the hull, which is normally removed during processing.
Planting and Kernza management costs were collected from participating farmers, and project members visited all participating farmers to discuss costs and budgets. Planting, growing and harvesting cost data were transmitted to Tom Foulke, who developed a cost-benefit budget for both Kernza and wheat-fallow systems in this region to determine relative profitability. Yield data from 2023 and 2024, as well as management practices from the four farms, were used to construct the final budget. The budget was published online as an editable tool, where farmers can adjust yields, input costs such as fertilizers and seed, and grain prices. The published budget currently assumes one year of establishment for Kernza, one year of a hay crop, and one year of a grain crop, though it is also adjustable. We acknowledge that the eastern Wyoming growing region and wheat and Kernza markets are extremely variable, so farmers should be able to easily adjust profit estimates based on these factors.
OBJECTIVE 2: Soil Health: Evaluate effects of Kernza on soil health and carbon sequestration compared to wheat-fallow and CRP land.
Soil Sampling: Composite soil samples were taken from each plot at 2 depths (0-5cm and 5-20 cm), along with bulk density samples. Samples were taken around peak growth, in June of 2021, 2022, and 2023. Eight cores were taken per plot to form one composite sample for analysis.
Sample Analyses: Soil samples were analyzed for the following indicators. Procedures 1-6 and 12-13 are taken from the NRCS Recommended Measures for Soil Health (Stott, 2019).
- Aggregate Stability using a Yoder-style wet sieving apparatus.
- Bioavailable Nitrogen using autoclaved citrate extractable (ACE) protein analysis.
- Short-Term Carbon Mineralization by quantifying CO2 concentration after a 4-day incubation in a closed container.
- Active Carbon by reacting with a potassium permanganate solution.
- Gravimetric Moisture by oven-drying.
- Total Carbon and Nitrogen by combustion analysis on air-dried ground samples on a Leco TruSpec CN Analyzer.
- Soil Inorganic Carbon by pressure calcimeter (Sherrod et al., 2002).
- Nitrate and Ammonium by extraction using potassium sulfate solution and quantification on a microplate reader (Doane & Horwáth, 2003; Weatherburn, 1967).
- Bulk Density using soil cores. Bulk density will be used to calculate porosity and to estimate carbon and nitrogen stocks in kg ha-1.
- Dissolved organic C & N (DOC & DON) were analyzed by extraction with 0.5 M K2SO4 and quantification using combustion catalytic oxidization/NDIR on a Shimadzu TOC-VCSH (Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan)
- Potentially mineralizable N (PMN) was analyzed by 14-day anaerobic incubation [133] and quantification on a Lachat QuickChem 8500 Series 2 Flow Injection Analysis System (Lachat Instruments, Milwaukee, WI).
Total C & N, inorganic C, pH and EC were analyzed in years 0 and 2 only.
Microbial Analyses:
- Enzyme Activities using assays for β-glucosidase, N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase, Phosphomonoesterases, and Arylsulfatase
- Microbial Biomass and Community Composition using Phospholipid Fatty Acid (PLFA) analysis.
Data was analyzed using R (version 4.3.1). Soil chemistry, organic matter pools, enzyme activities, PLFA groups, and plant biomass were analyzed using ANOVA, separating data by year and/or depth whenever there were significant field * depth or field * year interactions. Data without normally distributed residuals were transformed with Box-Cox power transformations to achieve normality when possible. Additionally, to analyze the overall effect on all PLFA biomarkers and all enzyme activities, we conducted permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) using the adonis function in the vegan package.
OBJECTIVE 3: Drought Response: Predict and compare Kernza and wheat-fallow yields across the Central High Plains ecoregion using a model for water use.
Summary & Justification: Water is the limiting resource in eastern Wyoming, and precipitation is highly variable, so understanding how Kernza reacts to drought stress beyond the three years of our study is crucial. Prior studies have shown promise for Kernza’s water use efficiency (Culman et al., 2013; de Oliveira et al., 2018), but it is unknown how Kernza’s deep roots will impact yields in a climate this dry. We used the Terrestrial Regional Ecosystem Exchange Simulator (TREES) model to characterize differences between Kernza and wheat-fallow in this region. TREES is a process-based ecophysiological model that describes carbon, nitrogen, and water cycling in a variety of plants (Mackay et al., 2015; Mitra et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2019), and will provide a framework to predict how Kernza will respond to increasingly unpredictable climate conditions in the Central High Plains.
Materials & Methods:
Hellbaum Farm: In order to test the model, we used field data collected at the Hellbaum farm, which is the driest of the five farms. TREES requires the following parameters as one-time inputs (Mackay et al., 2015), which we collected in 2021 and 2022 for wheat , Kernza and CRP, and in 2023 for Kernza. Parameters 1-5 were measured for 10 plants per plot.
- Leaf Water Potential at predawn and midday in spring using a PMS-610 Pressure chamber (PMS Instrument Company)
- Transpiration at midday in spring using a LI-COR-6400 Portable Photosynthesis System (LI-COR Biosciences))
- Hydraulic Vulnerability Curves using the bench-drying method (Resco et al., 2009), though this may not be necessary.
- Nonstructural Carbohydrate Content analyzed in above- and below-ground biomass using a spectrophotometer (Guadagno et al., 2017).
- Specific Leaf/Root Area using images of leaves and roots taken at harvest time and during the spring.
- Leaf Area Index using images of leaves collected on 10 plants per plot in the early spring. Once the canopy is tall enough, a plant canopy analyzer was used instead (LAI-2000 Plant Canopy Analyzer, LI-COR Biosciences).
- Soil Texture taken from Objective 2 analyses.
To provide continuous input data for the model, we established three meteorological stations in 2021 at the Hellbaum farm.
We established two stations in April 2021, one in wheat (fig. 3, field 6) at 41.7875°, -104.7546°, and one in CRP (not visible in fig. 3) at 41.7904, -104.7474, to log bio-meteorological data at 30-minute intervals. Both towers were equipped with a wind gauge (ATMOS 22 Ultrasonic Anemometer, METER Group), a humidity/temperature/pressure sensor (ATMOS 14 Gen 2, METER Group), a photosynthetic radiation sensor (LI-190 Quantum Sensor, LI-COR Biosciences), and 12 soil temperature and volumetric moisture sensors (TEROS 11, METER Group). In July 2021, two infrared radiometers were installed at each tower to measure canopy and surface temperature (SI-111, Apogee Instruments). Also in July 2021, a tipping bucket rain gauge was installed on the CRP tower. The wheat tower was surrounded by a wire exclosure fence with a radius of approximately 1.5m to protect it from farm equipment. The anemometer and humidity sensors were installed 2m above the ground surface. The soil sensors stacked vertically at depths 13, 25, 51, and 76cm in three separate pits separated by 6-10ft (in the wheat field, sensors were placed outside of the exclosure).
In November 2021, we established a similar station in Kernza (fig. 3, field 8) at 41.7868, -104.7575. The tower was equipped identically to the other two, except for differences in the wind gauge (Wind Monitor 05103, R.M. Young Company) and humidity and temperature sensor (unknown manufacturer). No rain gauge was installed. Additionally, a 4-channel net radiometer was installed on the tower (CNR1, Kipp and Zonen, OTT Hydromet Corp.).
In spring 2022, we installed two eddy covariance systems in the wheat and Kernza plots (LI-7500 open path CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer, LI-COR Biosciences; CSAT3 3-D Sonic Anemometer, Campbell Scientific) in order to collect the ecosystem-level carbon and water flux data needed to validate the TREES model findings.
Field data collection concluded in summer 2023, and work on fitting the TREES model to data from the Hellbaum farm began in Spring 2024, and is ongoing.
Central High Plains Ecoregion: We will expand the model to use publicly available NRCS soil data and PRISM climate data as inputs (PRISM Climate Group, Oregon State U.; Web Soil Survey), and using soil and weather data collected during this study when applicable. We will validate the model by comparing predicted yields at all five farms with observed yield data collected using the SAREC combine.
We will use this validated, expanded model to predict annual carbon uptake and yield of wheat-fallow and Kernza cropping systems in different microclimates and years within the Central High Plains ecoregion, and we will produce maps to inform potential growers.
For more figures and additional overviews for all results, see uploaded slides from 2023 annual meeting.
For more specific results to date, see Soil Science Society of America slides (soil health), Global Soil Biodiversity poster (soil health), The Land Institute early career conference slides (soil health and water use), and Alex Fox's dissertation proposal slides (water use).
Also, our website and instagram accounts (linked in supplemental materials) contain many preliminary results.
Results overview:
Obj. 1 Economic Analysis: Evaluate Kernza profitability under different farming strategies.
Kernza produced low grain yields but could provide flexibility in dry environments. Kernza produced around one sixth the grain and three fifths the aboveground biomass of wheat, but four times the root biomass. Kernza also produced around twice as much root biomass as CRP. At the SAREC site, fully irrigated Kernza produced 1,240% greater yield and 40% greater biomass in year 1 and 288% greater yield and 73% greater biomass in year 2 compared to partially irrigated Kernza (Fig. 1). Chugwater Kernza produced almost no grain yield in year 1 due to drought and hail, and would likely have been used for forage only. In year 2, Kernza yielded 22.9 g/m2, less than Great Plains average of 31.5 g/m2 (281 lbs/acre) for this year (2023). SAREC Kernza yielded g/m2 under full irrigation and 25.8 g/m2 under partial irrigation, indicating that plants were water-limited in this environment. However, in contrast to the yield decline with stand age found in wetter environments, our Kernza stands yielded more grain and forage in year 2 than year 1, even under full irrigation.
Though dryland Kernza only produced 13.2% as much grain as wheat, Kernza currently sells for around 25 times the price of wheat ($5.5/kg compared to $0.22/kg). Both wheat-fallow and Kernza fields only produced harvestable yield in one of the two years. Based on the budget developed by Tom Foulke (uploaded), we found that conventional Kernza should produce a profit of around $102/yr (averaging over one establishment year, one year of hay, and one year of grain), whereas conventional wheat-fallow fields would barely break even, or even lose money, for most farmers. Conversations with farmers supported these results, as many farmers are transitioning away from the wheat-fallow system, especially conventional (non-organic) wheat.
Fig. 1. Aboveground biomass (a), grain yield (b), and root biomass (c) in Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), Kernza, and winter wheat fields. Different letters indicate significant differences between fields (p<0.05 by ANOVA).
Obj. 2 Soil Health: Evaluate effects of Kernza on soil health and carbon sequestration compared to wheat-fallow and CRP land.
We found few differences between the bulk soil of Kernza and wheat-fallow fields, likely because two years is usually not sufficient to realize substantial soil changes in semiarid environments. Soil chemistry (pH, EC, nitrate) and moisture were mostly similar between fields in both years. Soil structure (WSA or porosity) did not differ between fields in both years. Bulk soil properties showed the greatest differences at the 0-5 cm depth, with CRP (our positive control) having higher levels than wheat-fallow (our negative control) in five of the ten organic matter pools, three of the seven enzyme activities, and fungi:bacteria ratio (Fig. 2). Few differences were found between fields at the 5-15cm depth. Kernza bulk soil was similar to wheat-fallow, with the exception of fungi:bacteria ratio, which was lower in Kernza. Results were similar for both years.
For multivariate analyses of PLFA biomarkers and extracellular enzyme activities, both PLFA and enzyme data were separated by year and depth due to significant interactions between depth, year, and field (Fig. 3). PLFAs did not significantly differ between fields at either depth or either year. Enzyme activities significantly differed by field in the 0-5cm depth in both year 1 (p=0.03) and year 2 (p<0.001), with CRP differing from both Kernza and wheat-fallow fields with overall higher enzyme activities in the CRP.
Fig. 2. Bulk soil organic carbon (C), protein, dissolved organic C, microbial biomass C, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal biomass from 0-5cm and 5-15cm depths, combined for year 1 and 2. Different letters indicate significant differences between fields (p<0.05 by ANOVA).
Fig. 3. Year 2 bulk soil principal component analysis of all phospholipid fatty acid biomarkers with functional groups correlated to the underlying ordination (b & d) and enzyme activities with loadings shown (a & c) at 0-5cm and 5-15cm. Data is separated by year and depth due to significant depth * year and depth * field interactions. PLFAs did not significantly differ by field. Enzyme activity significantly differed by field in the 0-5cm depth only (p<0.05 by PERMANOVA), with CRP differing from both Kernza and fallow fields. PC1 and 2 represent 54% and 30% of the total variance in a, 43% and 10% in b, 53% and 24% in c, and 54% and 9% in d.
Obj. 3 Drought Response: Predict and compare Kernza and wheat-fallow yields across the Central High Plains ecoregion using a model for water use.
Kernza experiences a lower range of water potentials as compared to wheat, and appears to have less soil moisture in wheat in shallow and deep soil (but not intermediate depths). Additionally, leaf-level photosynthetic traits do not appear to differ significantly between wheat and Kernza, indicating that other traits such as rooting behavior, growth behavior, and differences in management, may be more important when determining water uptake. We will be further analyzing these traits and their consequences for growth and water usage using the TREES model.
Research Outcomes
Based on the findings of this study, we recommend that future research focus on quantifying the benefits of perennial grains to long-term soil carbon sequestration and comparing Kernza growth and yields across a variety of environments, particularly environments (such as our study region) that have unpredictable or harsh climates. This research could help farmers justify Kernza economically, by helping to get Kernza included in incentive programs such as the Conservation Stewardship Program (where it just approved last year for Wyoming) and providing clear data to those interested in funding carbon storage or land-health improvements. Additionally, future research could also look at directing breeding efforts towards arid environments and efficient soil water usage, to produce a Kernza cultivar specifically adapted to deal with drought.
Perennials reliably improve land health, as seen in Conservation Reserve Program land and prairie restoration projects, likely because they provide year-round ground cover and living root systems. Kernza’s benefit to soil health and flexibility as either a grain crop and forage makes it a viable option for some dryland farmers, especially those forced to transition away from traditional cropping systems due to crop failure and drought. In these regions, flexibility to deal with unpredictable weather may matter more than consistent yields, which are often not possible.
Education and Outreach
* Guest lecture at the University of Wyoming Agroecology class.
*Soil health & plant physiology 4H educational activity.
*Guest lecture for University of Wyoming Agroecology class
Participation Summary:
We have made an instagram account with 194 followers (@kernzawyoming) and a website (, both of which have received a lot of interest.
We collaborated and shared results with the Intermountain West Alternative Forages working group based in Northern Colorado to connect growers for technical assistance and inform their upcoming research efforts. They have received funding to start researching Kernza as a drought-tolerant forage in that region.
Fall and winter 2021, we collaborated with the Land Institute on their "Kernza in Context" educational project to design a series of educational modules to be taught in American high schools. The projects center around the theme of increasing science literacy and the science behind sustainable agriculture and perennial crops. These modules entered a beta-testing period some time during Summer 2022.
Additionally, articles have been published by Mongabay, Western Ag Reporter, and UW Ag News (linked below)
In Fall 2022, we participated in the University of Wyoming STEM Carnival, which was a science outreach fair directed that drew Wyoming high school and middle school students from around the state. We set up a booth and presented on the benefits of perennial grains, soil health, and how plant physiology can help inform agricultural management.
In Spring 2023, we guest-lectured for the University of Wyoming Agroecology class. We presented on perennial grains, agricultural models, and soil microbiology and soil health, and led a class discussion on perennial grain economics, plant breeding, and agronomics.
We planned to attend the Wyoming state Fair in 2022, but were not able to secure a booth. Additionally, we decided not to attend the SAREC on-farm day in 2022, as we had no harvest data to discuss.
In June 2023, we hosted an on-farm field day at Homestead Acres Ag near Albin, WY. 30 producers, USDA-ARS and USDA-NRCS scientists, Land Institute staff, MAD Agriculture staff, and Kernza buyers attended. Our farmer collaborator, Monte Lerwick, led us on a farm tour of his Kernza fields and project researchers led workshops on soil health and plant physiology, assisted by University of Wyoming students.
In August 2023, we participated in the SAREC Research Farm field day, and showed our research plots and discussed our findings with around 30 regional farmers.
In October 2023, we hosted a soil science and plant physiology educational workshop for 4H students in Laramie, Wyoming.
In October 2023, we presented our research findings as part of the University of Wyoming Plant Sciences seminar series.
In November 2024, Tom Foulke (the economist on this project) gave an Agricultural & Applied Economics departmental seminar on the economics of growing Kernza in this environment.
In April 2024, we shared a cost-benefit analysis for Kernza and wheat-fallow in southeastern Wyoming through our website. The budget is an interactive tool that producers can use to evaluate potential costs and profits for growing both crops in this environment.
In Spring/Summer 2024, a news article on our project's findings on Kernza and soil health is scheduled to be published in on the project in the University of Wyoming College of Agriculture Reflections magazine.
We shared data and collaborated with a multi-state Organic Research and Extension Iniative project on compost and organic wheat in semiarid regions, led by Jennifer Reeve in Utah State. In the next iteration of their project, they are proposed including Kernza as an alternative to wheat for regions with drought-prone environments.
Over the course of this project, we have presented research results at scientific conferences including Early Career Perennial Researchers at the Land Institute 2022, SSSA 2023, Global Soil Biodiversity 2023, SSSA 2024, and the Front Range Microbiome Symposium 2024.
Throughout the course of this project, we have trained ten undergraduate research technicians in field-based analyses (such as soil and plant sampling and plant physiology measurements), lab analyses (such as soil organic matter analyses, soil microbial analyses, chlorophyll fluorescence, leaf-level gas exchange, and many other analyses), and science communication. This included two students from Oberlin College as part of their summer research internship. Four of these undergraduates have used this training to go on to graduate programs in related fields.
Education and outreach results are included in above section.
Education and Outreach Outcomes
We found interactive, outdoor workshops to be the most effective in sharing our research goals and findings withe the general public, especially with younger audiences. These workshops generally involved having students compare two soils, one high in organic matter and one low. Students would describe the soils (color, feel, weight, structure, etc) and we'd talk about what made one soil healthier than the other. For the plant physiology portion of these workshops, students were very engaged by being able to interact with tools like a gas exchange analyzer and watching it measure photosynthesis in real-time. This helped us actually explain what our goals were regarding perennial grain agriculture in Wyoming.
For producers, the most effective education and outreach involved connecting them with other producers or specialists. For example, farmers were able to get many questions answered by interacting at our field day, or by sharing phone numbers of farmers interested in Kernza with those who had already planted Kernza. In addition, we were able to faciliate communication between Kernza marketers with Kernza farmers, to help them figure out how to get their grain processed and sold. Lastly, for farmers wanting to try specific practices such as intercropping Kernza with alfalfa or integrating Kernza into their Conservation Reserve Program land, we were able to ask around through our research networks and get them connected to experts who could share their experiences in those specific management practices/ goals.
perennial grains
soil health
plant ecophysiology