Final report for OW22-369
Project Information
Farmers in the west are increasingly affected by reductions in summer irrigation availability due to early and reduced snowmelt and increased temperatures and drought. In addition, some farmers have no or limited water rights. This project is integrated with and led by the Dry Farming Collaborative, a group of farmers, extension educators, and agricultural professionals partnering to increase knowledge and awareness of dry farming practices. The project will support farmers in the production of melons without supplemental irrigation (dry-farming), by engaging farmers in project development and evaluation, identifying productive varieties and/or rootstock/scion pairs in research station and on-farm trials, promoting dry-farmed melons, engaging other farmers in project, and evaluating project outcomes. Drought-tolerant melon germplasm and grafting of diverse melon types will be evaluated for fruit productivity and quality. Farmers will be engaged through the Dry Farming Collaborative Facebook group, listserve, field days, workshops, and winter meetings, as well as an extension bulletin. Outcomes will be identified through paper and online evaluations at project end. This project will reduce summer irrigation water use and thereby increase in-stream flows for aquatic organisms, and enhance farm system resilience to climate change. It will eliminate the need for costly and energy intensive irrigation systems, increasing profitability and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It will allow farmers on lands with no or limited irrigation rights to grow profitable crops with little to no risk, thereby increasing profitability and quality of life.
Objective 1: Engage farmers in development, delivery and evaluation of project
Objective 2: Identify productive dry-farm melon varieties and/or rootstock/scion pairs
Objective 3: Evaluate the effect of planting density on yield
Objective 4: Market and promote dry-farmed melons
Objective 5: Engage other farmers in project outcomes
Objective 6: Evaluate project outcomes
Year 1
Objective 1: solicit cultivar input and discuss project plan of work with farmers in zoom meeting
Objective 2: seed/grafted transplant procurement, transplant production/planting.
Objective 1: partner farmer field day, display/discussion
Objective 2: research station data collection
Objective 5: Dry Farm Collaborative public field day - presentation/display/discussion
Objective 6: field day evaluations
Objective 2: data analysis, draft report development
Objective 4: design marketing materials
January – March
Objective 1: send project farmers draft report; convene farmers via zoom for discussion/selection of high performing cultivars for 2023 on-farm trials and project evaluation.
Objective 2: adapt report to reflect farmer input
Objective 5: Dry Farm Collaborative winter meeting presentation. Publish annual report to websites/WSARE.
Objective 6: farmer evaluation year 1; winter meeting evaluations
Year 2
Objective 1: provide transplants to farmers for on-farm trials
Objective 2: collect farm soil borings, seed/grafted transplant procurement, transplant production, planting
Objective 3: transplant production, planting
Objective 4: print marketing materials
Objective 1: partner farmer field day, display/discussion, tasting
Objective 2: research station and on-farm trials harvest data collection, tasting
Objective 3: research station harvest data collection
Objective 4: project farmers/buyers market melons using materials
Objective 5: Dry Farm Collaborative public field day - presentation/display/discussion of cultivars, tasting. Workshop Small Farms School.
Objective 6: partner farmer/ public field day /Small Farm School evaluations.
Objectives 2, 3: data analysis, draft report development
Objective 1: send project farmers draft report; convene farmers via zoom for discussion/selection of cultivars and final project evaluation.
Objectives 2, 3: adapt report to reflect farmer input
Objective 5: presentations at Dry Farm Collaborative meeting, Small Farms Conference, Farmer to Farmer Exchange. Publish final report and extension bulletin to websites, WSARE.
Objective 6: project farmer evaluation year 2 and overall project; winter meetings and workshop evaluations
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- - Producer
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- - Producer
Background Information
Literature review: In a study conducted in Jordan (Al-Mefleh 2021), deficit-irrigated muskmelon (single variety, unspecified) were shown to have smaller fruit and lower total soluble solids (TSS) than fully irrigated melons. In addition, deficit irrigation in some years reduced fruit firmness. In a Turkish study (Akhoundnejad and Dasgan 2019) of nine melon varieties shown in previous studies to have drought tolerance, varietal dry farm performance (yield and quality) varied significantly. The two highest performing varieties had significantly higher yield and TSS when dry-farmed than when grown with full irrigation. For other varieties, yield and TSS were lower when dry-farmed.
Flavor: The Dry Farming Collaborative, led by Garrett, conducted a watermelon demonstration in 2019 in which they compared the flavor of dry-farmed and irrigated watermelons with a focus on varieties considered to be high performing when dry-farmed. Consumer taste tests of these watermelons indicate that dry farming can increase watermelon sweetness. The proportion of tasters who rated dry-farmed Blacktail Mountain watermelon as being “very sweet” was 25% higher than for the same variety irrigated, while for Cream of Saskatchewan it was 160% higher.
Tomato variety evaluations: Our group screened more than 225 varieties of tomatoes for dry farm performance in 2020 and 2021, resulting in the identification of 30+ high performing varieties (OPs and F1s, including red, dark, pink, yellow, and paste, and grafted scion/rootstock combinations), only one of which had been identified as a productive dry farm variety previously (summary at Our tomato work and the Turkish study indicate that the first step in developing a dry farm melon system is screening large numbers of cultivars (both OPs and F1s) under dry farm conditions to identify the top performers (yield, quality, shelf-life), as varieties vary dramatically in their dry farm performance.
Planting density: The optimal planting density for dry farm crop production is largely unexplored, and is likely both crop- and site-dependent. Historic dry farm crop production wisdom recommended very low planting densities to increase per-plant water availability (Creswell and Martin 1998). However, the Bay Area Early Girl dry-farm tomato system is planted as intensively as intensive drip irrigated systems (Leap et al 2017). In 2019, we evaluated the effect of planting density on the marketable yield of dry-farmed Early Girl tomatoes; an intensive 20 sqft per plant spacing was most productive, as blossom end rot incidence (which renders fruit unmarketable) decreased and fruit number (per acre) increased as planting density increased (Davis et al., 2023).
Preliminary melon data collection: Our group conducted preliminary melon variety trials at the OSU research farm in 2021 to develop production and data collection protocols (five watermelon varieties: four OP, one F1; five muskmelons: three OP, two F1; two honeydews: one OP, one F1). Small plot watermelon yields varied from 24 to 67 T/A, muskmelons from 17-36 T/A, and both honeydews yielded 52 T/A. While these yields are preliminary as they are from a single (very hot) summer and are extrapolated from small plots (some without borders), the yields fall in or above published irrigated yield ranges for muskmelon and watermelon (Hartz et al 2008; Lukas et al 2020), suggesting that dry-farmed melons are a promising dry farm crop that could be grown in rotation with dry-farmed tomatoes.
Grafting of dry farm tomatoes:
In our dry-farmed tomato work across two years, Fortamino and DRO141TX were shown to be very high performing rootstocks. As an example, on average, the rootstock DRO141TX increased yields by 110%, fruit size by 42%, and reduced BER incidence by 81% in a trial at the OSU vegetable research farm. Grafting had no effect on fruit firmness. Grafting can make cultivars such as BHN871 (an F1 orange slicer that is not high performing when dry-farmed ungrafted) high performing; grafting on Fortamino resulted in a 92% increase in yield, a 34% increase in fruit size, and a 96% decrease in BER incidence in an OSU experiment station trial. See the last table in the variety trial summary ( for comparative grafted and ungrafted tomato yields from five on-farm trials.
Grafting of dry-farmed melons:
Grafting of melons has been widely shown to reduce soil borne disease severity and increase yield (Jang 2014) and fruit firmness (Kyriacou et al 2016). Only one paper (Yavuz 2021) was found on the impact of grafting on melon yield and quality when grown under drought conditions. A single scion/rootstock combination was evaluated, and for that combination, grafting did not significantly change melon yield or quality when grown under irrigated or drought conditions.
Project partner Log House Plants grafts tomatoes. They tried to graft melons but it is difficult so they no longer do so, and instead purchase grafted plants from their partner Plug Connections (see Log House Plants letter). Project farm Gathering Together routinely grafts all of their tomatoes for soil borne disease management; they tried grafting melons, but were unsuccessful. We successfully grafted ten melon varieties onto the rootstock Flexifort in 2023.
Building on past and ongoing efforts, this project will:
Objective 1: Engage farmers in development, delivery, and evaluation of project
Objective 2: Identify productive dry-farmed melon varieties and/or rootstock/scion pairs
Objective 3: Evaluate the effect of planting density on yield
Objective 4: Market and promote dry-farmed melons
Objective 5: Engage other farmers in project outcomes
Objective 6: Evaluate project outcomes
Objective 1: Engage farmers in development, delivery, and evaluation of project
Year 1 (2022)
This project is a logical next step from the dry farm tomato project, and four of the farmers in this project were also involved in the tomato project. These farmers have a strong interest in and commitment to dry farming, and have conducted two on-farm tomato trials and participated in tomato project meetings and farmer field days. Project farmers worked with Stone and Davis to identify cultivars to include in the 2022 variety trial. They participated in the project farmer field day to evaluate, taste, and identify promising cultivars.
Year 2 (2023)
Farmers worked with Stone and Davis to identify cultivars to include in the 2023 variety trial. They hosted on-farm cultivar trials, participated in the project farmer field day to identify and describe promising cultivars, were present at project presentations, and participated in the final winter project evaluation.
Objective 2: Identify productive dry-farm melon (watermelon, muskmelon, and honeydew) varieties and/or rootstock/scion pairs
Year 1 (2022):
41 cultivars were evaluated at the OSU vegetable research farm, including:
- cultivars historically dry-farmed in CA and OR
- farmer partner favorite cultivars
- cultivars recommended by seed companies
- ungrafted plants of the cultivars that will be grown as grafted plants (listed below)
Scion/rootstock evaluations
Because melon grafting is considerably more difficult than tomato grafting, and ungrafted plants are unlikely to be produced by farmers in the near term, in 2022 the project evaluated grafted scion/rootstock combinations (rootstock ‘Shintoza’) formerly offered by Plug Connection (see project partner Log House Plants letter).
- Cantaloupe: Ambrosia
- Watermelon: Sugar Baby
Site and soil selection – In 2022, we trialed 41 melon and watermelon cultivars at the Oregon State University Vegetable Research Farm, outside of Corvallis, OR. The soil there is a Chehalis silt loam with more than 12 inches of available water holding capacity (AWHC) in the first five feet. We believe that this may be one of the best soils for dry farming in the Willamette Valley. However, a plowpan was present on the site and may have limited yields in the 2022 season (our tomato trial, planted in the same field, had much lower yields than in previous years). This may explain why melon yields were lower compared to our data from 2021.
Transplants – We had a lot of success starting melons indoors and then planting them out about a month later. Melons used for the trials were seeded on 4/13/2022, and a second “back-up” seeding occurred on 4/25/2022 (some of these plants were used as border plants and to fill plots if plant establishment was low). We used 200 cell flats with cells that were 2 ¼” deep. Temperature of germination chamber was kept between 75 and 80oF. Plug mix used was Pro-Mix BX. Trays were subirrigated to prevent splashing and keep seedlings growing straight. Mike Hessel (Advisor Representative) insisted that melon seeds be planted with the pointy end upright as this ensures that the cotyledons can easily break free from the seed coat.
Planting – Melons were planted on 5/27/2022. Soil was loosened using a garden fork and then transplants were planted using a Pottiputki. The ground was firmed up around the base of the transplant. Transplants were subirrigated prior to planting and then were watered in with about a liter of water after planting.
Spacing – We have found that 7 feet between rows and 4 feet in row spacing works really well for melons and watermelons. The 7 ft between row spacing is about as wide as you can go and still lay a layer of 12 ft row cover over them to protect them from striped and spotted cucumber beetle.
Fertilizer – Fertilizer was applied on 5/24/2022. Nutririch (4-3-2) was applied at 1100 lbs/acre and pelletized feathermeal (12-0-0) was applied at 630 lbs/acre. This was about half of the fertilizer that we had originally intended to apply. Fertilizer was incorporated using a powerharrow after it was applied.
Weeding – The field was kept clean using Allis-Chalmers Model G tractors, hoes, and wheel hoes.
Harvest – We harvested melons twice a week, on Monday and Thursday, starting on 8/15/2022 and ending on 9/26/2022. During the final harvest, melons that were almost ripe (would have ripened in the next week) were also collected. Harvest data for these melons was not included in the total yield data, however it was included in the continuous figures as a final harvest on 9/29/2022 (see report for figures).
Handling and Storage – After harvest, melons were moved to a cool, dark location to finish ripening.
Sensory Evaluations – During the growing season we convened two different panels to evaluate melons, one of retailers/marketers and the other of farmers. Unfortunately, we were not able to test more than five cultivars at each event as tomato sensory evaluations were the main objective of these panels.
Year 2 (2023):
Research station trial: 70 cultivars (22 from 2022 high performing cultivars), ten cultivars grafted onto Flexifort rootstock, a planting density trial, and a succession trial were grown by Stone/Davis at the OSU research station 'Vegetable Research Farm', with harvest frequency and measurements as in 2022.

On-farm trials: Project farmers, with Stone and Davis assistance, conducted four on-farm trials in year two. These were plantings of ten melon varieties. In addition, ten farmers grew a single replication of the melon 'Lilly'. Project staff collected borings from each of the four main on-farm trials and Andy Gallagher, soil scientist, described the profile and quantified its available water holding capacity (AWHC), an important predictor of the site’s dry farm suitability and productivity.
Each of the four on-farm trials grew five plants of each of the ten (in one instance six) cultivars at 28 sqft per plant (7 ft between rows and 4 ft in-row), and border rows were planted on either side of the trial. For the farms located near OSU, OSU staff collected harvest data. Harvests occurred once a week and measurements were the same as at the research station experiments.
Research station and on-farm data were collected and interpreted using mixed effects modeling with cultivar as the fixed effect and farm as the random effect. This allowed for us to determine the mean yield across the five sites.
Tasting: In year two, Selman coordinated tastings of high performing varieties at the Vegetable Research Farm summer field day (approx. 70 attendees). Twenty three consumers ranked the sweetness, flavor and texture of six high-performing varieties, each from a different market class. Attendees entered their tasting data into a Seedlinked survey.
An additional tasting event allowed us to compare irrigated (grown by a local grower) and dry-farmed 'Bella' ananas melon.
Objective 3: Evaluate the effect of planting density on yield
Year 2 (2023) – We planted a density trial with two replications of four different varieties, planted at three different densities (see the map of the trial). These were managed the same as the OSU vegetable research farm variety trial.
Objective 4: Market and promote dry-farmed melons
Selman promoted dry-farmed melons through a focus group (2022), at a variety showcase, at three field day events, a private event and at the Dry-Farmed Tomato Festival at Wellspent Market. Additional funds were used to work with an artist to develop dry-farmed melon posters and cards.
Objective 5: Engage other farmers in project outcomes
We engaged with farmers outside of the project team in a number of ways. This included at field days (three), through the dry farmed accelerator program, and the Dry Farming Collaborative Winter Meeting. Additionally, we shared data with Organically Grown Company and the farmer who they are working with to develop their dry farming program.
Objective 6: Evaluate project outcomes
At the end of the project, we sent a survey to 16 farmers and gardeners that participated in the study. Ten farmers completed the survey. These results are presented in the Education and Outreach section of this report.
2022: Twenty-three varieties were identified as being high performing, with >12 tons/acre yield (Table 1). These included a diversity of different market classes.
Table 1: High Performing Melon Varieties
Cultivar |
Class |
Ripening |
Total Yield (tons/acre) |
Average Fruit Weight (lbs/fruit) |
Incidence splitting |
First Set |
Second set |
Notes |
6131 |
Ameri |
Climacteric |
18.5 |
5.7 |
5% |
8/29-9/15 |
Arava |
Cantalupensis (Galia) |
Climacteric |
12.0 |
3.1 |
0% |
8/18-8/29 |
Organic seed |
Visa |
Cantalupensis (Galia) |
Climacteric |
14.4 |
2.6 |
8% |
8/15-8/22 |
Lambkin |
Inodorus (Piel de Sapo) |
Non-climacteric |
12.1 |
2.9 |
0% |
8/18-9/26 |
Stores well |
Amy Canary |
Inodorus (Canary) |
Non-climacteric |
17.3 |
2.9 |
21% |
8/22-9/1 |
9/15-9/26 |
Stores well |
Orange Sugar |
Inodorus (Asian) |
Non-climacteric |
17.5 |
1.6 |
17% |
8/18-8/29 |
9/15-9/26 |
Double Dew |
Inodorus (Honeydew) |
Non-climacteric |
17.6 |
3.5 |
0% |
8/22-8/29 |
9/26 |
Lilly |
Inodorus (Crenshaw) |
Non-climacteric |
18.1 |
5.8 |
0% |
8/18-8/22 |
9/26 |
Matt’s Favorite |
Snow Leopard |
Inodorus (Gaya) |
Non-climacteric |
18.3 |
1.8 |
15% |
8/18-8/29 |
9/19-9/26 |
Summer Dew |
Inodorus (Honeydew) |
Non-climacteric |
18.8 |
4.4 |
5% |
8/29-9/5 |
9/26 |
Athena |
Reticulatus |
Climacteric |
12.1 |
3.9 |
0% |
8/22-9/1 |
9/12-9/26 |
Oregon Delicious |
Reticulatus |
Climacteric |
12.3 |
3.0 |
0% |
8/22-9/1 |
Organic seed |
Sugar Cube |
Reticulatus |
Climacteric |
12.6 |
1.8 |
0% |
8/22-9/1 |
9/8-9/26 |
Can develop off-flavors |
Hannah’s Choice |
Reticulatus |
Climacteric |
13.1 |
3.0 |
0% |
8/22-8/29 |
True Love |
Reticulatus |
Climacteric |
15.3 |
4.3 |
0% |
8/18-9/5 |
9/26 |
Organic seed |
Ambrosia |
Reticulatus |
Climacteric |
15.9 |
3.5 |
0% |
8/25-9/5 |
9/12-9/26 |
Thunderstruck |
Reticulatus |
Climacteric |
18.3 |
3.5 |
9% |
8/25-9/5 |
9/19-9/26 |
Does not slip |
Ambrosia (grafted) |
Reticulatus |
Climacteric |
22.5 |
3.5 |
5% |
8/25-9/22 |
Tirreno |
Reticulatus (Tuscan) |
Climacteric |
12.2 |
3.1 |
4% |
8/25-8/29 |
9/8-9/19 |
Organic seed |
Yellow Doll |
Watermelon |
Non-climacteric |
13.6 |
4.0 |
0% |
8/15-8/25 |
9/8-9/26 |
Cal Sweet Bush |
Watermelon |
Non-climacteric |
13.9 |
14.3 |
20% |
8/25-9/5 |
Winter King |
Watermelon |
Non-climacteric |
15.0 |
9.7 |
0% |
8/25-9/12 |
9/26 |
Organic seed, stores well |
Sugar Baby (grafted) |
Watermelon |
Non-climacteric |
34.1 |
8.8 |
0% |
8/18-8/29 |
9/12-9/26 |
Organic seed |
We recommend farmers who are interested in growing dry farmed melons consider the varieties listed in table 1, especially if they are prioritizing yield. For farmers interested in melon shelf-life, consider growing non-climacteric melons. Long shelf-life may be an important trait when dry farming as the harvest window is compressed. Some melons harvested at the end of September were still good to eat at the start of November. Grafted Ambrosia yielded more fruit than ungrafted Ambrosia, resulting in a higher yield. However, TSS and titratable acidity were lower for grafted Ambrosia (TSS = 7.5 oBrix, titratable acidity = 0.36) than ungrafted Ambrosia (TSS = 9.3 oBrix, titratable acidity = 0.50). Farmers interested in flavor may opt for ungrafted melons, while those who are interested in productivity may choose to graft. Yield was also found to be highly correlated with average fruit weight for melons (r=0.47, p=0.006). This is unfortunate, because both farmers and marketers indicated that they were particularly interested in small fruited melons. This relationship was not present for watermelons, however fewer watermelons were trialed, so we may not have had sufficient data to evaluate this relationship.
Of the 41 cultivars trialed, 15 were determined to be low performing, with yields <12 tons/acre. Results for these cultivars are presented in table 2.
Table 2: Cultivars with <12 tons/acre
Cultivar |
Market class |
Distributor |
Yield (tons/acre) |
Average fruit weight (lbs) |
Notes |
Mini Love |
Watermelon |
Johnny’s |
4.1 |
4.4 |
New Queen |
Watermelon |
Osborne |
5.1 |
3.0 |
Tom |
Watermelon |
High Mowing |
6.1 |
4.4 |
Halona |
Reticulatus |
Johnny’s |
6.6 |
2.2 |
D'Artagnan |
Cantalupensis (Charentais) |
Johnny’s |
7.2 |
2.3 |
Anna’s Charentais |
Cantalupensis (Charentais) |
Johnny’s |
7.8 |
2.2 |
Many fruits had off flavors |
Kazakh |
Inodorus (Asian) |
Adaptive Seeds |
7.8 |
1.8 |
HD093 |
Inodorus (Honeydew) |
Osborne |
9.4 |
2.4 |
Cathay Belle |
Watermelon |
Osborne |
10.0 |
5.9 |
Torpedo |
Makuwa (Korean) |
Johnny’s |
10.1 |
0.8 |
San Juan |
Ameri |
Osborne |
10.3 |
3.7 |
Milan |
Reticulatus |
Johnny’s |
11.1 |
2.6 |
Dark Belle |
Watermelon |
Johnny’s |
11.2 |
6.0 |
Divergent |
Reticulatus |
High Mowing |
11.2 |
3.3 |
Siven |
Cantalupensis (Charentais) |
High Mowing |
11.8 |
2.0 |
Two outreach events were held over the course of the 2022 growing season, one with retailers/wholesalers (12 participants total) and the other with farmers, researchers, and agricultural professionals (19 participants total). Tasters rated the appearance, flavor, texture, and willingness to buy for the melons, with a 1 being the highest rating and a 3 being the lowest. Averages values from the taste tests at these events are presented in table 3.
Table 3: Taste Test Results from a field day (19 tasters) and a retail/wholesale focus group (12 tasters).
Event |
Cultivar |
Appearance |
Flavor |
Texture |
Willingness to Buy |
Corvallis Farmer’s Field Day (Sept 7) |
6131 |
1.3* |
1.4 |
1.3* |
1.4* |
Ambrosia |
1.3* |
1.7 |
1.7 |
1.7 |
Amy Canary |
1.4 |
1.3* |
1.5 |
1.4* |
Summer Dew |
1.6 |
1.6 |
1.8 |
1.5 |
True Love |
1.6 |
2.0 |
1.6 |
1.8 |
Portland Marketer’s Field Day (August 31) |
6131 |
Display melons not available, but marketers agreed that they generally want a smaller melon |
1.7 |
1.4 |
1.6 |
Arava |
1.5 |
1.2 |
1.4 |
Sugar Cube |
1.4 |
1.5 |
1.4 |
True Love |
1.2* |
1.1* |
1.1* |
Tasters rated Appearance, Flavor, Texture, and Willingness to Buy for melon varieties, with a 1 being the highest and a 3 being the lowest score. Average values from these tests are reported.
*Values with an asterisk were the highest scoring variety in their category.
In 2023, there were 70 ungrafted varieties, ten grafted varieties, a density trial with four different varieties and two replications, and a serial planting trial with two additional plantings (2/June/2023 and 12/June/2023) of eight varieties trialed at the OSU Vegetable Research Farm. There were four on-farm trials of a single replication of 6-10 varieties, for which data was collected by the project team. There were an additional ten farmers that trialed a single replication of the high-performing melon variety 'Lilly'.
Based on data from 2022 and 2023, the following table of high performing melon varieties was developed (Table 4). This table is presented early in the melon extension publication draft that we recently submitted.
Table 4: Recommended varieties from the 2022 and 2023 OSU Variety Trials
Name |
Market class |
Seed company |
Number of years; number of farms |
Description |
Accolade |
Cantaloupe |
Osborne |
1; 1 |
A high yielding Cantaloupe variety |
Ambrosia |
Cantaloupe |
Osborne |
2; 1 |
A popular market Cantaloupe |
Da Vinci |
Cantaloupe |
Osborne |
1; 1 |
A high yielding Tuscan Cantaloupe variety |
Melonade |
Cantaloupe |
1; 1 |
A popular “sweet and sour” melon |
Sarah’s Choice |
Cantaloupe |
1; 1 |
A tasty Cantaloupe |
Sugar Rush |
Cantaloupe |
Territorial |
1; 1 |
A high yielding smaller Cantaloupe |
True Love |
Cantaloupe |
High Mowing |
2; 5 |
A high performing Cantaloupe across many farms |
Ha’Ogen |
Charentais |
1; 1 |
Grown by one Californian dry farm |
Arava |
Galia |
Osborne |
2; 5 |
A high performing Galia melon |
Honey Orange |
Honeydew |
1; 1 |
A very tasty Honeydew |
Snow Leopard |
Gaya |
2; 4 |
A high yielding Gaya melon with small fruit |
Amy |
Canary |
Osborne |
2; 4 |
A tasty Canary melon |
Giallo d’Inverno |
Canary |
Uprising |
1; 1 |
A tasty Canary melon |
Lambkin |
Piel de Sapo |
2; 4 |
A high performing Piel de Sapo melon |
Lilly |
Crenshaw |
2; 4 |
A standout Crenshaw melon |
Bella |
Ananas |
H.E.D. Seed |
2; 1 |
A flavorful and popular Ananas melon |
Sharlyn |
Ananas |
Fruition |
1; 1 |
A popular Ananas melon |
Golden Giant |
Makuwa |
1; 1 |
The better performing of the two Makuwa melons we trialed |
Blacktail Mountain |
Watermelon |
Territorial |
1; 1 |
The Dry Farming Institute recommends this early watermelon |
Christmas watermelon |
Watermelon |
1; 1 |
A very high yielding Watermelon |
Sugar Baby |
Watermelon |
1; 1 |
A high yielding classic Watermelon |
Yellow Doll |
Watermelon |
Osborne |
2; 4 |
A consistently high performing yellow Watermelon |
Melons were trialed for only two years and at five locations.
Fruition = Fruition Seeds (Naples, NY, USA), H.E.D. Seed = H.E.D. Seed Productions (Salida, CA, USA) High Mowing = High Mowing Organic Seeds (Wolcott, VT, USA), JSS = Johnny’s Selected Seeds (Winslow, ME, USA), Osborne = Osborne Quality Seeds (Mount Vernon, WA, USA), SSE = Seed Savers Exchange (Decorah, IA, USA), SRN = Seed rEvolution Now (Pescadero, CA, USA), Territorial = Territorial Seed Company (Cottage Grove, OR, USA), Uprising = Uprising Seeds (Bellingham, WA, USA).
The grafting trials showed that grafting onto the Flexifort rootstock increased marketable yields, marketable fruit count, average fruit size, and titratatable acidity, while decreasing cracking incidence and the ratio of soluble solids concentration to titratable acidity (Table 5). This is similar to the results from 2022.
Table 5: Grafting onto the rootstock Flexifort increased marketable yields, marketable fruit count, average fruit weight, and titratable acidity, while also decreasing cracking incidence and ratio of soluble solids concentration to titratable acidity
Grafted onto Flexifort |
Ungrafted |
Scion Market Class |
Marketable yield (tons per acre) |
Marketable count (1,000 fruit per acre) |
Average fruit weight (pounds per fruit) |
Percent cracking (%) |
Soluble solids concentration (%) |
Titratable acidity (%) |
Soluble solids concentration to titratable acidity ratio
Marketable yield (tons per acre) |
Marketable count (1,000 fruit per acre) |
Average fruit weight (pounds per fruit) |
Percent cracking (%) |
Soluble solids concentration (%) |
Titratable acidity (%) |
Soluble solids concentration to titratable acidity ratio
Athena Cantaloupe |
15.4 |
6.8 |
4.5 |
4 |
7.7 |
4.7 |
3.3 |
6 |
15.0 |
0.68 |
22.1 |
Hannah’s Choice Cantaloupe |
15.5 |
5.9 |
5.2 |
5 |
13.1 |
0.73 |
17.9 |
5.2 |
3.4 |
3.1 |
12 |
14.1 |
0.77 |
18.3 |
True Love Cantaloupe |
23.6 |
11.5 |
4.1 |
0 |
15.3 |
1.03 |
14.9 |
12.4 |
6.6 |
3.7 |
0 |
15.8 |
0.94 |
16.8 |
Arava Galia |
13.0 |
6.8 |
3.8 |
0 |
13.9 |
0.88 |
15.8 |
13.6 |
8.1 |
3.4 |
0 |
13.9 |
0.81 |
17.2 |
Amy Canary |
24.8 |
13.1 |
3.8 |
11 |
15.0 |
0.79 |
19.0 |
8.6 |
5.0 |
3.5 |
36 |
13.4 |
0.6 |
22.3 |
Lambkin Piel de Sapo |
23.5 |
11.8 |
4.0 |
0 |
12.5 |
0.63 |
19.8 |
18.1 |
10.9 |
3.3 |
0 |
11.9 |
0.46 |
25.9 |
Lilly Crenshaw |
22.2 |
6.8 |
6.5 |
0 |
15.3 |
0.75 |
20.4 |
16.1 |
5.9 |
5.4 |
0 |
13.8 |
0.62 |
22.3 |
Cal Sweet Bush Watermelon |
14.2 |
1.9 |
14.6 |
0 |
13.1 |
2.5 |
10.6 |
0 |
8.9 |
0.24 |
37.1 |
Sugar Baby Watermelon |
32.1 |
6.5 |
9.8 |
0 |
11.1 |
0.45 |
24.7 |
24.5 |
5.9 |
8.3 |
0 |
9.2 |
0.33 |
27.9 |
Yellow Doll Watermelon |
17.6 |
9.0 |
3.9 |
0 |
11.4 |
0.37 |
30.8 |
20.2 |
9.3 |
4.3 |
3 |
11.0 |
0.34 |
32.4 |
Planting Density: Changing the in-row spacing had a small effect on yield and fruit weight, but the effect was not statistically significant (Table 6).
Table 6: Effect of planting density on marketable yield, fruit count, and average fruit size at the OSU Vegetable Research Farm in 2023.
Plants per acre |
In-row spacing (ft) |
Marketable yield (tons per acre) |
Fruit number (fruit per acre) |
Average fruit weight (lbs) |
1245 |
5 |
18.3 |
8110 |
4.7 |
1556 |
4 |
19.3 |
8480 |
4.8 |
2074 |
3 |
20.4 |
9110 |
4.3 |
Serial Planting:
Serial Planting was important for increasing the total number of harvests, while having a limited effect on total yields (Table 7).
Table 7: Effect of planting date on marketable yield and number of harvests for eight melon and watermelon varieties grown at the OSU Vegetable Research Farm in 2023. As a reminder, there were two harvests each week.
Marketable yield (tons per acre); number of harvests |
Variety |
Planted May 18 |
Planted June 2 |
Planted June 12 |
Averaged across planting days |
Ambrosia |
8.4; 7 |
11.4; 5 |
6.1; 6 |
8.6; 12 |
Athena |
7.7; 8 |
13.0; 8 |
9.6; 7 |
10.1; 13 |
Hannah’s Choice |
5.2; 5 |
9.8; 7 |
8.4; 6 |
7.8; 12 |
True Love |
12.4; 9 |
7.9; 8 |
8.3; 7 |
9.6; 14 |
Arava |
13.6; 6 |
18.9; 10 |
6.9; 4 |
13.1; 12 |
Lambkin |
18.1; 9 |
14.2; 8 |
9.3; 5 |
13.9; 13 |
Lilly |
16.1; 4 |
20.5; 7 |
11.2; 7 |
15.9; 14 |
Yellow Doll |
20.2; 11 |
30.9; 10 |
25.4; 9 |
25.5; 15 |
On-farm trials:
On-farm trials tended to have lower yields than the research farm trial (Table 8). This may be in part an effect of the site suitability, the OSU Vegetable Research Farm has one of the best soils in the Willamette Valley for dry farming. Additionally, management may have played a role. Sites with high soil nutrient concentrations also may have lost seedlings due to high salt concentrations at the soil surface.
Table 8: Comparing on-farm trial averages to OSU Vegetable Research Farm results
Variety Market Class |
Trial |
Marketable yield (tons per acre) |
Marketable count (fruit per acre) |
Average marketable fruit weight (lbs per fruit) |
Amy Canary |
On-Farm Trials |
9.3 |
6,600 |
2.9 |
8.6 |
4,978 |
3.5 |
Arava Galia |
On-Farm Trials |
8.6 |
5,500 |
3.0 |
13.6 |
8,090 |
3.4 |
Athena Cantaloupe |
On-Farm Trials |
4.3 |
2,900 |
3.0 |
7.7 |
4,667 |
3.3 |
Cal Sweet Bush Watermelon |
On-Farm Trials |
10.7 |
1,500 |
10.5 |
13.1 |
2,489 |
10.6 |
Hannah’s Choice Cantaloupe |
On-Farm Trials |
5.0 |
3,700 |
2.9 |
5.2 |
3,423 |
3.1 |
Lambkin Piel de Sapo |
On-Farm Trials |
12.8 |
8,600 |
3.0 |
18.1 |
10,890 |
3.3 |
Lilly Crenshaw |
On-Farm Trials |
9.1 |
3,500 |
5.2 |
16.1 |
5,912 |
5.4 |
Snow Leopard Gaya |
On-Farm Trials |
7.8 |
8,400 |
1.9 |
10.6 |
9,023 |
2.3 |
True Love Cantaloupe |
On-Farm Trials |
7.4 |
5,000 |
3.0 |
12.4 |
6,612 |
3.7 |
Yellow Doll Watermelon |
On-Farm Trials |
12.7 |
6,700 |
3.4 |
20.2 |
9,334 |
4.3 |
Tastings during the OSU Vegetable Research Farm Field day are presented in Table 9. Consumers ranked Aroma, Sweetness, Texture, and Overall Flavor on a scale of 1-5. Aroma, Texture, and Overall Flavor were considered hedonic evaluations, with a 1 being the lowest score and a 5 being the highest. Sweetness was considered as a simple evaluation of sweetness, with a 1 being bland and a 5 being very sweet. There were small differences in preference, though it appears that texture was a big determinant of preference.
Table 9: Taste test average results from 23 participants
Variety | Market Class | Aroma | Sweetness | Texture | Overall Flavor |
Lambkin (F1) | Piel de Sapo | 3.3 | 3.9 | 4.1* | 4.1* |
Sharlyn (OP) | Ananas | 3.5* | 4.0* | 4.0 | 3.9 |
True Love (F1) | Cantaloupe | 3.3 | 3.7 | 4.0 | 3.7 |
Arava (F1) | Galia | 3.4 | 3.5 | 3.3 | 3.6 |
Eel River (OP) | Crenshaw | 3.4 | 3.7 | 3.2 | 3.4 |
Lilly (F1) | Crenshaw | 3.3 | 3.8 | 2.6 | 3.5 |
Tasters ranked Aroma, Texture, and Overall Flavor as hedonic measures on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the lowest value and 5 being the highest. They also ranked the sweetness of the fruit on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being bland and 5 being very sweet.
*Values with an asterisk were the highest scoring variety in their category.
Six tasters participated in a tasting of Bella melon at an event in Portland, OR. They found no real difference between the irrigated and dry-farmed melons (overall flavor: dry-farmed = 4.5/5, irrigated = 4.5/5). That said, they were really only tasting two melons, one from either treatment, of a single variety. Larger replicated taste tests will be required to demonstrate any difference between dry-farmed and irrigated melon.
Works Cited:
Research Outcomes
Dry farm melon production may allow farmers to produce high yields of melon and watermelon with reduced inputs. Farmers and marketers are enthusiastic about the marketability of this crop. Utilizing our data, farmers will be able to evaluate cultivars that meet their needs, whether they are interested in yield, fruit weight, flavor, or storability.
Our key findings include determining a number of high-performing melon varieties from diverse market classes (Table 3) and that serial planting is important for extending the harvest season. Additional findings include the effects of grafting on melon yield and fruit quality, with grafting onto Flexifort resulting in increased yields and fruit size, reduced splitting, but also reductions in the total soluble solids to titratable acidity ratio. Finally, plant spacing did not affect yield or fruit size, though a limited number of densities were tested and these tests were conducted only at one farm.
Future research should compare irrigated and dry-farmed melons for yield, quality, storability, and flavor. Additionally, we should determine how melon safety is affected by dry farming. Some project farmers are worried that dieldrin residues in soils may be taken up by cucurbit crops. However, because dry farming results in uptake of soil moisture far below the surface, dry farming may result in fewer of these chemicals ending up in melon crops.
Education and Outreach
Participation Summary:
In 2022, we conducted two field day/outreach events as part of this project, one focused on retailers/marketers and one focused on farmers. Both groups were enthusiastic about the project and the melons that they saw/tasted. Retailer/marketers made it clear that they preferred smaller melons. Results from the taste tests are presented in Table 3.
This resulted in what was probably the most significant outcome of the project. Organically Grown Company, a local organic produce wholesaler, worked with a Willamette Valley organic vegetable grower to start producing six acres of dry-farmed melons in 2023. This included four varieties that were recommended to them based on our data. They plan to grow three of these varieties again in 2024, along with an additional variety that we recommended to them after our 2023 growing season. They are also planning to triple their production.
During the 2023 growing season, we had an additional two field days that included dry farmed melon demonstrations and tastings. We also featured dry-farmed melons at our Tomato Festival in Portland, OR.
Selman worked with farmers and buyers to educate them about dry-farmed melons. Informational materials including display cards were distributed to farmers and the marketers buying dry farmed melons from project farmers (for example, natural food stores marketing project farmer melons). Direct-market farmers will be provided banners for retail marketing.
After the 2022 growing season we developed and sent an annual report to participant farmers. During 2023, the project continued to engage farmers. The 2022 reports, marketing materials, and other outreach materials were made available through an OSU Department of Horticulture webpage (
On May 7th, 2024, we submitted a draft extension bulletin for review. This bulletin presents all of our findings in an easy to understand format. We will continue to update Western SARE about our progress with this bulletin.
Sixteen farmers were sent surveys after the project was over. Ten of them responded.
Of the ten, nine intended to change a practice.
Seven of them definitely intended to grow dry-farmed melons in the future, while three reported that they may grow dry-farmed melons in the future. Seven of them intend to grow high-performing melon varieties while three reported that they may grow high-performing melon varieties. All intended to keep a weed free dry-farmed melon field. Three reported that they intended to use NRCS website 'Web Soil Survey' to estimate their site's soil available water holding capacity, while four reported that they may use 'Web Soil Survey'. Five reported that they intended to site their dry-farmed melon field to maximize soil AWHC while four reported that they may site the dry-farmed melons to maximize soil AWHC.
All of those surveyed understood that site factors related to dry farm success includes soil AWHC, climate, microclimate, and wind exposure. They all understood that crops relied on stored soil moisture and in-season rainfall. They all understood that melon market classes and varieties differed in traits, including yield, fruit size, flavor, and shelf life. They all understood that it was important to conserve soil moisture by terminating the cover crops early in the spring, not overworking the soil, and controlling weeds. Two reported that they did not know how to use Web Soil Survey to determine their site's soil AWHC.
Education and Outreach Outcomes
Melons are a diverse crop and farmers, marketers, and retailers have different objectives when selecting cultivars that they want to grow, sell, and promote. It is important to weigh everyone's interests when selecting cultivars to trial and promote.
As previously mentioned, one of the most important outcomes of the project was that Organically Grown Company used our data to determine what varieties to grow for their own dry farming program. A big part of establishing this trust was our 2022 focus group, which was focused on engaging with retailers and wholesalers. One big take away from this project is how important it is to engage not just with farmers, but also with the customers of farms and farmers.
Site suitability
Diversity of melon market classes
Dry farm management