Progress report for SGA23-001

Project Type: PDP State Program
Funds awarded in 2023: $11,518.00
Projected End Date: 06/30/2024
Grant Recipient: University of Georgia
Region: Southern
State: Georgia
State Coordinator:
Dr. Timothy Coolong
University of Georgia
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Project Information


The UGA SARE program is in the process of developing a new logic model and a 5-year plan to address upcoming needs for professional development opportunities. We will continue to provide support for Extension professionals to attend conferences and educational programming in addition to providing more opportunities to support the UGA Journeyman Farmer program, which has seen renewed interest in urban and peri urban regions of the state.  Further, the program will address needs in urban food production, which were not part of the prior logic model.  The new SARE program assistant is housed in the Center for Urban Agriculture at UGA in an effort to provide a greater connection to urban audiences.  Further, we will support programming efforts that seek to engage non-traditional audiences for outreach. The new logic model will be completed during the 2023-2024 project year.

Project Objectives:

The Georgia Model State Program previously developed a Logic Model to guide our training efforts. The Logic Model, was last updated in 2015 and is in the process of being updated to reflect more current, reflects needs of Georgia as directed by the SARE Advisory Committee as well as clientele throughout the state.  We seek to include input from a broad range of clientele, who may not have the time to participate in the advisory committee, but whose input can help strengthen the UGA SARE program.  Our overall goal is still to promote “Increased use of sustainable agriculture practices by producers at multiple scales supported by a knowledgeable network of agricultural professionals ensuring a high proportion of diverse, profitable, and environmentally-friendly farm operations”.  We are currently looking to identify a new complement of educational areas to support training workshops.  

Each year, we develop training opportunities to address one or more of the SARE Logic Model training objectives. The 2023-2024 cycle will build upon previous cycles in the areas of diversified farm production, direct marketing, organic production (all commodities), and urban food production. After suspension of travel activities in 2020-2021, we have observed an increase in the need for travel support and our budgets for the Model State Program will reflect this.

We will again be providing support for Extension professions to attend both the SE regional fruit and vegetable conference and GA organics. We will provide support for up to 4 total attendees (2 per conference). This is a repeat of prior years, but we feel that these are important conferences for agents to attend to gain valuable professional development.  They are central to our mission of training the trainers.

We will also be providing support for the Journeyman Farmer Program in Georgia.  This program has been very successful and is the only program of its type in Georgia. Recently the business portion of the program was improved and we are including an honorarium for speakers from Ag. South/Farm Credit to speak when invited.  A program currently underway in Henry County GA has nearly 30 participants for Business and Fruit and Vegetable Production portions of the program and we anticipate continued interest.

We are requesting an additional honorarium for grower speakers to present at hands-on field days. We are currently arranging a program with the Athens Area Sustainable Growers Network for an upcoming training at 3-Porch Flower and Vegetable Farm. We feel that grower-led discussion can be highly impactful. 

We are requesting materials and supplies to hold hands-on learning opportunities for agents and growers in the field at UGA Research Centers. An example is an upcoming program that is being conducted on March 9, 2023 (although prior to the 23/24 programming year it is an example of the type of programs we are supporting).

Our current SARE program assistant is housed at the UGA Center for Urban Agriculture and we anticipate increased involvement and support for Urban Agriculture programming throughout the year.




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Educational approach:

The Georgia Model State Program previously developed a Logic Model to guide our training efforts. The Logic Model, was last updated in 2015 and is in the process of being updated to reflect more current, reflects needs of Georgia as directed by the SARE Advisory Committee as well as clientele throughout the state. We seek to include input from a broad range of clientele, who may not have the time to participate in the advisory committee, but whose input can help strengthen the UGA SARE program. Our overall goal is still to promote “Increased use of sustainable agriculture practices by producers at multiple scales supported by a knowledgeable network of agricultural professionals ensuring a high proportion of diverse, profitable, and environmentally-friendly farm operations”. We are currently looking to identify a new complement of educational areas to support training workshops.


Education & Outreach Initiatives

Agent sponsorship for training opportunities.

We sponsored an area livestock agent, Deron Rehberg to attend out of state livestock meeting, Cattle-Con Orlando 2024.


By sponsoring agent travel to out of state conferences we can help train the trainers to bring that knowledge back to growers in Georgia. Deron was able to attend the largest conference for the cattle industry in the US in January 2024 and attended a variety of educational programs, which includes grazing strategies and pasture management.

Outcomes and impacts:

The learning outcomes are that our area livestock agents are better prepared to assist Georgia ranchers to improve the sustainability of their production systems. UGA has hired 2 area livestock agents to cover multiple counties in Southern Georgia. These agents work almost exclusively with livestock operations. By being focused in one subject area they can expand their reach in terms impact for train the trainers programs.

Agent and SARE program assistant sponsorhip to the National Urban Extension Leadership Conference

ANR Agent Dr. Laura Ney and SARE program assistant, Whitney Richardson presented and attended the National Urban Extension Leadership Conference to present information on programming in Georgia and also to learn from other Extension Professionals.


 The conference will take place in May 2024 https://connect.extension.org/g/nuel/event/nuel-conference-rhythm-to-the-future.  Dr. Ney is presenting a paper at the conference regarding her efforts with the Athens Area Sustainable Growers Network.  The UGA SARE program has worked with AASGN routinely to deliver programming and working with growers to also help deliver programming. This will help connect our efforts to other urban and periburban efforts in the region

Outcomes and impacts:

This conference will allow the UGA SARE program to help connect better with Urban Agriculture. Expanding Urban agriculture efforts is a key part of UGA SARE programming moving forward.

Hands on irrigation training for agents

On May 13, 2024 a hands-on agent training covering small scale drip irrigation was held at the Durham Horticulture Farm in Watkinsville, Georgia to demonstrate techniques to imrpove small scale farm irrigation.


There were 28 agents and program assistants in attendance for the 3 hour program.  All aspects of small scale drip irrigation were covered including calculating fertigation and irrgation run times, building systems and monitoring soil moisture. Area water agents from all districts in Georgia also attended.


Irrigation training post activities


Outcomes and impacts:

Agents reported learning about irrigation management as well as system design and basic construction. Overall the program was a success and reached agents in all regions of Georgia.

Improved forage management.

Area livestock agent Deron Rehberg routinely conducts trainings with growers for hay-forage management. We supplied him a portable hay tester to demonstrate hay quality and how postharvest management can affect hay quality.


A hay quality tester was supplied to an area livestock agent to demonstrate good management tactics for hay storage.

Outcomes and impacts:

The outcomes will be to assist growers to improve forage management.

2024 Urban Agriculture Update

Agents from Georgia and Tennessee will collaborate for an urban ag. training program in Chattanooga, TN on June 6-7, 2024.


This program will include 20 agents from UGA (and a similar number from UT). The SARE program is helping sponsor some travel for agents (mileage) to attend this 2 day program to discuss and share knowledge about urban agriculture.

Outcomes and impacts:

The event has not yet occurred at the time of this report. The intent is to improve collaboration between the two institutions that have several large urban areas (agents are representing Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Savannah, Augusta, Columbus, and Athens, which account for more than 13 million residents).

Educational & Outreach Activities

30 Consultations
2 Curricula, factsheets or educational tools
3 On-farm demonstrations
6 Published press articles, newsletters
3 Tours
30 Travel Scholarships
2 Webinars / talks / presentations
5 Workshop field days

Participation Summary:

80 Extension
3 Researchers
5 Nonprofit
2 Agency
5 Ag service providers (other or unspecified)
30 Farmers/ranchers
3 Others

Learning Outcomes

120 Participants gained or increased knowledge, skills and/or attitudes about sustainable agriculture topics, practices, strategies, approaches
60 Ag professionals intend to use knowledge, attitudes, skills and/or awareness learned

Project Outcomes

1 Grant received that built upon this project
10 New working collaborations
50 Agricultural service provider participants who used knowledge and skills learned through this project (or incorporated project materials) in their educational activities, services, information products and/or tools for farmers
200 Farmers reached through participant's programs
Additional Outcomes:

Agents routinely take the knowledge that they have gained from the train the trainers program to impact growers in a variety of ways - many of which are unintended.  SARE program assistant Whitney Ottinger has given many talks about the SARE program throughout Georgia, making growers aware of the SARE program and how it could positively impact them.  These are contacts that are made through routine day to day operations, but were not necessarily intended from the original project.

Face of SARE

Face of SARE:

SARE coordinator Coolong has promoted SARE at agent trainings and many farmer outreach events throughout Georgia.  In addition, SARE program assistant, Whitney Ottinger has featured the SARE program at the following events:

  • Master Series ANR Hour – Presented Journeyman Farmer Overview for agents – 11 attendees
  • Instructed classes for FFA teachers statewide training ~ 40 attendees
  • Co-coordinated Farmers Field Day and taught sustainable ag resources session and provided SARE handouts, book display, and other resources – 27 attendees
  • Co-presented Center for Urban Agriculture overview at ANR Foundations Griffin Campus – 17 attendees
  • Provided support for 8 counties who facilitated the Journeyman Program
  • Co-coordinated agent training on organic farming with Newton County agent, Georgia Organics and Florida Organic Growers Project – 24 attendees
  • Co-coordinated Urban Ag Council Irrigation and Water Conservation Training ~30 attendees
  • Foodwell Alliance Farmer Resource Roundup Exhibitor ~30 attendees
  • Southeast Green Conference Exhibitor
  • Sunbelt Agriculture Expo Exhibitor
  • Southern Region SARE Coordinator Training
  • Aglanta Urban Agriculture Hyper local food festival /network ~80 attendees
  • Food Well Alliance Pollinator Census counting event and workshop – 14 attendees
  • Innovative Sustainable Technology Symposium ~ 30 attendees
  • Discussed SARE at the Georgia Farm Bureau Conference and stakeholders breakfast


300 Farmers received information about SARE grant programs and information resources
80 Ag professionals received information about SARE grant programs and information resources
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.