Texas A&M University Training Grant- MSP22

Final report for STX22-001

Project Type: PDP State Program
Funds awarded in 2022: $22,000.00
Projected End Date: 06/30/2023
Grant Recipient: Texas A&M University
Region: Southern
State: Texas
State Coordinator:
Dr. Vanessa Corriher-Olson
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
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Project Information


Texas’ Sustainable Agriculture Advisory Committee meets annually to oversee the state program for training agricultural professionals in concepts of sustainable agriculture. The program involves a multifaceted effort that provides training opportunities for County Extension Agents, FSA personnel, NRCS personnel, producers, and other agricultural professionals and also incorporates concepts of sustainable agriculture in existing, state-wide training efforts. These training opportunities include conferences, field meetings and workshops held at various locations in Texas.

Another approach of the Texas Sustainable Agriculture Advisory Committee is to support travel of selected professionals to regional and national conferences on sustainable agriculture, with the intent of participants gaining knowledge and skills that they will share with other agricultural professionals in Texas.

Program evaluation will be accomplished with pre- and post-tests designed to measure knowledge gained by participating in educational programs. A subset of attendees will be mailed an additional survey instrument four to eight months after the training to determine if participants have adopted any of the sustainable concepts presented. The aim of the evaluation is to assess knowledge gained and to determine whether new knowledge will be applied in future programs for their clientele.

Project Objectives:

1) Annually conduct training for new employees of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension (AgriLife) and the Cooperative Extension Program (CEP) at Prairie View A&M University regarding sustainable agricultural practices and Southern Region SARE programs. Goal of training 20 new employees.

2) Annually include USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA), USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) and Farm Credit System personnel in seminars and trainings regarding sustainable agriculture practices and Southern Region SARE programs held locally or on a state-wide basis. Goal of training 20 USDA and Farm Credit personnel.

3) Annually participate in three outreach efforts, such as field days and industry conferences, to inform producers and agricultural professionals regarding the SARE program. Goal of reaching 500 agricultural professionals.

4) Maintain a website to provide timely and updated information related to SARE and the SARE grant program to Texas clientele. Goal of 500 “hits” on updated website.

5) Annually conduct training for Extension agents and agency staffs to learn to instruct socially disadvantaged farmers, landowners and community leaders, including African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, women and persons who have limited resources of land, labor and capital regarding sustainable agriculture practices and Southern Region SARE programs. Goal of training 20 Extension agents and/or agency personnel.


The program involves a multifaceted effort that provides training opportunities for County Extension Agents, FSA personnel, NRCS personnel, producers, and other agricultural professionals and also incorporates concepts of sustainable agriculture in existing, state-wide training efforts. These training opportunities include conferences, field meetings and workshops held at various locations in Texas.

Projects designed to train Extension agents from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and Prairie View A&M Cooperative Extension will meet agent’s requests for sustainable information to assist local farmers. Concepts of sustainable agriculture have been and will continue to be disseminated through new agents’ training, leadership training, seminars, workshops, farm tours, publications, websites, manuals, videos and other events (e-mail, telephone contacts, farm visits, etc.).

Sustainable agriculture training for agents, agency personnel and mentor farmers should show impacts across Texas with advances in the areas of food and fiber production, environmental awareness and protection, organic, IPM and alternate production methods, marketing, farmer cooperation and development of multi- disciplinary teams to reach common goals. Administrative success stories and awards should reflect these programs teaching sustainable practices.

Extension agents and other Extension personnel will indicate an increased knowledge of sustainable agriculture and sustainable production techniques by reporting contacts, outcomes and narratives regarding educational activities on monthly state-wide reports available to program coordinators in the form of contacts, subject material, narratives, evaluations and on-farm contacts or sustainable demonstration projects.


Click linked name(s) to expand/collapse or show everyone's info
  • Dr. Juan Anciso (Educator and Researcher)
  • Derrick Banks (Educator) (Educator)
  • Sue Beckwith(Educator/Farmer)
  • Brandi Chandler(Educator) (Educator)
  • Dr. Jason Cleere(Educator/Rancher) (Educator)
  • Dr. Doug Constance(Educator)
  • Dr. Megan Clayton(Educator/Rancher)
  • Dr. Nelson Daniels
  • Stedman Douglas(Educator)
  • Johnie DeBara(Farmer)
  • Dr. Rebekka Dudending(Educator)
  • Roy Flora(Educator/Rancher)
  • Ashley Gregory(Educator)
  • Justin Mechell (Farmer, Rancher)
  • Kesha Henry(Educator)
  • Jennifer Herrara(Educator)
  • Boone Holiday(Educator/Farmer)
  • Brent Johnson(Farmer)
  • Mandy Krause(Educator/Rancher)
  • Travis Krause(Educator/Rancher)
  • Dr. Patrick Lillard(Educator)
  • Susie Marshall(Educator/Farmer)
  • Dr. Joe Masabni(Educator)
  • Rene McCracken(Educator/Farmer
  • Justin Meckell(Farmer/Rancher)
  • Laura Miller(Educator/Farmer)
  • Mike Morris(Educator)
  • Betsy Pierson(Educator)
  • Dr. Reed Redden(Educator/Rancher)
  • Robert "Skip" Richter(Educator)
  • John W. Smith(Educator/Rancher)
  • Barbara Storz(Educator/Farmer)
  • Ricky Thompson(Educator/Rancher
  • Diane Woods(Educator/Farmer)
  • Bob Whitney (Educator)


Educational approach:

Texas SARE serves as a leader for training Texas agricultural professionals regarding concepts of sustainable agriculture. For the reporting period, the program involved a multifaceted effort that provided opportunities to be trained or to participate in delivering training for mentor producers, county Extension agents, various groundwater district personnel, NRCS personnel, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality personnel, Texas Alliance of Groundwater District personnel, Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation personnel, Soil and Water Conservation District personnel, NGOs and other agricultural professionals and also incorporates concepts of sustainable agriculture in existing, statewide training efforts. These training opportunities include conferences, field meetings and workshops held at various locations in Texas. Another approach of the Texas Sustainable Agriculture Advisory Committee is to support travel of selected professionals to regional and national conferences on sustainable agriculture, with the intent of participants gaining knowledge and skills that they will share with other agricultural professionals in Texas.

Program evaluation was accomplished with pre- and post-tests measuring knowledge gained by participating in educational programs. The aim of the evaluation is to assess knowledge gained and to determine whether new knowledge will be applied by participants.

The Texas Sustainable Agriculture Advisory Committee (AC) conducted their annual meetings in Prairie View on 30 January 2020, 21 January 2021 online, 21 January 2022 online, and 19 January 2023 online to plan training opportunities in sustainability. The Texas AC sponsored training activities related to the USDA-SARE program, grant opportunities, organic vegetable production and marketing, and sustainable systems.

Emphasis was also placed on outreach efforts to increase awareness of Texas SARE. These included establishing and manning an educational display at the Texas Organic Farmer Gardener Conference and the Texas County Agricultural Agents Association Conference. Our outreach efforts were supported through update and maintenance of the Texas SARE program website. From July 1, 2022 until June 8, 2023 there were 246,035 visits. The Texas SARE website can be found at http://sare.tamu.edu.

Education & Outreach Initiatives

June 1 Rainwater harvesting, water conservation and water quality training in Huntsville

Provide rainwater harvesting and water quality and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for private capture structures owners and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith provided water quality education and rainwater harvesting train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for mentor farmers wanting a RWH structure and county Extension agents regarding best management practices for private water conservation. Zach Holland, general manager for the Bluebonnet Groundwater Conservation District (GCD), spoke regarding the suitability of local water resources from their aquifer for sustainable agricultural irrigation and domestic purposes, and plans for its sustainability. SARE funding provided the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees and supported the team’s travel as well as part of John Smith’s salary.

Outcomes and impacts:

Mentor farmers and county Extension agents plan to apply and share the information delivered regarding the suitability of local water conservation for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. SARE funding supported travel expenses and part of John Smith’s salary. One agent, 5 mentor farmers and 9 others attended. Post-tests indicated that all attendees increased their knowledge.

Topic June 6 Well water quality training - Beeville

Provide well water sample screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith provided well water sample testing and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. Joel Pigg described plans to continue to provide high quality, sustainable sources of water for producers and others, and the District’s well registration/permitting process. SARE funding provided the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees.

Outcomes and impacts:

Attendees including private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, and county Extension agents will apply and share information delivered regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees.

June 7 Well water quality training – Robstown

Provide well water sample screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, Master Gardeners, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith provided well water sample screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, fishermen, mentor farmers/ranchers, and County Extension Agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. SARE funding supported some of John Smith’s travel costs and the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees.

Outcomes and impacts:

Attendees including private well owners, fishermen, master farmers/ranchers, Master Gardeners, and county Extension agents will apply and share information received regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to 5 attendees. Survey participants from Nueces County indicated they valued program at an average of $787 or $39,350.

June 8 Well Water quality training in Falfurrias

Provide well water screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith, Joel Pigg, and Ryan Gerlich provided well water sample screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents. SARE funding provided the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees. In addition, the Brush Country Groundwater Conservation  District’s General Manager, Louie Pena spoke regarding efforts to protect and preserve water quality in the area for many purposes, including irrigation.

Outcomes and impacts:

Attendees including private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents will use and share the information received regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. One agent, 6 mentor farmers/master gardeners and 17 others attended. A survey of participants indicated that they valued the program at an average of $367 each or $12,845 total for the program.

June 9 Well Water quality training in Kingsville

Provide well water screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


Joel Pigg provided well water sample screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents. SARE funding provided the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees

Outcomes and impacts:

Attendees including private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents will use and share the information received regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. Two agents, 2 mentor ranchers/farmers and 3 others attended. A survey of participants indicated that they valued the program at an average of $1,024.60 each or $5,123 total for the program.

June 10 Rainwater harvesting, water conservation and water well water quality training in Bellville

Provide rainwater harvesting and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for water conservation and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of rainwater for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith provided rainwater harvesting and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for rainwater capture and water conservation to county Extension agents and other participants regarding best management practices for water use.

Outcomes and impacts:

Private well owners and county Extension agents plan to apply and share the information delivered regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. SARE funding supported travel expenses and part of John Smith’s salary. Two agents, 5 mentor farmers and 8 others attended. Post-tests indicated that all attendees increased their knowledge.

June 17 Rainwater harvesting, water conservation and water well water quality training in Navasota

Provide rainwater harvesting and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for water conservation and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of rainwater for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith provided rainwater harvesting and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for rainwater capture and water conservation to county Extension agents and other participants regarding best management practices for water use.

Outcomes and impacts:

Private well owners and county Extension agents plan to apply and share the information delivered regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. SARE funding supported travel expenses and part of John Smith’s salary. Two agents, 6 mentor farmers and 7 others attended. Post-tests indicated that all attendees increased their knowledge.

June 20 TAMU Battleground to Breaking Ground-Online video

Texas SARE provide SARE funding opportunities for the Battleground to Breaking Ground veteran program.


Texas and Southern SARE provided SARE funding opportunities in a video for the Battleground to Breaking Ground program for veterans in cooperation with Texas AgrAbility, USDA, NCAT, Texas Department of Agriculture, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Farm Credit, and Alamo SWCD#330. Veterans learned about Texas AgrAbility, details regarding the Battleground to Breaking Ground Project, rural business ideas, the Farmer-Veteran Coalition, veterans in production agriculture, and business planning basics.

Outcomes and impacts:

John Smith, Texas SARE delivered a program for video on available funding opportunities and other programs provided by Texas SARE. 

Topic June 30 Rainwater harvesting, water conservation and water well water quality training in Mansfield

Provide rainwater harvesting and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for water conservation and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of rainwater for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith provided rainwater harvesting and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for rainwater capture and water conservation to county Extension agents and other participants regarding best management practices for water use.

Outcomes and impacts:

Private well owners and county Extension agents plan to apply and share the information delivered regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. SARE funding supported travel expenses and part of John Smith’s salary. Three agents, 4 mentor farmers and 12 others attended. Post-tests indicated that all attendees increased their knowledge.

July 8 Rainwater harvesting, water conservation and water well water quality training in Hallettsville

Provide rainwater harvesting and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for water conservation and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of rainwater for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith provided rainwater harvesting and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for rainwater capture and water conservation to county Extension agents and other participants regarding best management practices for water use.

Outcomes and impacts:

Private well owners and county Extension agents plan to apply and share the information delivered regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. SARE funding supported travel expenses and part of John Smith’s salary. Two agents, 5 mentor farmers and 8 others attended. Post-tests indicated that all attendees increased their knowledge.

July 12 Well water quality training in San Antonio

Provide well water sample screening and train-the-trainer programming including critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith provided well water sample screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, Master Gardeners, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. SARE funding provided the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees. SARE funded part of John Smith’s salary. 

Outcomes and impacts:

Attendees including private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, Master Gardeners, and county Extension agents will apply and share information delivered regarding best management practices for private water wells and the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. SARE funding provided the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees. One agent, 10 mentor farmers/ranchers and 15 others participated.

Topic July 23 Well water quality training in Brazoria

Provide well water sample screening and train-the-trainer programming including critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith provided well water sample screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, Master Gardeners, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. Friends of the San Benard River spoke about water quality issues of the river. SARE funding provided the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees. SARE funded part of John Smith’s salary. 

Outcomes and impacts:

John Smith provided well water sample screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, Master Gardeners, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. Friends of the San Benard River spoke about water quality issues of the river. SARE funding provided the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees. SARE funded part of John Smith’s salary. 

July 24-27 Texas County Agriculture Agents Association-South Padre

Staff a Texas SARE booth to share county Extension agent sustainable agriculture training opportunities available through SARE and grant opportunities for agents' farmers to use to solve sustainable agriculture problems they might be experiencing.


The Texas SARE booth showcases training opportunities through SARE train-the-trainer programs as well as provides information regarding On-Farm Research and Producer Grant opportunities. Furthermore, agents were asked what training topics were important to them. Information regarding water management practices continued to be requested, both for agricultural irrigation water quality, as well as rainwater harvesting. Also, Texas Extension agents were encouraged to register for the SARE/NACAA Sustainable Agriculture Fellows program.  Many of the agents participated in Texas hosting the Fellows program in 2017, and so they were asked to share information about their experiences and about the Fellows program with others.

Outcomes and impacts:

Agents learned about SARE training opportunities, with special focus on the SARE Fellows program. Many of the agents had been involved with the Texas SARE/NACAA Sustainable Agriculture Fellows program in May 2017 and so were able to speak from direct, personal experience. Agents also learned about both grant and train-the-trainer opportunities with SARE. The number of agents attending was 165.

August 1-2 Pasture and Forage Management Options to Improve Sustainability (Beef Cattle Short Course, College Station)

Provide best management practices to improve sustainability in regard to forage production in the state of Texas. Due to weather conditions and fertilizer costs, livestock producers need to improve management practices in order to remain profitable and sustainable.


Dr. Vanessa Corriher-Olson, Dr. Monte Rouquette, Jr., Dr. Larry Redmon and Dr. Ray Smith provided critical information to livestock producers on ways to improve sustainability. Primary focus was on grazing management strategies and improved nutrient management.

Outcomes and impacts:

Livestock producers plan to utilize soil testing as a means of making more effective and more economical nutrient management decisions. Grazing management strategies will be implemented in order to improve persistence of perennial forage stands. Four hundred livestock producers, county extension agents, NRCS faculty and students attended this program that was offered as part of the Beef Cattle Short Course. Post-tests indicated that all attendees increased their knowledge.

August 4 Rainwater harvesting, water conservation and water well water quality training in Wimberly

Provide rainwater harvesting and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for water conservation and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of rainwater for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith provided rainwater harvesting and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for rainwater capture and water conservation to county Extension agents and other participants regarding best management practices for water use.

Outcomes and impacts:

Private well owners and county Extension agents plan to apply and share the information delivered regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. SARE funding supported travel expenses and part of John Smith’s salary. Two agents, 5 mentor farmers and 8 others attended. Post-tests indicated that all attendees increased their knowledge.

August 5 Rainwater harvesting, water conservation and water well water quality training in Milano

Provide rainwater harvesting and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for water conservation and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of rainwater for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith provided rainwater harvesting and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for rainwater capture and water conservation to county Extension agents and other participants regarding best management practices for water use.

Outcomes and impacts:

Private well owners and county Extension agents plan to apply and share the information delivered regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. SARE funding supported travel expenses and part of John Smith’s salary. Two agents, 5 mentor farmers and 8 others attended. Post-tests indicated that all attendees increased their knowledge.

August 26 Reduce winter feeding with stockpiled forage and cover crops-Overton

Provide an educational opportunity for livestock producers on the utilization of stockpiled forage and cover crops for maintaining livestock during the winter and spring.


Dr. Vanessa Corriher-Olson and Dr. Jason Banta provided livestock producers with information on the utilization of stockpiled forage and cover crops for winter pasture systems. Information on SARE funding opportunities was made available to them including the Producer Grant and the On-Farm Research Grant.

Outcomes and impacts:

 100 producers were in attendance for this event. Based on post event evaluations 80% of participants indicated that they would implement cover crops in their forage systems in the future. 100% of the participants indicated knowledge gained.

October 12 Texas County Agriculture Agents Association (TCAAA) District 11-San Antonio

Provide a sustainable organic agent training for District 11 TCAAA extension agent.


John Smith provided agents information on SARE funding opportunities available to them including the Producer Grant, the On-Farm Research Grant, and the Graduate Student Grant. Also, John Smith described other Texas SARE programs including the Grassfed Beef Conference, the Sheep and Goat Expo, Cover crop programs, Ft. Bend Regional Vegetable conference and many other continuing education programs available to them and their mentor farmer/ranchers.  Brandi Chandler, Interim Coordinator for Organic Certification, explained what is required for organic certification in Texas.

Outcomes and impacts:

Agents had many questions and positive comments on the training. The training provided details regarding organic certification as well as whom to contact for answers to sustainable and organic questions. Also, the agents expressed interest in other Texas SARE training opportunities available. The 51 Extension agents in attendance expressed appreciation for the program.

October 13 Rainwater harvesting, water conservation and water well water quality training in San Antonio

Provide rainwater harvesting and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for water conservation and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of rainwater for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith provided rainwater harvesting and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for rainwater capture and water conservation to county Extension agents and other participants regarding best management practices for water use.

Outcomes and impacts:

Irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. John Smith described plans to continue to provide high quality, sustainable sources of water for producers and others. SARE funding provided the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees.  All had an increase in Knowledge.

November 2 Rainwater harvesting, water conservation and water well water quality training in Milano

Provide rainwater harvesting and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for water conservation and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of rainwater for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith provided rainwater harvesting and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for rainwater capture and water conservation to county Extension agents and other participants regarding best management practices for water use.

Outcomes and impacts:

Private well owners and county Extension agents plan to apply and share the information delivered regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. SARE funding supported travel expenses and part of John Smith’s salary. One agent, 7 mentor farmers and 27 others attended. Post-tests indicated that all attendees increased their knowledge.

November 14 Well water quality training - Abilene

Provide well water sample screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith and Joel Pigg provided well water sample testing and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agriculture.

Outcomes and impacts:

Attendees including private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, and county Extension agents will apply and share information delivered regarding the suitability of local water sources for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. Four agents, 6 mentor ranchers/farmers and 18 others attended. A survey of participants indicated 100% knowledge increase with participants.

November 15 Well Water quality training in Hemphill

Provide well water screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith, Joel Pigg, and Ryan Gerlich provided well water sample screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents. SARE funding provided the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees. In addition, Janet Guthrie, the Hemphill County Groundwater Conservation District General Manager spoke regarding efforts to protect and preserve water quality in the area for many purposes, including irrigation.

Outcomes and impacts:

Attendees including private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents will use and share the information received regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. One agent, 6 mentor farmers/master gardeners and 17 others attended. A survey of participants indicated that they valued the program at an average of $367 each or $12,845 total for the program.

November 29 Well Water quality training in Lincoln

Provide well water screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith, Joel Pigg, and Ryan Gerlich provided well water sample screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents. SARE funding provided the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees. In addition, Manager Groundwater Protection District spoke regarding efforts to protect and preserve water quality in the area for many purposes, including irrigation.

Outcomes and impacts:

Attendees including private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents will use and share the information received regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. One agent, 8 mentor farmers/master gardeners and 33 others attended. A survey of participants indicated that they valued the program at an average of $592.36 each or $24,287 total for the program.

November 16 Well water quality training - Hereford

Provide well water sample screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, Master Gardeners, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith provided well water sample screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, fishermen, mentor farmers/ranchers, Master Gardeners, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. SARE funding supported some of John Smith’s travel costs and the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees.

Outcomes and impacts:

Attendees including private well owners, fishermen, master farmers/ranchers, Master Gardeners, and county Extension agents will apply and share information received regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to 6 attendees.

November 16 Well Water quality training in the Panhandle

Provide well water screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


Joel Pigg provided well water sample screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents. SARE funding provided the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees.

Outcomes and impacts:

Attendees including private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents will use and share the information received regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. One agent, 4 mentor farmers/master gardeners and 19 others attended.

December 19 Well Water quality training in Chambers

Provide well water screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


Joel Pigg provided well water sample screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents. SARE funding provided the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees.

Outcomes and impacts:

Attendees including private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents will use and share the information received regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. One agent, 1 mentor farmers/master gardeners and 16 others attended.

January 10 Blackland Income Growth Program in Waco

Provide sustainable practices for livestock/forage systems.


Dr. Vanessa Corriher-Olson provided a discussion on sustainable best management practices for forage production systems. Nutrient management, grazing management and cover crops with the primary topics of discussion.

Outcomes and impacts:

200 livestock producers, county extension agents and NRCS employees participated in the OD Butler Field Day. A post event evaluation reported a 100% knowledge gain and a 75% intention to adopt practices discussed.

January 19 Texas AC Meeting-Online

Update AC membership on 2022 project highlights. Provide recommendations for 2023 plans.


The Texas AC meeting provides update on 2022 program highlights and 2023 program plans from those involved.  The AC involvement is greatly appreciated from Texas SARE to provide critical recommendations to Texas SARE.

Outcomes and impacts:

Participants including county Extension agents and mentor ranchers will apply and share the information delivered at the conference.  The training was held online for convenience to participants. 

January 27-28 Texas Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association Conference- Mesquite

Present a Texas SARE booth to share sustainable agriculture training opportunities available through SARE and grant opportunities for farmers to use to solve sustainable agriculture problems they might be experiencing. Ask attendees what SARE training they would like to see occur.


The Texas SARE booth showcases training opportunities through SARE train-the-trainer programs as well as provides information regarding On-Farm Research and Producer Grant opportunities. Furthermore, over 150 SARE publications were distributed to the attendees.  

Outcomes and impacts:

Participants learned about both grant and train-the-trainer opportunities with SARE.  Agents in attendance, learned about SARE training opportunities, with special focus on the SARE Fellows program.

February 7 Rainwater harvesting, water conservation and water well water quality training in Milano

Provide well water screening and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for private well owners and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith provided water conservation and rainwater harvesting train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for mentor farmers and County Extension Agents regarding best management practices for private water wells. Gary Westbrook, general manager for the Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District (GCD), spoke regarding the suitability of local well water from their aquifer for sustainable agricultural irrigation and domestic purposes, and plans for its sustainability. The GCDs offered to provide follow-up testing for the problems the well water screening program identified.  SARE funding provided the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees and supported the team’s travel as well as part of John Smith’s salary.

Outcomes and impacts:

Private well owners and county Extension agents plan to apply and share the information delivered regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. SARE funding supported travel expenses and part of John Smith’s salary. Two agents, 5 mentor farmers and 8 others attended. Post-tests indicated that all attendees increased their knowledge.

February 7 38th annual Fort Bend Regional Vegetable Conference-Rosenburg

Agents and other participants learn about sustainable vegetable production through a series of break-out sessions.


Boone Holladay, Ft. Bend County Extension Agent for Horticulture, is coordinator of one of the largest and best vegetable garden trainings in Texas.  Through Southern SARE training funds, Boone has continued to keep up to date and expand his knowledge by attending a Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group Conference, the 2016 Southern Cover Crop Conference, and a Texas Organic Farmer and Gardener Association annual meeting. SARE also provided books for break-out sessions for the attendees. Presentations at the 2023 conference included: Climate Impacts on Crops, Safe Producers and Safe food, BMP for onions, IPM-crop disease, Building soils for better crops, Pesticide Laws and regulations update, and aquatic Vegetable production.

Outcomes and impacts:

Agents and participants attended a variety of break-out session on sustainable vegetable production. Information will be used and shared by participants and/or to train others. Seven agents, 4 USDA employees, 4 Texas Prison System, 56 mentor farmer/gardeners and 112 others attended. SARE provided much-appreciated books for break-out sessions for the attendees.

February 27 Southern SARE books for 2023 – Texas

Provide sustainable agriculture books to NRCS, Texas A&M AgriLife employees, Prairie View A&M Cooperative Extension and mentor farmer ranchers through the SSARE book program.


Books available included:

Manage Weeds on Your Farm: New! A definitive guide to understanding agricultural weeds and how to manage them efficiently, effectively and ecologically—for organic and conventional farmers alike.

Building Soils for Better Crops: The 4th edition practical guide to ecological soil management.

Farmers' Guide to Business Structures: A guide for helping farmers establish and maintain the right business structure for their farm operation.

Systems Research for Agriculture: For researchers, this book outlines both the theory and practice of agricultural systems research.

Organic Transition: A business planner for farmers, ranchers and food entrepreneurs interested in transitioning to organic production.

New Farmers' Market: A marketing guide designed for growers interested in selling their farm or market garden products through farmers' markets. It's also for market managers and city planners to start, manage and promote a market.

Managing Alternative Pollinators: A handbook for rearing and managing alternative pollinators, such as bumble bees, mason bees, and other species.

Youth Renewing the Countryside: Stories of young people who are reshaping rural areas.

Crop Rotation on Organic Farms: A planning manual for crop rotation strategies.

Managing Cover Crops Profitably: SARE's popular book on building cover crops into a farm operation.

Building a Sustainable Business: A guide for farm business planning. (Also available online in Spanish in an abbreviated version.)

Outcomes and impacts:

This is a great program that is very beneficial to Texas!  Delivery goes to directly to the office of those requesting the materials.  Candace does an excellent job in directing this effort! Obviously, it is a very appreciated resource by the Texas participants.

February 27 Well Water quality training in Bastrop

Provide well water screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. In addition, James Totten, General Manager of Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District Partnership spoke regarding efforts to protect and preserve water quality in the area for many purposes, including irrigation.


Joel Pigg, Ryan Gerlich and John Smith provided well water sample screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents. SARE funding provided the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees. In addition, the Groundwater Resources of Bastrop and Lee Counties coordinator spoke regarding efforts to protect and preserve water quality in the area for many purposes, including irrigation.

Outcomes and impacts:

Attendees including private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents will use and share the information received regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. One agent, 3 mentor farmers/master gardeners and 7 others attended. A survey of participants indicated that they valued the program at an average of $628.75 each or $6,288 total for the program.

March 2 Rainwater harvesting, water conservation and water well water quality training in Weslaco

Provide well water screening and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for private well owners and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith provided water conservation and rainwater harvesting train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for mentor farmers and County Extension Agents regarding best management practices for private water wells. Zach Holland, general manager for the Bluebonnet Groundwater Conservation District (GCD), spoke regarding the suitability of local well water from their aquifer for sustainable agricultural irrigation and domestic purposes, and plans for its sustainability. The GCDs offered to provide follow-up testing for the arsenic problems the well water screening program identified.  SARE funding provided the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees and supported the team’s travel as well as part of John Smith’s salary.

Outcomes and impacts:

Private well owners and county Extension agents plan to apply and share the information delivered regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. SARE funding supported travel expenses and part of John Smith’s salary. Four agents, 5 mentor farmers and 50 others attended. Post-tests indicated that all attendees increased their knowledge. Participants said the program value for their participation was $692.40 each or $40,852 total for the programs.

April 6 Rainwater harvesting, water conservation and water well water quality training in Hempstead

Provide well water screening and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for private well owners and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith provided water conservation and rainwater harvesting train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for mentor farmers and County Extension Agents regarding best management practices for private water wells. Zach Holland, general manager for the Bluebonnet Groundwater Conservation District (GCD), spoke regarding the suitability of local well water from their aquifer for sustainable agricultural irrigation and domestic purposes, and plans for its sustainability. The GCDs offered to provide follow-up testing for the arsenic problems the well water screening program identified.  SARE funding provided the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees and supported the team’s travel as well as part of John Smith’s salary.

Outcomes and impacts:

Mentor Farmers and county Extension agents plan to apply and share the information delivered regarding the suitability of local rainwater for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. SARE funding supported travel expenses and part of John Smith’s salary. One agent, 7 mentor farmers and 4 others attended. Post-tests indicated that all attendees increased their knowledge. 

April 21 Rainwater harvesting, water conservation and water well water quality training in Milano

Provide well water screening and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for private well owners and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith provided water conservation and rainwater harvesting train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for mentor farmers and County Extension Agents regarding best management practices for private water wells. Gary Westbrook, general manager for the Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District (GCD), spoke regarding the suitability of local well water from their aquifer for sustainable agricultural irrigation and domestic purposes, and plans for its sustainability. The GCDs offered to provide follow-up testing for the arsenic problems the well water screening program identified.  SARE funding provided the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees and supported the team’s travel as well as part of John Smith’s salary.

Outcomes and impacts:

Private well owners and county Extension agents plan to apply and share the information delivered regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. SARE funding supported travel expenses and part of John Smith’s salary.  Post-tests indicated that all attendees increased their knowledge.

April 27 Well water quality training in Titus

Provide well water screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith, Joel Pigg, and Ryan Gerlich provided well water sample screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents. SARE funding provided the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees. In addition, Sinclaire Newby, Public Relations of Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District Partnership spoke regarding efforts to protect and preserve water quality in the area for many purposes, including irrigation.

Outcomes and impacts:

Attendees including private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents will use and share the information received regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. One agent, 17 mentor farmers/master gardeners and 29 others attended. A survey of participants indicated that they valued the program at an average of $887.08 each or $28,387 total for the program.

May 2 Rainwater harvesting, water conservation and water well water quality MG state training Online

Provide well water screening and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for private well owners and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith provided water conservation and rainwater harvesting train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical information for mentor farmers and County Extension Agents regarding best management practices for private water wells. SARE funding supported part of John Smith’s salary.

Outcomes and impacts:

Master Gardeners and county Extension agents plan to apply and share the information delivered regarding the suitability of local water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as irrigation and for domestic uses.  SARE funding supported travel expenses and part of John Smith’s salary. 40 agents, 33 mentor farmers and 19 others attended. Post-tests indicated that all attendees increased their knowledge. 

May 4 Rainwater harvesting, water conservation and water well water quality training in Burnet

Provide rainwater Harvesting and train-the-trainer programming by delivering critical farmers owners and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local rainwater for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


Farm owners and county Extension agents plan to apply and share the information delivered regarding the suitability of local rainwater for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. SARE funding supported travel expenses and part of John Smith’s salary. Three agents, 8 mentor farmers and 22 others attended. Post-tests indicated that all attendees increased their knowledge.

Outcomes and impacts:

Farm owners and county Extension agents plan to apply and share the information delivered regarding the suitability of localrainwater for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. SARE funding supported travel expenses and part of John Smith’s salary. Three agents, 8 mentor farmers and 22 others attended. Post-tests indicated that all attendees increased their knowledge.

May 19 O.D. Butler Field Day-Franklin

Provide sustainable practices for livestock/forage systems.


Dr. Vanessa Corriher-Olson provided a discussion on sustainable best management practices for forage production systems. Nutrient management, grazing management, and cover crops with the primary topics of discussion

Outcomes and impacts:

200 livestock producers, county extension agents and NRCS employees participated in the OD Butler Field Day. A post event evaluation reported a 100% knowledge gain and a 75% intention to adopt practices discussed.

May 22-25 Well water quality training – South Texas

Provide well water sample screening and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses.


John Smith and Joel Pigg provided well water sample testing and train-the-trainer programming through delivery of critical information for private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, master gardeners, and county Extension agents regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. Joel Pigg described plans to continue to provide high quality, sustainable sources of water for producers and others, and the district’s well registration/permitting process. SARE funding provided the Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply that was made available to attendees.

Outcomes and impacts:

Attendees including private well owners, mentor farmers/ranchers, and county Extension agents will apply and share information delivered regarding the suitability of local well water for sustainable agricultural irrigation purposes, as well as for domestic uses. The Well Owner’s Guide to Water Supply was made available to attendees. Four watershed coordinators, 12 agents, 25 mentor ranchers/farmers and 243 others attended.

NRCS Working Effectively with Livestock Producers Course in Decatur

To provide training on forage utilization, management and establishment for Texas to new NRCS staff. This included native and introduced species. Cover crops were also covered as part of the discussion.


Dr. Vanessa Corriher-Olson provided a discussion on sustainable best management practices for forage production systems. Nutrient management, grazing management, and cover crops were the primary topics of discussion.

Outcomes and impacts:

25 NRCS staff were part of the training. Participants were engaging and had multiple questions on species adaptability and recommendations for livestock producers.

June 1-2 Ranch raised & Grass-fed Beef training-College Station

Participants learn about proper stockpiling of forages to safeguard continued forage availability for finishing cattle, as well as science-based information regarding carcass preparation. The training was held in the Texas A and M Rosenthal Meats Center and included a demonstration emphasizing the proportion of total meat product derived from end rather than middle meats in the fabrication of a side of beef.


Texas SARE worked closely to assist Dr. Jason Cleere and Dr. Ron Gill in many ways in coordinating the Grass-fed Beef training held in the Rosenthal Meat Science lab on the TAMU campus.  Dr. Cleere also is a Texas SARE AC member.  Texas SARE also helped with press release development and financial support for the conference.  Texas SARE also provided the SARE book Farmers’ Guide to Business Structures for each participant. Participants learned about proper stockpiling of forages to safeguard continued forage availability for finishing cattle, as well as science-based information on carcass preparation that included a demonstration emphasizing the proportion of total meat product derived from end rather than middle meats in the fabrication of a side of beef.  The training was held in the Texas A and M Rosenthal Meats Center.

Outcomes and impacts:

Participants including county Extension agents and mentor ranchers will apply and share the information delivered at the conference.  The training was held in the Texas A and M Rosenthal Meats Center. Four Extension agent employees, 37 mentor ranchers and 48 others attended.

Educational & Outreach Activities

525 Consultations
6 Curricula, factsheets or educational tools
1 Minigrants
7 On-farm demonstrations
5 Online trainings
41 Published press articles, newsletters
3 Tours
2 Travel Scholarships
10 Webinars / talks / presentations
31 Workshop field days
1 Other educational activities: Texas Master Gardeners Conference

Participation Summary:

286 Extension
11 Researchers
5 Nonprofit
23 Agency
17 Ag service providers (other or unspecified)
733 Farmers/ranchers
1,037 Others

Learning Outcomes

1,795 Participants gained or increased knowledge, skills and/or attitudes about sustainable agriculture topics, practices, strategies, approaches
289 Ag professionals intend to use knowledge, attitudes, skills and/or awareness learned

Project Outcomes

4 Grants received that built upon this project
13 New working collaborations
52 Agricultural service provider participants who used knowledge and skills learned through this project (or incorporated project materials) in their educational activities, services, information products and/or tools for farmers
573 Farmers reached through participant's programs
Additional Outcomes:

Pre/post test indicate a 84% increase in knowledge gained of programs.  Also, a high percentage plan to adopt.


Thank you for providing continued support to make a difference in sustainable agriculture in Texas!

Face of SARE

Face of SARE:

Texas SARE serves as a leader for training Texas Agriculture professionals regarding concepts of sustainable agriculture. Cooperative program efforts involve providing opportunities to be trained or to participate in delivering trainings for mentor producers, county Extension agents, various groundwater district personnel, NRCs personnel, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality personnel, Texas Alliance of Groundwater District personnel, River Authority personnel, Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation personnel, Soil and Water Conservation District personnel, NGO's and other agriculture professionals.  These training opportunities  include conferences, field meetings and workshops held at various locations in Texas and nationwide.  The Texas Sustainable Agriculture Resource Education Advisor Committee also supports travel of selected professionals to regional and national conferences on sustainable agriculture, with the intent for participants to gain knowledge and skills that they share with other agriculture professionals in Texas.

328 Farmers received information about SARE grant programs and information resources
470 Ag professionals received information about SARE grant programs and information resources
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.