Progress report for SW20-915
Project Information
Cheatgrass has invaded millions of acres of the sagebrush biome, impacting forage production for cattle and habitat quality for wildlife such as sage-grouse. Previous research has shown restoring highly infested rangeland to a more desired state is impossible. Therefore, areas with low to moderate and patchy cheatgrass infestations should be prioritized for control to limit further expansion and rangeland degradation. Much of the northeastern region of the sagebrush steppe (e.g., Montana and Wyoming) falls into this low to moderate infestation category, and producers in this region are concerned that cheatgrass is expanding and want help now, before the problem gets worse.
Our team evaluated different treatments to control cheatgrass and restore desired vegetation in a series of experiments. Our treatments included, herbicide (imazapic and indaziflam), targeted grazing, targeted grazing and herbicide, soil amendment (NutraFix) and mustard seed meal, all with restoration seeding treatments, across many different sites (38) in southwest Montana.
Our studies all demonstrated that higher abundances of desired and native grasses correlated with lower cover of cheatgrass. We found the herbicide imazapic, reduced cheatgrass for 3 or more years, whereas indaziflam and the soil amendment, NutraFix, reduced cheatgrass for two years. Targeted grazing and mustard seed meal did not show promising results. However, it was also apparent that over the same time periodcheatgrass did not increase in untreated areas, likely because areas like ours do not always provide the best growing conditions for this species. That said, within our area south-facing slopes are the most likely to be invaded and where we should concentrate our management. Management approaches should consider not only the abundance of the undesired species, but the rest of the vegetation. Our studies sites had mainly native vegetation with patches of cheatgrass and a few other non-natives – representing sites where management should be targeted. Our results suggest having desired and native perennial grass cover of >15-20% provides some resilience to cheatgrass invasion and to cheatgrass management, even though we did not always see an increase in perennial grass abundance following treatment, nor species richness and diversity. We did not observe any benefit from restoration seeding, native plant recruitment was occurring without seeding and seedling recruitment was higher at sites with <20 % native cover, suggesting by controlling cheatgrass we can increase recruitment of desired species.
Our studies also demonstrated the importance of considering annual variation in the weather, as this plays a strong role in plant community productivity and response to management– for both desired and undesired plant species. For example, in the Centennial valley there were only one or two late fall precipitation events in 2017 and 2018 when we were applying herbicide, such that we had only one-two cheatgrass cohorts (rather than one with each of numerous precipitation events under normal conditions) that were targeted by our late fall treatments. Further, the temperature turned cold preventing further germination. Finally, the second fall post treatment was very dry, further reducing cheatgrass emergence. These weather conditions and our timing provided excellent control, but it is worth reiterating that we had declining abundance in the non-sprayed plots too, suggesting that the weather was not ideal for cheatgrass during our study. Management with herbicides can be a large financial investment for managers. Given our findings some producers may wish to monitor their populations rather than spray them when cheatgrass abundances are lower and when native grasses cover is higher (>15-20 %) but act swiftly if levels rise above a threshold for more than a couple years. We aim to determine such thresholds more specifically after another season of data collection and create a decision framework for producers.
Several graduate students and undergraduates have helped and led this research, and the results have been shared with students in 200, 400 and 500 level classes at Montana State University, reaching approximately 100 students per year. To date one student has graduated with a PhD with another due in approximately 18 months; both of their research is being developed into research and extension documents with three manuscripts submitted or close to it. We expect a total of 4-6 manuscripts in the next couple years. As a team we have given 12 presentations at numerous state and regional meetings; these meetings have between several 100 to 1500 attendees. Furthermore, we have extended the results of our studies to many producers, land managers, spray contractors and the general public at field days (~130), daytime and evening extension meetings in southwest MT (~250) and rest of the state (~1,500), webinars with Society of Range Management (~20) and other social media forums and websites. We will continue to extend the results of our studies over the coming few years.
Concern about cheatgrass is increasing in southwest Montana, where it is a particular problem on south-facing slopes. Our study was performed on cheatgrass patches established on south-facing, high elevation sagebrush rangeland sites. Different combinations of control strategies were assessed in a series of studies with the goal of promoting good stewardship of rangelands in the northeastern region of the sagebrush steppe.
1) Evaluate combinations of targeted & simulated grazing, herbicide, and seeding for cheatgrass management and desired species restoration, rancher-initiated study.
Assess abundance of (a) cheatgrass, and (b) seeded and all other species, in treatment plots over three years.
2) Determine a threshold for restoration seeding after herbicide application for cheatgrass control
Assess abundance of (a) cheatgrass, and (b) seeded (native perennial grasses and annual forbs) and all other species, across a gradient of native grass cover (0-30%) present at the site prior to treatment, to determine when seeding is most beneficial (e.g. <20 % cover).
3) Quantify the effectiveness of seven control strategies, with and without seeding to control cheatgrass.
Assess abundance of (a) cheatgrass, and (b) seeded and all other species to seven treatments (herbicide, soil micronutrient application (3 rate), mustard seed meal (2 rates), and no action), with and without seeding, over three years.
4) Develop a decision framework to help livestock producers effectively control cheatgrass on their property.
Through objectives 1-3 we will develop effective combinations of strategies to control cheatgrass and improve range quality and productivity. The decision framework will use information on cheatgrass, site conditions, and desired grass cover to help producers select the most appropriate management approaches for their property and resources. The management decision framework will be extended through our outreach and educational activities (see that section) throughout the project period and beyond.
- - Producer (Educator and Researcher)
- - Producer
- - Technical Advisor - Producer (Educator and Researcher)
- - Technical Advisor (Educator and Researcher)
- - Technical Advisor (Educator and Researcher)
- - Technical Advisor (Educator)
- (Educator)
- - Technical Advisor (Educator and Researcher)
- - Producer (Researcher)
- - Technical Advisor - Producer (Educator and Researcher)
- - Producer (Researcher)
- - Technical Advisor (Educator and Researcher)
Objective 1. Evaluate combinations of targeted and simulated grazing, herbicide, and seeding for cheatgrass management and desired species restoration, rancher-led study.
Hypothesis 1: Integration of more management approaches (herbicide, grazing and seeding) will reduce cheatgrass and increase abundance of desired species more than individual approaches.
Objective 2. Determine a threshold for restoration seeding after herbicide application for cheatgrass control.
Hypothesis 2: Establishment and survival of seeded native perennial grasses will be most effective in areas with low desired vegetation. The threshold for seeding will be quantified after two years of observation, and is expected to be ~20% cover of desired grasses.
3. Quantify the effectiveness of different control strategies, with and without seeding to control cheatgrass.
Hypothesis 3: Alternative strategies, soil amendment fertilizer and mustard seed meal, will control cheatgrass as effectively as herbicide over a two year period. Seeding of desired species will generate greater abundance and further reduce cheatgrass abundance.
Objective 1. Evaluate combinations of targeted and simulated grazing, herbicide, and seeding for cheatgrass management and desired species restoration, rancher-led study.
Hypothesis 1: Integration of more management approaches (herbicide, grazing and seeding) will reduce cheatgrass and increase abundance of desired species more than individual approaches.
Objective 2. Determine a threshold for restoration seeding after herbicide application for cheatgrass control.
Hypothesis 2: Establishment and survival of seeded native perennial grasses will be most effective in areas with low desired vegetation. The threshold for seeding will be quantified after two-three years of observation, and is expected to be ~20% cover of desired grasses.
Objective 3. Quantify the effectiveness of a) herbicide and b) different control strategies and seeding, to control cheatgrass.
Hypothesis 3a: Herbicide will control cheatgrass over a one-two year period but cheatgrass will then increase by year four.
Hypothesis 3b: Alternative strategies, soil amendment fertilizer and mustard seed meal, will control cheatgrass as effectively as herbicide over a three year period. Seeding of desired species will generate greater abundance and further reduce cheatgrass abundance.
Materials and methods:
Objective 1: Evaluate combinations of targeted and simulated grazing, herbicide, and seeding for cheatgrass management and desired species restoration, rancher-led study.
Eleven sites were chosen between the Eastern Sandhills (lat. 44° 40’ 50.75” N, long. -111° 41’ 23.93” W) and Antelope Peak (lat. 44° 39’ 34.51” N, long. -111° 59’ 43.66” W) in the Centennial valley, MT. Sites were sprayed to control cheatgrass with herbicide (imazapic at 6 oz/acre) (Plateau®; BASF Corporation, 100 Park Ave., Florham Park, NJ) with a carrier rate of 1.21 gallons of water per acre and at a pressure of 25 PSI. Herbicide was applied at an aerial speed of 40 mph by helicopter. Cheatgrass control was good and due to the drought and lack of cheatgrass emergence these sites were not sprayed a second time, as planned, in fall 2020. Grazing and seeding treatments were performed in fall 2021 on 11 sites. The treatments were: herbicide only, herbicide & seeding, herbicide & targeted grazing, and herbicide & targeted grazing & seeding. The drought, particularly in 2020-2021, meant that many of our collaborators sold cattle early, continually changed their grazing strategy to manage the forage they had, and moved cattle out of the Centennial Valley earlier than usual (August instead of October). Our targeted grazing (0.4 AUM/ac) needed to occur after cheatgrass had emerged in the fall. For these reasons we had to alter our methodology. We increased the number of sites (from 2-3 to 11), but reduced the area of our plots and used weed strimming to simulate vegetation removal normally performed by cattle grazing on some sites. Three sites had targeted cattle grazing (0.4 AUM/ac) and weed strimming for comparison of the grazing versus weed strimming treatments, plus a no-grazing control, the other sites had weed strimming and a no-grazing control. Broadcast seeding was applied as a split plot treatment using Idaho fescue (Festuca idahoensis Elmer), prairie Junegrass (Koeleria macrantha (Ledeb.) Schult.), green needlegrass (Nassella viridula (Trin.) Barkworth), and bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) Á. Löve) sown at the National Resource Conservation Service recommended seeding rate of 20.18 kg/ha (18 lbs/ac) (Pokorny 2020). Plots were evaluated for cheatgrass, native grass, forb cover and percent of bareground/litter/rock in fall 2021 prior to application of the grazing treatment. The amount of biomass removed by the grazing treatment was evaluated in fall 2021. Organic matter and available nitrogen were assessed in spring of 2022 in the control, grazed and weed strimmed sites (3). All plots were assessed for abundance (cover) of cheatgrass and functional groups, within the different treatments in summer 2022 - 2023.
Objective 2: Determine a threshold for restoration seeding after herbicide application for cheatgrass control. This was addressed in two different studies.
In the initial study we chose four sites (two in Eastern Sandhills and two in Antelope Peaks) in the Centennial valley, MT. After herbicide application in 2018-2019 (see details for Objective 3a) we seeded in fall 2019 and the following spring to have four treatments: no seed, fall broadcast, spring broadcast, and spring seed pellets, at each site. Seed pellets were constructed using protocol from Gornish et al. (2019). Seeded species were the same as Objective 1: Idaho fescue, prairie Junegrass, green needlegrass, and bluebunch wheatgrass sown at the National Resource Conservation Service recommended seeding rate of 18 lbs/ac (Pokorny 2020). Cover of all species and density of seedlings was recorded each summer for four years.
The results of the first study necessitated a second seeding study to assess the effectiveness of different types of seed pellets. This was completed at two sites in southwest MT, the Red Bluff Research Ranch (lat. 43°36'03"N, long. 111°37'20"W) and the Highland Ranch (lat. 45°40'55"N, long. 110°21'48"W). Sites were sprayed with herbicide, imazapic (6 oz/acre) to control cheatgrass prior to seeding. Six replications of three treatments (no seeding, 1.5 parts clay, & 3 parts clay pellets) were randomly located in plots with low levels of cheatgrass (canopy cover <15%). Seed pellets were constructed using the Gornish et al. (2019) protocol but with 1.5 and 3 parts, not 5 part clay that is recommended, using the same species and seeding rates as above. Pellets were placed in the field in April 2023 and monitored once a month from May through August for seedling establishment and pellet intactness. Percent cover of bare ground, litter, cheatgrass, native grasses, and forbs were recorded in August 2023.
Objective 3: Quantify the effectiveness of a) herbicide and b) different control strategies and seeding, to control cheatgrass
3a) For the first study we selected 12 steep, south-facing hillslopes, averaging 20 acres each. Four of these sites were in the Eastern Sandhills and the remaining eight traversed from the Eastern Sandhills (lat. 44° 40’ 50.75” N, long. -111° 41’ 23.93” W) to near Antelope Peak (lat. 44° 39’ 34.51” N, long. -111° 59’ 43.66”W). Each site consisted of an area that was infested (9% mean cover) by cheatgrass, and an adjacent area with no or low invasion of cheatgrass that was considered the non-treated “reference” site. In early October 2017 and 2018, the herbicide (imazapic at 6 oz/acre) (Plateau®; BASF Corporation, 100 Park Ave., Florham Park, NJ) was applied with a carrier rate of 1.21 gallons of water per acre and at a pressure of 25 PSI. Herbicide was applied at an aerial speed of ~40 miles per hour by helicopter. Cheatgrass was targeted post-emergence at the infested sites (hereafter “sprayed” treatment). We placed a tarp (10’ x 10’) at each site prior to spraying each year to provide a non-sprayed control treatment – where we sampled (5 Daubenmire frames (~1’2) (Daubenmire 1959)) within the tarp and in an adjacent plot of the same size. This local scale sampling was performed each year from 2019-2022. We also monitored vegetation at the entire hillside (hereafter “landscape”) scale (~20 acres): Three 50-meter (164’) transects were randomly placed within the infested and sprayed area, and the adjacent reference area. Transects ran parallel with the slope of the hill to encompass any gradients. Each transect consisted of five Daubenmire frames evenly spaced along the transect. We sampled vegetation from 2019-2022, with our collaborators collecting cheatgrass data on the sprayed sites in 2017-2018.
3b) To assess a variety of weed control treatments on cheatgrass we used a biofumigant in form of mustard seed meal (MSM), soil amendment with micro and macro nutrients (NutraFix from Edaphix), herbicide (indaziflam; Rejurva SC) and a control. Five sites were established over two years at three sites (Red Bluff Research Ranch (lat. 43°36'03"N, long. 111°37'20"W), Highland Ranch (lat. 45°40'55"N, long. 110°21'48"W), and Emigrant (lat. 45°17'49"N, long. 110°45'23"W ). Three sites were established in the fall of both 2020 and 2021, but one 2020 site was lost. All sites were semi-arid mainly native grasslands located in southwestern Montana. Each site had a completely randomized design with five replicates containing the seven treatments: control (no treatment), 5.5 lbs (low) mustard seed meal (MSM), 10.8 lbs (high) MSM, 0.14 lbs (low) Edaphix (SA), 0.28 lbs (medium) SA, 0.425 lbs (high) SA, and 5 oz/ac indaziflam (Rejurva) with 156 gal/acre water at 35 PSI. A split plot treatment was also applied, and half of each plot was seeded with the same species (Idaho fescue, prairie Junegrass, green needlegrass, and bluebunch wheatgrass) as above. The sites were seeded the spring after a fall herbicide application. Treatment placement was fully randomized within each of five replications, for a total of 35 plots and 70 subplots per site. Ocular canopy percent cover was estimated for all individual species in each summer, after which aboveground biomass was collected for cheatgrass, grasses, and forbs; and was dried at 44°C for at least 72 hours prior to weighing.
Statistical analysis
All analysis were performed in RStudio version 2022.12.0+353 (Team 2022). Data were analyzed with a linear mixed effects model and ANOVA, or Student’s T-test where applicable. Response variables included cheatgrass cover and biomass, functional group cover and biomass, and species richness etc. Fixed variables included treatment and site (as appropriate). Spatial variation and repeated measures were accounted for as random intercept adjustments. Assessment of diagnostic plots were used to assess for violations of the equal variance and linearity assumptions, and log transformation was performed where necessary. The effects of the treatments were compared to the control plots using Dunnett’s tests and Tukey’s HSD tests (Hothorn et al. 2022, Signorell et al. 2022).
Objective 4 Develop a decision framework to help livestock producers control cheatgrass and prevent further spread on their property.
Our decision framework will be evaluated using structural equation modeling and tailored to this northeastern region of the sagebrush steppe, and presented in visual and written form.
Objective 1: Cheatgrass was effectively controlled by a fall herbicide application (2019) such that the low cover combined with a drought meant a second herbicide application was not applied in 2020. All other treatments including targeted grazing (0.4 AUM/ac) with cattle or simulated with a weed strimmer, and a split plot of seeding were imposed on all sites across the valley in 2021. Sites were assessed for functional plant cover at peak season in 2022 and 2023.
A single herbicide application reduced the abundance (cover) of cheatgrass significantly one-year post application, and cover remained lower than the controls in the third (p=0.048) but not fourth season. One year after the other treatments were imposed (2022) the herbicide only treatment still had lower cheatgrass abundance but the sprayed and target grazed treatment had higher abundance which is undesirable; none of the other treatments differed from the control. Native grass abundance increased in integrated herbicide with targeted or simulated grazing treatments, but not herbicide, targeted or simulated grazing alone. Seeding did not alter overall cover and few seedlings were observed in either sampling year. We did observe one general trend that has been observed by others, and which may be helpful for management: as native grass cover increased cheatgrass cover decreased, with the reverse being true for litter which increased as cheatgrass increased. This suggests that areas with higher cover of perennial grasses and lower litter will be more resilient to cheatgrass. If cover is above 15-20% then sites are less likely to be dominated by the annual grass, cheatgrass.
Objective 2: Cheatgrass was effectively controlled by herbicide application in 2019 and had low abundance in fall 2020. Data on all species were recorded each summer (2021-2023) for the different seeding treatments (no seed, fall broadcast, spring broadcast and spring seed pellet). Abundance of cheatgrass remained very low (see Objective 3a results) along the native grass gradient. Unfortunately, low numbers of seedlings were recorded in all seed treatments including the control, such that there was no statistical difference in any of the three seasons assessed. Across all treatments the mean seedling density was 2 seedling tillers/plot in one region (Antelope Peak) and 16 seedling tillers/plot in the other (Eastern Sandhills) by the third season of the study. One interesting finding was not many seed pellets had not broken down in the first season. Seed pellets are made from clay:organic matter:seed at a recommended ratio of 5:3:1. We therefore conducted the second study to improve the ratios for the cold and dry Montana climate.
In the second experiment there was no difference in seedling establishment between the non-seeded control and the low and high clay ratio seed pellets, across two additional sites in southwest Montana. However, as native grass cover increased mean seedling count decreased (p = 0.013). When native grass cover was split into two categorical variables (<20 and ≥20 percent cover of native grasses) plots with ≥20% cover of native grasses saw lower establishment <1 seedling/plot compared with ~3 seedlings in the low native grass cover plots (p = 0.053; Figure 1).
Objective 3:
3 a) The 12 sites across the Centennial valley represent high-elevation sagebrush steppe for the north-eastern part of the biome. We found that two fall applications of the herbicide, imazapic, effectively reduced cheatgrass for three-four years (Figure 2 and Figure 3), with the greatest reduction in the first season post applications. Within the sprayed sites we evaluated areas that were sprayed or not-sprayed, by placing a tarpaulin on the ground during application. In both regions (Antelope Peak and Eastern Sandhills) cheatgrass was significantly reduced (p<0.01). At the Antelope Peak sites - which has a clay/loam soil – cheatgrass decreased to close to zero for three years but then increased in the fourth year, becoming similar in cover (~15%) to the non-sprayed plots (which naturally declined from ~20 to 15% over the study). At the Eastern Sandhills sites, soils are sandy as the name suggests, cover of cheatgrass remained lower (<1-1.4%) in the sprayed plots than the non-sprayed (3-6%) for the four years (Figure 2).
At the landscape scale we compared sprayed hillslopes with non-sprayed and low infestion “reference” sites. At this scale cheatgrass was reduced to similar levels by the herbicide in both regions. Specifically, cheatgrass cover was lower in the sprayed than reference sites in the first and third year after herbicide applications; by the fourth year the sprayed area was higher than the reference (Figure 3). This essentially three-year reduction of cheatgrass from two applications of herbicide is longer than has often been observed in other studies. The longer control may have been due to several factors, including weather, careful timing of herbicide application, and initial lower infestation levels than observed in many areas. The timing of our herbicide was excellent; we had no precipitation until later in the fall, after which cheatgrass emerged and was sprayed at the 2-3 leaf stage (October), with snow and cold temperatures following within a few weeks, thwarting further germination. This represents a best-case scenario because there was only one or two germination cohorts of cheatgrass and we controlled them, with scant germination after due to the change in temperature. We also had a drier growing season in 2020, the second year after herbicide application ceased, which likely minimized cheatgrass emergence and thus slowed recovery.
An important finding is that in the paired reference communities we did not observe an increase in cheatgrass throughout the entire study, with values remaining below 1% cover from 2017-2022. This suggests these areas are resilient to cheatgrass, generally. However, the infested sites were on the same slopes and aspects and as such demonstrate that where additional disturbance occurs cheatgrass can invade, but, at least during the six years of our study cheatgrass did not appear to be increasing in the non-sprayed plots on these slopes. This does present rather a quandary on when to manage. One important aim of controlling weeds like cheatgrass is that we obtain a positive response from the remaining vegetation, unfortunately we did not observe that. The herbicide control was not associated with an increase in perennial grass cover or biomass, species richness, nor alpha diversity. This was disappointing. A community analysis found similar results with the sprayed communities being resilient to cheatgrass management (that is no non-target effect), but the plant composition did not more much toward the reference community state. Both sprayed and reference community assemblages shifted over the study, with slight increases native perennial forb cover and a reduction in native perennial grass cover. These changes were correlated with warmer and drier seasons, which could impact the future resiliency of this system but could also demonstrate a natural fluctuations.
3b) Our alternative cheatgrass management strategies were evaluated over three summers (2021-2023). In the first year, post treatment cheatgrass abundance (cover and biomass) was reduced in the medium and high rates of soil amendment, high mustard seed meal and herbicide (indaziflam) (Figure 4). In the second year cheatgrass abundance remained low in the medium soil amendment and the herbicide plots, but by the third season cheatgrass was the same in all treatments (Figure 4). Desired and native perennial grasses abundance was higher in the herbicide treatment than all others, for all years (Figure 5). Forb abundance did not differ between the treatments but increased each year post treatments.
Objective 4. Develop a decision framework to help livestock producers effectively control cheatgrass on their property.
The decision framework has not yet been fully developed because more analysis is needed and preferably at least one more year of data collection to consolidate our findings. Our integrated and alternative approaches (Objective 1, 2, 3b) sometimes but performed as well as herbicide but not generally, and herbicide only did not always differ from the no action control. Therefore, we would like to collect at least one more year of data for Objectives 2 and 3b, which would increase our confidence and capacity to develop a decision framework that will be based on thresholds of both annual and perennial grasses.
At present our preliminary framework conclusions are as follows. Two applications of imazapic reduced cheatgrass but ultimately there were no differences between the 2017 pre-herbicide abundances of cheatgrass and four years after herbicide application for either region (Eastern Sandhills to Antelope Peak) nor sprayed and non-sprayed or reference treatment plots in the Centennial valley, MT. Our herbicide applications were excellent; we applied very late in the fall after rain and emergence of cheatgrass, in both 2017 and 2018. This represents a best-case scenario where there was only one or two germination cohorts of cheatgrass and we controlled them, and there was not much germination after due to a cold change in temperature. We also had a drier year soon after treatment (2020). We treated cheatgrass at infestation levels that are low – as recommended by other studies – and these levels are of concern to producers and resource managers in our region. On the infested slopes the cheatgrass cover was around 20% in the denser patches and 9% on average. Our herbicide treatments did reduce cheatgrass for 3 or more years. However, it must be stated cheatgrass cover was also low and remained that way reference areas (<1%) and declined over time in the non-sprayed plots within the sprayed hillslopes. This suggests that the climate during these six years was not particularly suitable for expansion of cheatgrass.
Evaluation of different management strategies showed that the herbicide indaziflam and the recommended rate of the soil amendment (NutraFix) was effective at controlling cheatgrass for two seasons but not the third season post treatment. And, in our integrated weed management (IWM) study we found that, cheatgrass was not reduced by imazapic and targeted grazing (instead it initially increased) nor targeted grazing alone, though it was by herbicide alone.
An objective of managing annual grasses is that desired and perennial grass will increase – we did not observe this response at most of our sites. Perennial grass cover was similar in our sprayed and reference sites in the Eastern Sandhills (10-15%) but higher in the reference area than sprayed area in the Antelope Peak (>20 versus 10-15%). In our IWM study we did observe an increase in desired perennial grasses in the integrated herbicide with targeted grazing treatments, but not herbicide, targeted or simulated grazing alone. In our other studies we found that the herbicide, indaziflam, was effective at controlling cheatgrass, and perennial grasses responded favorably over three seasons. In this same study the soil amendments and mustard seed meal did not result in a change to the desired forbs. Finally, our seeding restoration practices did not differ from the non-seeded control but we did observe more seedlings in all treatments where perennial grass cover was less than 20%.
Research Outcomes
Our studies all demonstrated that higher abundances of desired and native grasses correlated with lower cover of cheatgrass, demonstrating the importance of sustainable practices that retain current desired vegetation. Evaluation of these thresholds is forthcoming.
The herbicide imazapic reduced cheatgrass for 3 or more years, the herbicide indaziflam and the soil amendment, NutraFix, reduced cheatgrass for two years, and mustard seed meal and targeted grazing alone or with herbicide showed no or little response over one year, in high elevation sagebrush and grassland in southwest Montana. The alternative strategies study should be monitored for another year to finalize patterns of response.
Cheatgrass is observed mainly on south-facing slopes in high elevation sagebrush and grassland in southwest Montana. Even there cheatgrass did not did not increase in untreated areas (non-sprayed plots and low-invasion reference areas), likely because areas like ours do not always provide the best growing conditions for this species. This demonstrates that monitoring populations is a viable option because control practices rarely provided an increase in desired and native plant species.
Our results suggest having desired and native perennial grass cover of >15-20% provides some resilience to cheatgrass invasion and to cheatgrass management, even though we did not always see an increase in perennial grass abundance following treatment, nor species richness and diversity.
We did not observe any benefit from restoration seeding, native plant recruitment was occurring without seeding and seedling recruitment was higher at sites with <20 % native cover, suggesting by controlling cheatgrass we can increase recruitment of desired species.
We created a framework that producers could use to adaptively manage cheatgrass in their rangelands in south-west Montana and north-eastern regions of the sagebrush steppe. We will extend this at our extension meetings. Framework for managing cheatgrass in SW Montana
Education and Outreach
Participation Summary:
We achieved or are still working on our Education and Outreach objectives.
Throughout the study we maintained high levels of interaction with our cooperators and developed further collaborations with some of the producers.
We conducted two field tours during the study period reaching ~130 producers and land managers. We participated in day and evening extension and outreach meetings in Dillon, Livingston and other sites in southwest and west Montana reaching about 250 participants. Further, Dr. Mangold presented our results at many of her extension presentations around the state (~1,400 producers, spray contractors and managers). Dr. Rew also presented a webinar to Society of Range Management Mountain region (~20). We will continue to extend our results at such meetings – one is already planned for April 2024.
We gave 12 presentations at state (e.g., Montana Weed Control Association annual conference) and regional (e.g., Society of Range Management, Western Society of Weed Science) conferences over the last three years. These conferences each draw 200 to 1600 attendees including producers, educators, public land managers, policy makers, and researchers.
We have presented aspects of this research to undergraduate and graduate students in 200, 400 and 500 level classes at MSU, representing about 100 students a year. Two students will obtain graduate degrees as a result of their involvement with this study, and ~15 undergraduates have been involved in collecting and collating data over the course of the study, providing them with essential field and laboratory experience.
Now the results of the different studies are being finalized we will develop Extension fact sheets that will be available in print and digital format. We estimate reaching ~5,000 producers and interested stakeholders with these fact sheets. Our research will be published in reputable journals to reach a wider audience and have submitted a few research manuscripts already but plan for 4-6 to journals such as, and Rangeland Ecology and Management, Invasive Plant Science and Management and Restoration Management.
Education and Outreach Outcomes
Field tours and extension events remain a great way to interact with stakeholders. At a couple of our evening events on annual grass management we had between 70-90 people which was considered incredibly high by the extension agents. Evening meetings appeared to obtain higher attendance than daytime.
Webinars are a good way to reach people over a greater spatial area but it is harder to get feedback on what was learnt or of interest.
Presenting research methods and results in the undergraduate and graduate classroom is a good way to expose a diversity of students to sustainable land management issues and practices.
Condensing results into extension factsheets remains popular with producers and other stakeholders.
Open access research publications are becoming financially more feasible which should increase the readership and thus dissemination of the research.
- annual grass identification
- annual grass management with herbicide
- integrated weed management
- new and alternative approaches to weed management
- desired plant management
- monitoring and how it can help your management decisions
- importance of biodiversity
annual grass identification
herbicide management
new management practices
benefits of minimizing disturbance to maintain desired plants
not surprised that targeted grazing doesn't work!