Progress report for SW21-923
Project Information
Local strawberries are in high demand throughout the Intermountain West, but outdoor production to meet demand is risky due to late frosts which threaten yields. Previous research at Utah State University (USU) has shown that high tunnel strawberry production could potentially meet consumer demand and be highly profitable when compared to outdoor or low tunnel production. Despite grower interest, adoption of high tunnel strawberry production in the West is low due to uncertainties over cultivar performance and best management practices for soil fertility and diseases using organic methods. High tunnel growing conditions can promote grey mold (Botrytis cinerea) and powdery mildew (Podosphaera aphanis) epidemics, requiring weekly fungicide application, a practice that is not sustainable for small scale growers using organic or natural growing methods.
Compost is a cost-effective organic fertilizer with potential for enhancing disease suppression but yield response can vary due to challenges associated with predicting nutrient release and plant uptake, which often translates to growers over applying or eschewing the use of compost altogether. Indeed, our preliminary research has shown considerable variability in growth and nitrogen (N) uptake among strawberry cultivars when grown on slow-release organic sources of N like composts. Compost-mediated resistance can also be complemented through use of microbial biological control agents (mBCAs), which can be directly applied by growers or transferred to flowers by pollinators such as bumblebees. While strawberries are self-pollinating, pollinators and their foraging activity can have synergistic effects on grower outcomes through increasing berry size and yields, and by vectoring mBCAs.
This project will improve management options for sustainable strawberry production by harnessing synergies between season extension, cultivar identity, nutrient uptake on compost, and disease suppression by addressing the following objectives: 1) assess strawberry cultivars for nutrient uptake and growth on less readily available organic nutrient sources, 2) assess how mBCA effectiveness, both singly and in mixtures, varies with strawberry cultivar and compost use 3) evaluate use of bumblebee pollinators to enhance biological control and yield 4) assess market value and consumer preference for local strawberries, 5) improve grower and student understanding of high tunnel strawberry production through on-farm trials field days, training events, the development of new online resources and course material. The most promising cultivar/management combinations will be tested and showcased on five commercial farms, with results published in factsheets and videos. This research is unique in that it explores innovative and sustainable ways to solve common production problems. Recent data published by the National Agriculture Statistics Service shows strawberries are among the top selling organic crops. With improved management options, local farms could meet consumer demand, bolster local economies, and improve environmental impacts. The information generated will help growers to potentially transform their production systems, reduce or eliminate reliance on toxic chemicals, improve nutrient management and soil health, and meet market demand for local, sustainably produced strawberries.
The long-term goal of this project is to increase the production of strawberries for local markets, improve soil nutrient and disease management, and reduce reliance on purchased inputs through addressing the following specific, short-term objectives: 1) assess cultivars for nutrient uptake and growth on less readily available organic nutrient sources such as compost, 2) assess how mBCA effectiveness, both singly and in mixtures, varies with strawberry cultivar and compost use 3) explore the use of bee pollinators to enhance biological control and yield and 4) assess market value and customer preferences for local strawberries grown under various production schemes and 5) Improve grower and student understanding of high tunnel strawberry production through on-farm trials, field days, training events, the development of new online resources and course material. Initial selection of cultivars and mBCAs occurred in the greenhouse and laboratory in year one, with a subset field tested at the USU Student Organic Farm in years one through three. The most promising cultivar and management combinations will be tested and demonstrated on five commercial farms in years two and three. Five commercial growers and one student farm manager will advise the project through twice yearly meetings throughout. Results will be showcased in Utah and five neighboring states through on-farm tours and workshops, and published in factsheets, videos, and peer-reviewed publications
If funded, we will begin screening cultivars in the greenhouse in April 2021 in time for plug plant production in July 2021. The first trials will be planted in early September 2021 and harvested in the spring of 2022. The second trials will commence in early April 2022 for harvest in the late summer and fall of 2022. A second round of trials will commence on the same schedule but starting in the fall of 2022 and spring of 2023.
Amino acid uptake measurements and mBCA leaf bioassays will commence in the fall of 2021 and will be completed within a year. Bumblebee trials will commence in the spring and late summer of 2022 to coincide with blossom and fruit set. A second round of bumblebee trials will commence in the spring and late summer of 2023. Economic field experiments will take place in 2022.
Grower advisory meetings will be held in October and March of each year. A high tunnel construction workshop will be held on the USU Student Organic Farm in August 2021. Five additional high tunnel construction and strawberry management workshops will be held in neighboring states in years two and three. Field days will be held in April or May in years two and three of the project. Post-program evaluations will be conducted on site or online directly after all field days, workshops etc. Follow-up surveys to asses producer adoption will be conducted one and two years after each program.
Data on yields, input costs and revenue will be collected from grower participants during each spring or fall planted trial. Data will be used to update an existing peer reviewed strawberry production budgets in the final year of the project. Outreach and journal articles will also be finalized in the final year of the project.Gantt chart
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- - Technical Advisor - Producer (Educator and Researcher)
- - Technical Advisor - Producer (Educator)
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We hypothesize that there is a positive relationship between growth and amino acid uptake on compost in the greenhouse and growth and productivity on compost in the field.
We hypothesize that more diverse mBCA treatments will be more effective at preventing disease than those that are less diverse and that strawberry plants grown on compost will be most responsive to mBCA treatment.
We hypothesize that use of bumble bees in high tunnels will have synergistic effects on strawberry health and yield quality.
Objective 1) Assess strawberry cultivars for nutrient uptake and growth on less readily available organic nutrient sources such as composts.
(i) Rationale and Hypotheses. We built on preliminary data already collected that suggests strawberry cultivars show considerable variability in growth on slow-release organic sources of N like compost (Figure 1; Reeve et al. 2017) and take up organic molecules such as amino acids directly (Reeve et al. 2008). We have been using greenhouse trials to select strawberries with extreme differences in growth on compost and confirm these results in high tunnels. We hypothesize that there is a positive relationship between growth and amino acid uptake on compost in the greenhouse and growth and productivity on compost in the field.
Figure 1. Tissue nitrogen (N; percent), shoot dry weight, N use efficiency (NUE) and leaf chlorophyll in strawberry cultivars grown on compost with N-free vs complete nutrient solution. The line shows the 1:1 relationship between strawberry parameters grown on compost vs. complete nutrient solution. Points significantly above the line indicate cultivars that are more efficient at obtaining N from compost than from mineral sources.
(ii) Approach.
Twenty commercial cultivars were obtained from nurseries (e.g. Nourse Farms, Whately, MA). Eleven cultivars were propagated according to Rowley (2010) and planted in high-tunnels at the USU Student Organic Farm and four commercial farms in the fall of 2022. Eleven cultivars were planted directly in high tunnels at the USU Student Organic farm and on three commercial farms in the spring of 2023 and harvested in the spring and fall of that year. The trials were replanted in the fall of 2023 and spring of 2024 due to problems associated with extreme cold followed by flooding. A total of four commercial farms plus the USU student farm participated in the trials. A third greenhouse experiment was conducted in the summer of 23 as follows. Plug plants of six cultivars were grown with and without compost (Millers Inc, Hyrum UT) in 6” pots with 4 reps and analyzed in a completely randomized design with two treatments (cultivar, with/without compost). Compost treated plants were irrigated with N-free fertilizer, while control plants received regular soluble fertilizer. N mineralization was estimated in pots without plants maintained at field capacity with N-free fertilizer. All pots were leached twice weekly with 100 ml water with leachate collected and analyzed for nitrate and ammonium (Lachat Instruments, Loveland CO). Leaf chlorophyll measurements were taken at the end of the experiment using a chlorophyll meter (Apogee Instruments, Logan UT). Plants were harvested after eight weeks, shoots and crown separated, and wet/dry weight and tissue N recorded. Amino acid uptake will be measured on eight best and worst performing cultivars on compost according to Reeve et al. (2008). Briefly, C14 labelled glycine and N15 labelled nitrate and ammonium are added to soil containing a rooted strawberry plant. The surface of the soil is sealed with wax to prevent atmospheric uptake and the plants placed in a vented manifold system. Glycine, nitrate, and ammonium uptake are determined after 24 hours.
Fall and spring plantings of strawberries grown with compost (Millers Inc, Hyrum UT) with and without soluble N fertilizer (fish emulsion on organic farms) were established on the USU Student Organic Farm and four commercial farms in August/Sept 2023 and Feb/March 2024. One 70 x 14ft tunnel was dedicated to fall and one to spring production at the student farm and on farm trials were sized according to grower interest and available space. Eleven compost/cultivar treatment combinations (3ft. of bed per treatment with 6 plants per plot) with three replicate plots were established per high tunnel. Best performers selected in greenhouse trials as well as Chandler and Seascape that are expected to be poor were included to test the relationship between growth on compost and performance in the field. Compost was applied across all cultivars where needed based on soil test results. The USU plantings and plantings included a second treatment with and without supplemental fertilizer. Plant survival, number of crowns, runners and leaf chlorophyl were recorded. Total and marketable berry yield, fruit size, plant growth, leaf chlorophyll, leaf N content and disease incidence were measured on the spring planted trials. Soil health indicators (organic matter, microbial biomass, available soil nutrients, pH and EC) were assessed at two points during the growing cycle according to Gavlak (2003) and Anderson and Domsch (1978). Data from fall and spring plantings will be analyzed separately using a random complete block design with two factors (cultivar and compost) with harvest time as repeated measure.
Objective 2) Assess how mBCA effectiveness, both singly and in mixtures, varies with strawberry cultivar and compost use.
(i) Rationale and Hypotheses. Application of mBCAs represents a sustainable alternative for disease control. To date, a handful of mBCAs have been screened for use in limiting powdery mildew (Podosphaera aphanis) and grey mold (Botrytis cinerea) development in strawberry (Sylla et al. 2013). Though single and paired species mBCA treatments demonstrate promise, they remain subpar to fungicides (Pertot et al. 2008; Silla et al. 2013). Increasingly, it is recognized that a positive relationship exists between microbial community diversity and resistance to pathogen invasion (Santhanam et al. 2015). Thus, we hypothesize that more diverse mBCA treatments will be more effective at preventing disease than those that are less diverse and that strawberry plants grown on compost will be most responsive to mBCA treatment.
(ii) Approach. mBCA (single, Aureobasidium pullulans) effectiveness against grey mold (Botrytis cinerea) will continue to be evaluated across cultivars. The focus on A. pullulans has been dictated by commercial availability of the mBCA for producers, as well as prior work showing its effectiveness against pathogens, including strawberry (Sylla et al. 2013; Iqbal et al. 2022). We are also focusing on grey mold, as powdery mildew has been less of a concern to date in our trials, and we wish to ensure post-harvest health of our berries for market. To test efficacy, we will perform a detached strawberry leaf disk bioassay, following Sylla et al. (2013). Briefly, leaf disks [1 cm diameter, N = 30 per treatment (mBCA or control) per cultivar] will be sourced from leaves of strawberry mother plants grown in the greenhouse for plug plant production. The control treatment will consist of leaf disks dipped in sterile Ringer solution, while the mBCA-treated disks will be treated at a density of ~1 x 107 CFU/mL. Treated disks will be incubated at 25°C (65% RH), with an alternating 12 hr. light/dark photoperiod. After 24 hr, leaf disks will be challenged with B. cinerea conidia and incubated to allow for pathogen development. Leaf disks will be processed to determine levels of conidia production, using microscopy and a Thoma counting chamber to determine the number of conidia per cm2 of leaf. These data will extend our previous dataset on cultivar-dependent performance of Aureobasidium, which has been performed with each round of cultivars purchased in spring for evaluation. A complementary assay will also be performed with leaf material stemming from the planted trials of cultivars grown on and off compost, to determine how Aureobasidium and compost-addition may interact to affect mold resistance.
Objective 3) Evaluate use of bee pollinators to enhance biological control and yield.
(i) Rationale and Hypotheses. Cross-pollination can significantly enhance strawberry yields, fruit quality, shelf-life, and commercial value (Klatt et al. 2014; Wietzke et al. 2018; MacInnis and Forrest 2019). Moreover, pollinators (e.g., bumble bees) naturally disperse microbes among flowers and can vector with considerable success (Yu and Sutton 1997; Kapongo et al. 2008; Russell et al. 2019). We hypothesize that use of bumble bees in high tunnels will have synergistic effects on strawberry health and yield quality.
(ii) Approach. Assessment of bee effectiveness for biocontrol, yield enhancement, and how this varies with soil background, will be tested through cage trials, performed in a tunnel at the USU Student Organic Farm. Commercial bumble bee colonies (Bombus impatiens, Biobest Group) will be obtained and fitted with an mBCA inoculum dispenser, following Yu and Sutton 1997; Al-mazra’awi (2004). Each cage (i.e., treatment) will contain18 strawberry plants. The RCBD experiment will be replicated 4 times. Treatments consist of control treatment with neither inoculum nor bees, mBCA inoculum sprayed alone, bees alone, and mBCA inoculum + bees. Three cultivars (AC Valley, Chandler, Galetta) were selected for this experiment and half of the plants were treated with either control or compost-amended soil as in Obj. 1.
After establishing caged arrays, we will introduce the colonies to allow for bee foraging and dispersal of mBCA inoculum. Following a three-day period of bee activity, flowers and leaves of eight randomly selected plants per soil treatment will be artificially inoculated with mold conidia. After six days, leaf and flower samples will be harvested for disease assessment, with mBCA dispenser removed from colonies. After each tissue-sampling, remaining inoculum will be dried and weighed to determine the amount delivered. Finally, we will assess fruit yield and quality by measuring fruit production, mass, shape (length:diameter ratio), soluble solids, titratable acidity and total phenolic compounds.
Objective 4) Assess market value and consumer preference for local strawberries.
A graduate student will work with growers in year three to collect information to revise and update previously published cost of production budgets (Maughan et al., 2014). Pricing estimates are based on current local pricing of strawberry cultivars produced collected from the USU farmers’ market and dining outlets (e.g., Luke’s Café), the Cache Valley Gardeners Market, Ogden and Salt Lake City farmers markets and also through interviews with local chefs and retail outlets. Cost estimates are based on inputs used during study trials and those provided by local vendors. Cost of production budgets will be used to educate growers on production and marketing methods at Extension field days, workshops, webinars, and online. These budgets provide growers will good estimates of the potential profitability (by cultivar and production methods) of strawberries under reduced chemical and organic production systems, thus enabling growers to better assess and adopt study recommendations.
Consumer preferences and willingness to pay for successful strawberry cultivars and production systems will be evaluated through economic field experiments conducted with Northern Utah residents. Experiments will include blind sensory analysis of strawberry cultivars followed by a survey including choice sets to determine consumer preferences and willingness-to-pay (WTP) based on strawberry product pricing, strawberry sensory and production attributes, as well as consumer psychographics and demographics (Barnes et al. 2014; Bosworth et al. 2015; Drugova et al. 2020). Field experiments will be conducted at farmers’ markets (Logan, Ogden, and Salt Lake City), the USU campus, and local retail outlets. Market viability studies such as these are an important part of understanding consumer interest in new products/production methods such that product pricing, attributes, sales venues, and promotional messages are appropriate for the target market(s), which are also identified through this analysis. A study on consumer interest and WTP for eco-friendly and organic peaches found that reduced chemical and eco-friendly production methods are valued by consumers in Northern Utah (Curtis et al., 2020).
Objective 1) Assess strawberry cultivars for nutrient uptake and growth on less readily available organic nutrient sources such as composts
The growth of six commercial strawberry cultivars were compared on compost versus commercial fertilizer in the greenhouse. The selection included best and worst performers from the previous greenhouse trial and field trials. As with our previous findings considerable variation in growth on compost between cultivars was found. AC Valley, Sweet Ann and Royal Royce grew best on compost while AC Valley, Sweet Ann and Chandler performed best on conventional fertilizer. Chandler had lowest leaf chlorophyl in both treatments. AC Valley and Royal Royce are top performers under organic management in the field while Sweet Anne and Chandler are inconsistent. Overall, the results suggest an interaction between cultivar vigor and N uptake ability that could translate to field performance under organic management. All cultivars performed much worse on compost which was attributed to the high C:N ratio of the compost used. Amino acid uptake experiments were delayed due unforeseen delays with equipment and will occur in the spring of 2024.
The fall planted trials established in August and September of 2022 were largely unsuccessful. Two of three trials planted in Cache Valley, Utah were negatively affected by extreme winter temperatures followed by spring flooding. Data was successfully collected from a farm in Kaysville, UT while a fifth on farm in Cedar City, UT reported general observations on cultivar performance only. One striking result was that our top ranking cultivars from previous years (marked by milder winters and extremely hot summers) performed worst in the extremely cold and wetter conditions of 2023. At the student farm Dickens, Galletta, Flavorfest and Sparkle had the best winter survival, while Chandler, AC Valley and Yambu were the worst. At Steep Mountain Farm in Cache Valley Chandler, Sparkle and Dickens and Flavorfest showed good winter survival and plant growth while AC Valley and Yambu were among the worst. Yields at this farm were still very low and negatively affected by pests despite our efforts to actively help the farmer with pest management. He subsequently dropped out of the final year of trials citing strawberries as not a good fit for his operation given his heavy use of organic mulches that favor large populations of wood lice. Clay Farm in Kaysville has heavy soils but a milder climate to Cache Valley. At this site Flavorfest, Sparkle and Cavendish were the best performers while Chandler was the worst due to bad chlorosis. Red Acre Farm in Southern Utah reported good results with Chandler as their favorite, but they did not provide any yield data or formal plant rankings.
Yield results from the spring 2023 plantings reflected the considerable variability in plant growth, crown number and leaf chlorophyll between cultivars reported previously, as well as considerable site to site variation. Overall, yields remained low although the proportion of marketable berries was much higher, presumably due to lower temperatures in the summer of 2023. Soil test results and a lack of nitrogen response suggests yield problems were due to other factors such as disease and iron chlorosis which did not respond to regular applications of chelated iron and trace elements. Soil compaction in intensively managed high tunnels may also have been a factor, so for the new trials we have invested in raised beds. Cultivar ranking of spring planted day neutral strawberries at the student farm were Cabrillo, Royal, Royce, Portola and Seascape, while Monterey and Charlotte which were top performers in 2022 did less well. Clay farm ranked Charlotte, San Andreas, Royal Royce and Albion first while Monterey and Portola were among the worst. At Steep Mountain Farm Royal Royce, Chandler San Andreas and Charlotte performed best while Monterey and Seascape were the worst. Nevertheless, Albion, Monterey and Seascape were the preferred cultivars by Red Acre Farm in Southern UT. The considerable between year and site variability is perhaps unsurprising given the highly variable climate and soil conditions across UT. Climatic variability has become more extreme in recent years. Nevertheless, some cultivars such as Galetta and Seascape while not the highest yielding overall have proven to be remarkably consistent and may reflect the best choice under variable conditions.
Objective 2) Assess how mBCA effectiveness, both singly and in mixtures, varies with strawberry cultivar and compost use
Nine cultivars were evaluated in 2023 for their basal resistance to grey mold, as well as their response to Aureobasidium treatment and associated resistance against the disease. Among cultivars evaluated, Archer, D’light, and Cabot had the lowest levels of resistance against the pathogen, while Daraselect, Festival, Galetta, Keepsake, Seascape, and Stella had comparatively high levels of resistance. Treatment with Aureobasidium as an mBCA significantly limited B. cinerea growth across all cultivars, however its efficacy varied with cultivar background (F8,522 = 6.08, p < 0.001). To determine the mechanism of resistance and why this variability might exist, we also sampled tissues to measure beta-glucanase and chitinase activity, as previous work has shown that expression of these two defense-related enzymes may be enhanced following treatment with this mBCA. While this work continues, preliminary analyses have revealed that Aureobasidium application does enhance expression of the genes and associated enzyme products, but expression varies with cultivar background in ways that mirror our leaf disk assay.
Cultivar resistance data for this season and others will continue to be compiled for a comprehensive outreach publication on mold management and cultivar selection for the Intermountain West. Additional research is also being developed on cultivar resistance to pests, as spider mites and other insects have proved to be more of a challenge in our high tunnel plantings. This work will be executed this spring and fall, with a primary focus on spider mites.
Objective 3) Evaluate use of bee pollinators to enhance biological control and yield
Akin to above, the Fall 2022 planting at the USU Student Organic Farm for the first iteration of pollination trials was largely unsuccessful. Herbivory (voles) and winter kill substantially reduced samples sizes available for work. Moreover, vole tunneling made maintenance of pollination treatments challenging, as bumblebees deployed for the work could make their way to neighboring cages with relative ease. As a result, yields were quite low and it was difficult to evaluate whether there was a positive effect of pollinators on production outcomes. Among the three cultivars screened however, Galetta performance was most consistent and is likely a good choice for producers given other management considerations. As noted above, a second iteration of this trial is being performed this year, with greater attention to both pest management and winter survival. mBCA and pollination treatments are currently underway, with yield assessments to be performed in the coming months. We anticipate that these data will support one Extension publication and another that will be peer-reviewed for an academic journal.
Objective 4) Assess market value and consumer preference for local strawberries
Due to the lack of project fruit available due to weather, pest, and other issues, Utah consumer preferences and willingness to pay for conventional, organic, locally grown, and GMO-free strawberries was assessed through an online survey administered through Qualtrics in the fall of 2023. A total of 384 responses were collected and analyzed. Initial results show that Utah consumers are willing to pay similar premiums for local and organic strawberries, but even higher premiums for strawberries with both labels (see Table 1). Organic was ranked ninth out of 18 attributes consumer respondents considered when purchasing fruit, locally grown ranked seven. Strawberries were ranked second (with bananas and after apples) in the fruits consumers consumed at least monthly, indicating strong preferences for strawberries. While respondents indicated they would pay more for local and organic products, they had little familiarity with specialized labeling programs and production methods. They agreed that locally grown products are fresher and purchasing supports local growers, and that organic products are healthier and safer, but are too expensive.
Additional analysis will examine target consumers for locally grown fruit and organic fruit. Seven Extension factsheets have been drafted with one currently under peer review. Additionally, early study results have been presented at the project growers meeting, and two large conferences in Utah. One Ph.D. student is writing a dissertation based upon this research and three academic papers will result.
Table 1: Respondent WTP ($USD) by Label and Label Combinations
Economic experiments with project fruit or purchased fruit will be conducted in the summer of 2024. Field and lab experiments will include blind sensory analysis of specialty labelled (organic, local, etc.) strawberries followed by a survey including choice sets to determine consumer preferences and willingness-to-pay (WTP) based on strawberry product pricing, sensory and production attributes, as well as consumer psychographics and demographics. These results will be compared with the online consumer survey results, as well as project fruit quality assessments conducted by Dr. Schaeffer.
Due to various production issues (weather, pests, etc.) and the exit of a project assistant, the economic assessment of organic strawberry production has been delayed. Strawberry production enterprise budgets will be updated per current costs/pricing and organic management in the summer of 2024. Extension publications and outreach programming will result. These budgets will provide growers with estimates of the potential profitability of strawberries under organic production systems, thus enabling them to better assess and adopt study recommendations.
Research Outcomes
We are still in the process of synthesizing our data in order to provide recommendations to growers. Our assessment to date suggests that cultivars need to be selected carefully for adaptation to both cold and hot conditions, and for tolerance to high soil pH. Galletta, a June bearing cultivar developed in North Carolina appears to meet these diverse needs well. In our on farm trials, it has also become clear that pests such as spider mites, wood lice and ants are more problematic than diseases under organic management systems and future research is needed in this area.
A graduate student on the project also published a review/perspective piece on the promise for managing the floral microbiome as a sustainable disease management option.
Burgess, E. C., & Schaeffer, R. N. (2022). The floral microbiome and its management in agroecosystems: a perspective. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 70(32), 9819-9825.
Further and more specific recommendations will be forthcoming.