Alaska WSARE 2022 SIP

Progress report for WAK22-001

Project Type: PDP State Program
Funds awarded in 2021: $107,250.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2024
Host Institution Award ID: G290-22-W8618
Grant Recipient: University of Alaska Fairbanks
Region: Western
State: Alaska
State Coordinator:
Dr. Casey Matney
University of Alaska Fairbanks
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Project Information


Our project is focused on improving agriculture in Alaska by providing education and resources to farmers and agricultural professionals across the state. With only a handful agriculture cooperative extension service agents available to reach all of the communities in Alaska, partnerships and collaborations with other agencies and agricultural groups are essential for disseminating information effectively.

The project's primary deliverables include hosting the Alaska Farm Convention and Trade Show / Alaska Food and Farm Festival, providing workshops focused on sustainable agriculture, offering webinars and newsletters focused on sustainable agriculture, and hosting and providing access online to conference/workshop presentations and recorded webinars. Attendance at the 2022 Convention included over 230 participants, and attendance at the 2023 Food and Farm Festival was 499. These efforts provide much-needed information and support to farmers and agricultural professionals, helping to improve agriculture in Alaska and potentially increase the utilization of the 15 million acres of soil designated as suitable for farming.

Attending the annual WSARE PDP meetings is also a valuable opportunity for the WSARE state coordinator to network and collaborate with other professionals working on sustainable agriculture projects. This can help to identify best practices and innovative approaches to improving agriculture in Alaska, further supporting the success of this project and the agricultural community in the state.

Project Objectives:

The Alaska SARE PDP project objectives focused on increasing knowledge and emphasis on sustainable agriculture practices among agricultural professionals, facilitating the transmission of this knowledge to producers, and promoting the adoption of sustainable practices by producers. By offering the Annual Alaska Farm Convention and Trade Show / Alaska Food and Farm Festival, as well as newsletters and webinars throughout the award period, the project provided valuable information and resources to agricultural professionals and producers across the state. These events and resources help to increase awareness and understanding of sustainable agriculture practices, and provide achievable goals that could be adapted and implemented in Alaska. The emphasis on sustainable agriculture practices in educational programs and publications also helps to promote the adoption of these practices among producers. By facilitating the transmission of knowledge from agricultural professionals to producers and assisting them in developing the skills necessary to make these practices successful, the project helped to support the growth of sustainable agriculture in Alaska.


The Alaska SARE PDP project aims to address the challenges faced by the state in disseminating timely and research-based agricultural information to communities spread across an area one-fifth the size of the United States. With a limited number of cooperative extension service agents available, the project recognizes the importance of partnerships, collaborations, and cooperation with other agencies and agricultural groups. To achieve this goal, the project uses resources to cosponsor agricultural conferences, trainings, and workshops, provide travel for extension agents to attend training programs, and bring guest speakers from within Alaska and other parts of the United States to provide new knowledge, research, and ideas to residents. The project makes possible the Alaska Farm Convention and Trade Show / Alaska Food and Farm Festival, which brings together diverse communities and villages from across the state to discuss and learn about sustainable agriculture practices.

In addition to conferences and workshops, the project also provides for the maintenance of an Alaska SARE listserv (approximately 1,400 Alaskans), printed materials, Zoom meeting platform, and Alaska webinar/newsletter. These resources are critical for connecting hundreds of Alaskans with innovations and information regarding sustainable agriculture practices, and they provide a platform for sharing updates on farming operations, research, and projects taking place throughout the state and beyond.

Finally, the project also supports the WSARE state coordinator to travel to the annual WSARE PDP summer meetings. This will provide an opportunity for the coordinator to network and collaborate with other professionals working on sustainable agriculture projects, and to identify best practices and innovative approaches to improving agriculture in Alaska. Overall, the project aims to foster partnerships, collaboration, and cooperation to promote sustainable agriculture practices and improve access to agricultural information across the state.


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Educational approach:

The topics and contents areas that were highlighted at the 2022 and 2023 3-day events included a total of 170 presentations and 7 workshops ranging across many agricultural topics: 1) food systems and food security, 2) agricultural lending opportunities, 3) rhodiola production and research, 4) floriculture, 5) integrated pest management and biosecurity, 6) risk management, 7) farm and land opportunities in Alaska, 8) partnerships, social media, marketing, and business 9) youth development, 10) identity and well-being within Alaska food production, 11) Alaska vegetable variety trials, 12) livestock production, 13) transportation, 14) irrigation and fertigation, 15) soil research and potato pathogen research, 16) farmers markets, 17) grant opportunities, 18) value-added, 19) pesticide safety, 20) hay and pasture production during drought, 21) high tunnels, 22) the Alaska apple tree pollinator survey 23) beekeeping, 24) ag lending, and 25) farmer suicide prevention training.  These topics were established based on requests from participants at recent events and advisory committee recommendations.  

Resources used in the project include the time/labor of personnel from the University of Alaska Fairbanks Institute of Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Extension (IANRE).  The commitment from the Alaska SARE Coordinator will be 120 hours per year.  IANRE provides infrastructural support in the form of copiers, computers, LCD projectors, and offices for meetings.  Educational programs are conducted in conjunction with other programs.  There are many advantages to this coordination of activities, including the leveraging of resources devoted to these programs, which will help support the SARE message.  The Alaska Farm Bureau, Alaska Division of Agriculture, Soil and Water Conservation District Boards and several agricultural companies help sponsor programs and contribute to the cost of mailings, printing brochures, speaker travel, and other expenses.  

Over the last two events, there were 729 attendees with representation from over 30 communities from across the state, with representation from several different lower-48 states. Attendees traveled from all over the state of Alaska, many of them being state and federal agency employees, farmers, ranchers, restaurant owners, food enthusiasts, students, and interested community members. Several workshops were provided, with 68 vendors/exhibitors present over the last two years.

Education & Outreach Initiatives

Alaska Farm Convention and Trade Show

Host the Second Annual Alaska Farm Convention and Trade Show.


Provide a 3-day state Farm Convention and Trade Show.

Outcomes and impacts:

Participants will gain or increase knowledge, skills, awareness about sustainable ag topics, systems, principles, technologies, practices and resources.

Participants will gain or increase motivations and skills to effectively educate farmers and ranchers about sustainable agriculture.

Participants use information learned to conduct educational programs about sustainable agriculture topics, systems, principles, practices, technologies, and resources.

Participants use information learned to incorporate information into products and educational tools.

Participants use information learned to share project materials and/or SARE and other sustainable ag resources with farmers and others.

Participants use information learned to develop and/or strengthen professional collaborations and involvement in teaching, research and demonstration of sustainable agriculture topics, systems, principles, and practices.

Participants adopt sustainable systems, approaches and practices.


Provide workshops focused on sustainable agriculture.


We will provide workshops focused on sustainable agriculture as stand alone events or in coordination with the Alaska Farm Convention and Trade Show.

Outcomes and impacts:

Participants will gain or increase knowledge, skills, awareness about sustainable ag topics, systems, principles, technologies, practices and resources.

Participants will gain or increase motivations and skills to effectively educate farmers and ranchers about sustainable agriculture.

Participants use information learned to conduct educational programs about sustainable agriculture topics, systems, principles, practices, technologies, and resources.

Participants use information learned to incorporate information into products and educational tools.

Participants use information learned to share project materials and/or SARE and other sustainable ag resources with farmers and others.

Participants use information learned to develop and/or strengthen professional collaborations and involvement in teaching, research and demonstration of sustainable agriculture topics, systems, principles, and practices.

Participants adopt sustainable systems, approaches and practices.


Provide webinars/newsletter focused on sustainable agriculture.


Will provide webinars/newsletter focused on sustainable agriculture.

Outcomes and impacts:

Participants will gain or increase knowledge, skills, awareness about sustainable ag topics, systems, principles, technologies, practices and resources.

Participants will gain or increase motivations and skills to effectively educate farmers and ranchers about sustainable agriculture.

Participants use information learned to conduct educational programs about sustainable agriculture topics, systems, principles, practices, technologies, and resources.

Participants use information learned to incorporate information into products and educational tools.

Participants use information learned to share project materials and/or SARE and other sustainable ag resources with farmers and others.

Participants use information learned to develop and/or strengthen professional collaborations and involvement in teaching, research and demonstration of sustainable agriculture topics, systems, principles, and practices.

Participants adopt sustainable systems, approaches and practices.

Online Access to Materials

Host and provide access online to conference/workshop presentations and recorded webinars.


Will host and provide access online to conference/workshop presentations and recorded webinars.

Outcomes and impacts:

Participants will gain or increase knowledge, skills, awareness about sustainable ag topics, systems, principles, technologies, practices and resources.

Participants will gain or increase motivations and skills to effectively educate farmers and ranchers about sustainable agriculture.

Participants use information learned to conduct educational programs about sustainable agriculture topics, systems, principles, practices, technologies, and resources.

Participants use information learned to incorporate information into products and educational tools.

Participants use information learned to share project materials and/or SARE and other sustainable ag resources with farmers and others.

Participants use information learned to develop and/or strengthen professional collaborations and involvement in teaching, research and demonstration of sustainable agriculture topics, systems, principles, and practices.

Participants adopt sustainable systems, approaches and practices.

Educational & Outreach Activities

93 Consultations
12 Published press articles, newsletters
11 Travel Scholarships
170 Webinars / talks / presentations
7 Workshop field days
7 Other educational activities: Youth Development, Agricultural knowledge and education activities

Participation Summary:

44 Extension
35 Researchers
58 Nonprofit
117 Agency
57 Ag service providers (other or unspecified)
234 Farmers/ranchers
166 Others

Learning Outcomes

293 Participants gained or increased knowledge, skills and/or attitudes about sustainable agriculture topics, practices, strategies, approaches
102 Ag professionals intend to use knowledge, attitudes, skills and/or awareness learned

Project Outcomes

36 Agricultural service provider participants who used knowledge and skills learned through this project (or incorporated project materials) in their educational activities, services, information products and/or tools for farmers
234 Farmers reached through participant's programs
Additional Outcomes:

On November 11-13 of 2022, we held the second Alaska Farm Convention and Trade Show (AFCTS) at the Egan Convention Center in Anchorage, Alaska. This was the largest agriculture event of its kind to date in Alaska. The AFCTS was a large well organized event that partnered with the Alaska Farm Bureau and was timed concurrently and adjoined the Annual Soil and Water Conservation District Meeting. Alaska Western SARE was a major partner of the event.
Over 230 participants attended the in-person and virtual technical sessions and workshops. The event consisted of opening ceremonies with four tracks of technical sessions, activities, workshops all day on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday including 20 trade show vendor booths. The event was an even bigger success than the first convention and trade show that was offered in 2021. The success of this second event spurred the Alaska Farm Bureau and the Alaska Western SARE program to combine events with Alaska Food Policy Council for the first ever Alaska Food and Farm Festival which was offered in Anchorage November 10-12, 2023. This new partnership increased the number of participants to 499 for our annual event. Information about the event can be found here:

Christine Macknicki presents information on the Alaska Potato Program and how to Control Potato Scab  at the Second Annual Alaska Farm Convention and Trade Show.

Christine Macknicki with the Alaska Plant Materials Center presents information on the Alaska Potato Program and how to Control Potato Scab at the Second Annual Alaska Farm Convention and Trade Show.

Joanne McCrea, DVM, with the University of Alaska Fairbanks describes Birthing and Care for Young Animals on the Farm.
Joanne McCrea, DVM, with the University of Alaska Fairbanks describes Birthing and Care for Young Animals on the Farm at the Second Annual Alaska Farm Convention and Trade Show.
Dr. Caley Gasch with the University of Alaska Fairbanks discusses Soil Health with Alaskans at the Second Annual Alaska Farm Convention and Trade Show.
Dr. Caley Gasch with the University of Alaska Fairbanks discusses Soil Health with Alaskans at the Second Annual Alaska Farm Convention and Trade Show.
Todd Steinlage with the Alaska Plant Materials Center describes Potato Scab Species that were newly found to occur in Alaska Dr. Caley Gasch with the University of Alaska Fairbanks discusses Soil Health with Alaskans at the Second Annual Alaska Farm Convention and Trade Show.
Todd Steinlage with the Alaska Plant Materials Center describes Potato Scab Species that were newly found to occur in Alaska at the Second Annual Alaska Farm Convention and Trade Show.
United States Senator for Alaska, Lisa Murkowski
United States Senator for Alaska, Lisa Murkowski, addresses participants at the first ever Alaska Food and Farm Festival in Anchorage, Alaska.
Robbie Townsend Vennel speaks to Food and Farm Festival participants
Robbie Townsend Vennel speaks to Food and Farm Festival participants about establishing farms and food hubs on the Kodiak Archipelago.
Participants of the Alaska Food and Farm Festival in Anchorage
Participants of the Alaska Food and Farm Festival in Anchorage gather for lunch and listen to legislative remarks.

Convention and Trade Show Program

Face of SARE

Face of SARE:

Outreach is coordinated through our University Website as well as Cooperative Extension Service Offices and Statewide Agency Offices. We also release information through our list serves, websites, and social media pages across state agency and University offices.

650 Farmers received information about SARE grant programs and information resources
70 Ag professionals received information about SARE grant programs and information resources
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.