Project Overview
Annual Reports
- Crop Production: food product quality/safety
- Education and Training: extension, networking, workshop, youth education
- Farm Business Management: new enterprise development, marketing management, farm-to-institution, risk management
- Sustainable Communities: local and regional food systems, new business opportunities, partnerships, public participation
At the conclusion of our work we successfully:
• Designed and coordinated eight Farm to Cafeteria workshops engaging more than 600 Minnesotans which led to numerous new partnerships and initiatives.
• Held meetings with 100+ Community Nutrition Educators* (CNEs) within each of the twelve Simply Good Eating** regions. University of Minnesota Extension Simply Good Eating and SNAP-Ed support the efforts to expand Farm to School across Minnesota. Community Nutrition Educators educate and share materials that reinforce the health and nutritional benefits of Farm to School in local communities.
• Offered Farm to School sessions at the annual Simply Good Eating conference in 2009 and 2010.
• Surveyed CNEs to assess their knowledge and level of involvement in Farm to School activities. Nancy Taft, Master of Public Health graduate completed her thesis, “Growing a Farm to School Network,” utilizing results of this survey.
• Incorporated Farm to School messaging into Go Wild with Fruits and Veggies! - a comprehensive program that encourages students in grades 3-5 to eat more fruits and vegetables and become more physically active.
*Community Nutrition Educators were formerly known as Nutrition Education Assistants
**The Simply Good Eating program was formerly known as the Nutrition Education Program.