1996 Annual Report for ANC96-033
Agricultural Wetland Management
The majority of wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of South Dakota are owned and managed by farmers and ranchers. Studies have shown that farming through and/or adjacent to these Prairie Pothole wetlands has environmental and economic risks. The questions asked in this study are: 1) Will buffer strips reduce negative environmental and economic effects of farming wetland landscapes? 2) Are buffer strips socially acceptable? 3) Are buffer strips around wetlands economically feasible?
A farm site with 10 seasonal and temporary wetlands was chosen in Lake County, S.D. This site had been environmentally and economically monitored for five years. Buffer strips were established in blocks around eight of the wetlands in 1995. In 1997 and 1998, soil/water/plants were analyzed for nutrient content in the buffered and non-buffered wetlands. Surveys were used to determine farmer attitudes about wetland problems and benefits on agricultural land in South Dakota. Budgets were developed for four wetland management scenarios: all acres cropped, buffer blocks and wetlands not cropped (hay cut from buffers), 75' buffers and wetlands not cropped (buffers cut for hay), and buffer blocks and wetlands enrolled in the Wetland Reserve Program (WRP). Results of nutrient analyses show that the wetland buffer strip vegetation is effectively removing nutrients. Nutrients removed by the buffer are being utilized as hay instead of being lost from agricultural production into the wetland system.
Farmer surveys indicated that wetland problems included the inability to plant and harvest crops and the maintenance of weedy species in the field. Wetland benefits included wildlife habitat and groundwater recharge. Opinions about the capacity of wetlands to reduce flooding were divided. Although the wetlands store water which can reduce downstream flooding, they retain water so farmed fields are flooded. Economic costs and profitability were cited as the major problems. Survey comments suggested wetland policies should consider costs to farmers, not just wildlife habitat or flood control functions.
Economic comparisons of wetland management scenarios were completed. Long-term cost and return budgets for transitional no-till, conventional and organic systems were prepared for: 1) no wetland buffer strips, 2) wetland buffer strips developed by the owner, 3) 75' wetland buffers strips around wetlands, and 4) enrolling wetlands and buffer strip acreage in the WRP. Returns were greatest for the WRP scenario regardless of farming system.
Two wetland demonstration sites were developed. Information centers were constructed at each site. The farm demonstration site was utilized for a harvest festival and farm tour. Wetland educational materials selected by the SDSU class were distributed to participants.
North Central Region 1998 Annual Report.