2006 Annual Report for CNE06-002
Farm transfer planning: Tools for revitalizing rural life
This project engages farmland owners, service providers and community development practitioners to: 1) raise awareness about farm transfer and succession issues; and 2)to improve farm transfer planning in New England.
To date, we have constructed and launched the website for the Farm Transfer Network of New England (www.farmtransfernewengland.org), developed a network of farm transfer service providers, produced and disseminated approximately 2,500 informational brochures and conducted the first of three community meetings of professionals and community groups. Two more meetings are scheduled. Using a team approach, partners have begun work with six farm families to address transfer planning.
Objectives/Performance Targets
For this Sustainable Communities project our objectives are to: conduct outreach to farm families and other farmland owners; build support teams and referral services; develop and disseminate educational materials related to farm transfer; and build community awareness and offer training.
- 1. Website was built and launched.
2. Brochure designed, produced and 2,500 disseminated to farm families, service providers, agricultural service organizations and community groups in six New England states.
3. Over 140 professionals were invited to list their services on the online directory. Approximately 70 organizations, firms and individuals are listed.
C. Educational materials on farm transfer were compiled, copyright permission was obtained, and materials were uploaded to the Website in eight topic areas.
D. One of three planned community meetings was held, with approximately 25 professionals in attendance.
Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes
Impacts of project activities will be assessed and reported in the final report and during the 12 month post-project monitoring period.