2008 Annual Report for CNE07-035
Southern Ohio alternative energy development
The Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission’s (OVRDC’s) Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) project entitled “Southern Ohio Alternative Energy Development” consists of two objectives. First, our project includes planning and conducting a comprehensive renewable energy seminar for the southern Ohio region. The seminar is targeted at farmers, chambers of commerce, economic development staff, saw mills, lumber yards, and other small businesses. The seminar will include presentations on all the major renewable fuel sources as well as presentations about possible grant, loan, and venture capital sources available for renewable energy. A survey assessment of the level of interest by farms, sawmills, and others in pursuing renewable energy options will be conducted at the seminar. There will also be some follow-up technical assistance provided for those who attended the seminar. Secondly, the project includes two field visits for 20-30 business/farmers who are interested in more detailed information about significant renewable fuel sources in the state of Ohio. One field visit will be planned with a bio-diesel manufacturer (Peter Cremer) in the Cincinnati area and the other field visit will be planned with a farm that runs on alternative energy (Dull Homestead) in the Cincinnati area.
Objectives/Performance Targets
Conduct survey assessment at seminar and afterwards of participating farmers, sawmills and other major waste generators in exploring alternative energy markets – October 2008- March 2009
Plan a field visit to two locations and briefings for those producers/businesses interested (20-30 attendants) – November 2008- December 2008
Advertise and inform farmers/wood operators/economic development professionals of the field visit – January 2009-February 2009
Conduct field visit to Peter Cremer and Dull Homestead – April 2009
In June 2008, John Hemmings prepared and submitted the first Annual Report for the project to SARE.
In August of 2008, Dan Yarmesch developed a Southern Ohio Alternative Energy Survey. It was designed to gauge the awareness and interest of Southern Ohio farmers and wood industry individuals in both supplying and using alternative energy.
On August 1st, Dan Yarmesch and John Hemmings met with Tom Worley, Tom Snyder, and OSU South Centers staff to discuss the field visit portion and survey portion of the SARE grant. Due to the nature of the farming profession, the field visits were to be scheduled in either late October or early April. It was decided that Dan Yarmesch would contact the Dull Homestead and the Twin Rivers Biofuel plant to arrange the field visits. Opportunities to distribute the survey were also discussed.
On August 13th, Dan Yarmesch attended a Wood Value-added workshop at the OSU South Centers in Piketon, Ohio. Presenters focused on the challenges facing the wood industry in the current economy and the way adding value could solve some of them. The workshop concluded with field visits to John McCoy’s lumber operation and Pennington’s Cedar Works wood pellet plant. Dan Yarmesch gained some contacts to potentially give the SARE survey to and received some input as to what kind of alternative energy resources wood industry professionals were currently using.
Throughout September Dan Yarmesch continued to contact and research possible sites for the field visits.
In October, Dan Yarmesch contacted both Dull Homestead and Peter Cremer, the firm that operates the Twin Rivers Biofuel plant. As Twin Rivers is only available for tours in the spring, and Dull Homestead has a flexible schedule, it was decided that the field visits would occur in April of 2009.
In November, Dan Yarmesch updated Dull Homestead on the OVRDC’s plans for the field visits in the spring and began researching local competitive coach companies.
In December, Dan Yarmesch received a price quote from Nobel Tours of Laurelville, Ohio and scheduled a tentative date for field visits.
Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes
The Southern Ohio Alternative Energy Survey has been used to not only fulfill the planned goals of the project but also to raise awareness of the field visits in spring 2009.
By attending the Wood Valued-added workshop, many surveys were distributed and information about the field visits was spread.
The field visits have been scheduled for April 2009 and a local coach company has been selected as the mode of transportation.
8829 US Route 23
Waverly, OH 45690
Office Phone: 7402530137
269 Cove Road
Jackson, OH 45640
Office Phone: 7403571158
319 East Hydell Road
Chillicothe, OH 45601
Office Phone: 7407757977
Fuhrmann Orchards
658 Hansgen Morgan Road
Wheelersburg, OH 45694
Office Phone: 7407766406
Richard Farms
24537 Canal Road
Circleville, OH 43113
Office Phone: 7404741825
Jackson, Vinton, Pike & Scioto County Farm Bureau
231 Broadway Street
Jackson, OH 45640
Office Phone: 7402864598
Staker's Greenhouse and Nursery
PO Box 115
Stockdale, OH 45683
Office Phone: 7408202616
Program Manager
Ohio Cooperative Development Center
1864 Shyville Road
Piketon, OH 45661
Office Phone: 7402892071
Website: www.ocdc.osu.edu
OSU South Centers
1864 Shyville Road
Piketon, OH 45661
Office Phone: 7402892071
Website: www.southcenters.osu.edu
1272 Unger Hill Road
Lucasville, OH 45648
Office Phone: 7404933248
Executive Director
Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission
9329 State Route 220 East, Suite A
Waverly, OH 45690
Office Phone: 7409472853
Website: www.ovrdc.org