Bringing us together: A project to develop and strengthen the connections to our farms

2008 Annual Report for CNE08-045

Project Type: Sustainable Community Innovation
Funds awarded in 2008: $7,178.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2009
Region: Northeast
State: Massachusetts
Project Leader:
June House
Rehoboth Agricultural Commission

Bringing us together: A project to develop and strengthen the connections to our farms


The project involves three main components: a needs assessment survey of Rehoboth farm enterprises; the development of a GIS database and mapping of Rehoboth agricultural lands; and the production of an educational/marketing brochure celebrating Rehoboth agriculture.

Objectives/Performance Targets

1.)Create a database of Rehoboth farms with contact information and map/lot information. Completed. This will be used to create the survey mailing list, and a separate GIS data base to allow farm locations to be mapped. Prior to project start we assumed 93 farms, as per 2002 Ag Census. Research in Town Hall and elsewhere has increased this number to 280.

2.)Develop a Needs Assessment Survey Questionnaire. Completed, 7 pages long. Review and comment provided by Advisory Committee and the Agricultural Commission membership (all farmers).

3)Execute the Survey. January/February 2009. This activity includes mailing the questionnaires; setting up and coding the SPSS (statistical package for social sciences) database to receive the information; and data entry of responses into SPSS.

4)Analyze data and summarize findings in Needs Assessment Report. February/March 2009.

5.) Complete GIS database and mapping capability. January/February 2009.

5.) Develop texts and photography for brochure. Spring/Summer 2009.

6.) Publish/distribute brochure. Fall 2009.


The contact list of farms developed for this project far exceeds the number anyone expected. The Agricultural Commission is pleased with the survey questionnaire, which focuses almost entirely upon the issues facing our farms and the priorities of farm operators for educational and other services to improve sustainability.

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes

Since the survey has not been launched yet, we do not have significant outcomes or impacts on local farms to report. The project leader, however, has been asked to present the project in two separate sessions at a statewide agricultural commission conference in January. At that time, copies of the needs assessment survey questionnaire will be made available to attendees. This will provide great publicity for the project and for SARE. For more information: