Agri-tourism: A Strategy Toward Sustainable Farm, Business, Family and Community

2002 Annual Report for CS02-001

Project Type: Sustainable Community Innovation
Funds awarded in 2002: $8,230.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2005
Region: Southern
State: Virginia
Principal Investigator:
Brian Calhoun
Virginia Cooperative Extension

Agri-tourism: A Strategy Toward Sustainable Farm, Business, Family and Community


Asset mapping of the Southwest District determined that there is an interest in beginning or improving an Agri-tourism business. A similar process revealed few of the local tourism infrastructures were familiar with the Agri-tourism concept. Two educational programs have been conducted for the business audience another is being planned for the local tourism infrastructure. Two databases have been created one of those responding to the original asset mapping and another of referrals and new contacts. These are being used to assure that clients are receiving updates and resources in a timely matter.

Objectives/Performance Targets

Objective 1 To develop mapping instrument to identify existing and potential agri-tourism businesses.

Objective 2 To develop and implement a local community asset mapping instrument of local tourism infrastructure. (Review database from tourism partners)

Objective 3 To conduct an education needs assessment with those identified in objective #1

Objective 4 To develop and implement an education program addressing identified needs of agri-tourism business owners. (Program content ? One on one evaluation of business)

Objective 5 To provide educational assistance to agri-tourism business owners in implementation of their business plan.


A mapping instrument to identify existing and potential agri-tourism businesses was developed and distributed both through Cooperative Extension and tourism partners? mailing list and via the Internet. Responses were received from 487 people seven (7) percent considered themselves to already be involved in an agri-tourism endeavor and twenty-two (22) percent were interested in learning more about the opportunity.

Two databases have been created one of those responding to the original asset mapping and another of referrals and new contacts. These are being used to assure that those interested in agri-tourism are receiving updates and resources in a timely matter.

Using data garnered from the asset mapping, three educational opportunities have been provided for those interested in beginning a business or gathering more information. Cooperative Extension provided leadership for two of the workshops and a partner provided the leadership for making the third program a reality. As they are requested, resources have been shared on a one-on-one basis, also.

Yet to complete is a program developed to assist the local tourism in understanding agri-tourism enabling them to better provide support and resources to agri-tourism businesses. Discussion has taken place about another program for the agri-tourism entrepreneurs but no decision has been made as to delivery method.

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes

The depression of traditional farm markets has limited the ability to produce an income from existing resources. This program increases the possibility of farm profitability through affordable educational programs and materials. It also has provided additional resources for those who are interested in learning more about Agri-tourism and providing support for those in the business arena.


Dawn Barnes

[email protected]
Senior Extension Agent
Virginia Cooperative Extension
209 Fox Street
Floyd, VA 24091
Office Phone: 5407459307