Vegetable Grafting Training for Agricultural Professionals

2010 Annual Report for ENC08-102

Project Type: Professional Development Program
Funds awarded in 2008: $61,837.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2011
Region: North Central
State: Missouri
Project Coordinator:
Dr. Sanjun Gu
Virginia State University

Vegetable Grafting Training for Agricultural Professionals


The proposed professional development program was conducted as a two-day In-Service Education on March 9&10. Dr. Xin Zhao, a vegetable grafting expert from University of Florida, and the program coordinator (PC) of this PDP were the principal trainers. Forty-five attendees received the training. Among them, 43 were educators from states of Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and Illinois. The training integrated presentations, video, demonstration, hands-on and a greenhouse tour to cover every aspect of vegetable grafting. By the end of 2010, 20 of the 45 trainees offered similar workshops with the help from PC. In addition, PC made presentations and offered other workshops on vegetable grafting in Missouri and Illinois, which reached to 665 participants including 121 educators. A high tunnel used for grafting education and demonstration was constructed in September, 2010. A high definition DVD on vegetable grafting is being made and will be available by August, 2011. In 2010, at least 100 farmers in Missouri tried tomato and watermelon grafting on their farm.

Objectives/Performance Targets

The objective of the project was to offer a tow-day workshop on Solanum (tomato, pepper and eggplant) and Cucurbit (watermelon and cucumber) grafting. Over 50% Participating educators should offer similar training in their service area.


(1)The major training of a two-day vegetable grafting workshop was conducted in Jefferson City, Missouri. Forty-five trainees from University of Missouri, Lincoln University of Missouri (LU), Missouri Department of Agriculture, Missouri State University, Kansas State University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and University of Illinois received the vegetable grafting training and participated in the tour on grafted vegetable crops grown in Greenhouse. (2) Over 20 participants offered a total of eight grafting workshops in their service regions (South Central, Southwest, Southeast, West Central and East Central regions of Missouri) with the help from PC of this PDP grant. (3) Over nine presentations on vegetable grafting were given to about 665 participants including 121 educators. (4) A 30’x96’ high tunnel was constructed for vegetable grafting education and demonstration. (5) A high definition DVD on grafting is being developed covering various grafting methods.

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes

The vegetable grafting technique was accepted by educators, farmers and master gardeners all over the state of Missouri. Around 100 commercial vegetable growers tried the grafting technique for high tunnel and/or field tomato production. The results have been positive in terms of enhanced vigor and increased yield when grafting is conducted.


James Quinn
Regional Horticultue Specialist
University of Missouri
2436 Tanner Bridge Road
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Office Phone: 5736342824