2009 Annual Report for ENC08-103
Technology Transfer for the Burgeoning Midwest Grape Industry
This project will enhance the ability of traditionally-educated Extension professionals to better meet the needs of the rapidly developing Midwest grape and wine industry. Participating Extension professionals will become more knowledgeable about the industry, be more effective in assisting new grape growers with initiating vineyard enterprises and gain resources facilitating more effective communication with clientele and the public. Participants will become a locally knowledgeable resource for new and prospective growers to help guide them successfully in the establishment and profitable management of their vineyard enterprises. The overall result will be more effective service to this outstanding example of a value-added and sustainable industry, the Midwest grape and wine industry.
Objectives/Performance Targets
1. To conduct regional in-service workshops to educate Extension Professionals (Extension Educators/Agents, Extension Assistants) about the fundamental viticulture information required to respond to questions presented by the developing grape and wine industries in their assigned areas. "Hands-on" vineyard opportunities will assure that participants will gain familiarity with the characteristics of the grape vine.
2. Because poor site selection is one of the most common causes of vineyard failure, to involve Extension Professionals in evaluating various site characteristics in order to better advise people wishing to establish commercial vineyards.
3. To provide Extension Professionals with resources critical to their ongoing viticuture education (books, bulletins, web sites, other electronic media).
4. To encourage Extension Professionals to communicate effectively with the pubblic about the economic impact of vineyards and wineries on the local economies, especially those in rural communities.
5. To involve Extension Professionals in developpment of communication tools appropriate for ready use in their future viticulture educational programs.
A workshop entitled "Viticulture for Extension Professionals" was held November 18 and 19, 2009 at the Kimmel Education and Research Center in Nebraska City, NE. Extension professionals from four states (NE, MO, SD, IA) received background information on the grape and wine industry and were encouraged to "do your homework" (extend oneself in gaining knowledge about the industry). They were educated on the structure of the grape vine, including "hands-on" experience in a working vineyard. Additional topics covered included Disease Management, Understanding Vertebrate Pest Problems, Trellis Design and Construction, Site Selection, Soils and Nutrition, Insect Problems, Irrigation and Weed Management. Participants were challenged to expand their horizons beyond traditional agriculture by vigorous interaction with a panel of experienced and new growers and winery operators. Each participant received several resources including books and CDs that contained valuable technical information that they indicated will be useful in their future educational programming. Participants were unanimous in indicating that "this educational program helped increase my viticultural knowledge" and "information from this workshop will help me in answering client questions." They also provided many excellent suggestions for the next step, that is, topics for the next SARE-supported workshop, "Advanced Viticulture for Extension Professionals". Plans are moving forward for implementing this workshop in mid-to late 2010.
Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes
Impacts and contribution will be measured by the evaluation instruments to be employed in early 2010.