Training professionals on sustainable agriculture for enhanced ecosystem service from the ground up

2011 Annual Report for ENC10-118

Project Type: Professional Development Program
Funds awarded in 2010: $65,900.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2013
Region: North Central
State: Ohio
Project Coordinator:
Dr. Khandakar Islam
The Ohio State University South Centers

Training professionals on sustainable agriculture for enhanced ecosystem service from the ground up


In 2011 we conducted two train-the-trainer workshops in Minnesota. A total of 126 participants attended the one-day soil quality sessions in Morris and Waseca. Participants rated both workshops as “one of the best and/or above average” (details are in the two attached files). More workshops will be conducted in 2012.

Objectives/Performance Targets

Our overall objective was to conduct a series of train-the-trainer workshops for Educators and agricultural professionals to equip them with new information, practical knowledge, teaching materials and techniques, and assessment tools to assist farmers in shifting to sustainable agriculture.


1. Developed training manual and teaching materials. Workshop folders were given to each participant.
2. Two workshops were organized in Morris and Waseca, Minnesota (September 12 and 13, 2011) in collaboration with the University of Minnesota.
3. A total 126 participants (61 in Morris and 66 in Waseca) attended the workshops.
4. Six speakers gave Powerpoint presentations followed by a soil quality demonstration, including a soil pit and colorimetric and color chart tests. (A soil quality test kit will be delivered soon to each participant).
5. Post-workshop surveys were conducted at each location (attached files). In Morris, about 45% of the participants completed the workshop evaluation questionnaire, and in Waseca, about 60% evaluated the workshop.
6. A diverse group of professionals attended the workshops.

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes

1. Participants showed a great interest to our workshop and the supporting materials.
2. Requests to organize more agricultural sustainability workshops in the Midwest.
3. Received numerous emails/phone calls/social media interactions with the participants regarding future workshops and plans.
4. Our website was visited by hundreds of inquiries to look for information on sustainable agriculture.
5. Participants were asking for more information to organize local meetings for farmers on sustainable agriculture and ecosystem services.


James Hoorman

[email protected]
Assistant Professor
The Ohio State University Extension
1206 E 2ND ST PO BOX 189
Ottawa, OH 45875-8657
Office Phone: 4195236294
Jodi Hughes

[email protected]
Regional Extension Educator
University of Minnesota
1424 E College Drive
Marshall, MN 56258
Office Phone: 5073372800
Randall Reeder

[email protected]
Associate Profession, Emeritus
The Ohio State University
590 Woody Hays Drive
Columbus, OH 43210
Office Phone: 6142926648