Sustainable Agricultural Workshop Series for Tribal Educators

2014 Annual Report for ENC12-128

Project Type: Professional Development Program
Funds awarded in 2012: $75,000.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2016
Grant Recipient: Intertribal Agriculture Council
Region: North Central
State: Wisconsin
Project Coordinator:
Dan Cornelius
Intertribal Agriculture Council

Sustainable Agricultural Workshop Series for Tribal Educators


2014 Annual Report

The SARE PDP grant supported several excellent workshops for Tribal educators, including the Food Soveirngty Summit, an intensive weeklong seed saving train-the-trainer course, travel support for the MOSES Organic Farming Confernce, and smaller, more community-oriented events.  Additional background on these events was included in an earlier project overview.

Objectives/Performance Targets

The Food Sovereignty Summit drew approximately 400 people with a diverse curriculum featuring numerous hands-on learning at different locations in the field and at the Oneida Nation’s Radisson Conference Center.  By partnering with additional organizations and funding sources, the SARE PDP support provided an exponential result.  Similarly, the seed saving train-the-trainer partnered with the Shakopee Mdwewakanton Sioux Community, Native Seed SEARCH, and additional parterns for a training that has begun to provide a template for in-depth educational efforts, as well as a catalyst for a larger seed saving educational efforts supported with separate grant funds.  Additional smaller events provided an opportunity to reach individual communities in a more targeted manner.


The two aforementioned events were really the annual highlights of this grant because they were able to reach such a large number of educators (450) and also both set benchmarks for quality.

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes


Aside from the direct impact in providing educational opportunities for Tribal educators that, in turn, goes back to their respective communities, the impact of this grant has had a magnified impact in building and strengthening relationships across the region and beyond.  The Food Sovereignty Summit highlights this networking  and bridge building impact of the project, but the other events have contributed, each in their own unique way.  For example, the MOSES Organic Farming Conference allowed the opportunity to connect with the larger agricultural community, and the seed saving train-the-trainer event allowed participants to learn in a more detailed manner that is also providing a template for enhanced learning opportunities in other parts of the country.


Dan Cornelius
Techinical Assistance Specialist
Interbribal Agriculure Council
1314 Spaight St,
Madison, WI 53703
Office Phone: 6082801267
Ross Racine
Executive Director
Intertribal Agriculture Council
100 N 27th Street, Suite 500
Billings, MT 59101
Office Phone: 4062593525
Jeff Metoxen
PO Box 365
Oneida, WI 54155
Office Phone: 9208692141
Rebecca Yoshino
Wozupi Farm - Shakopee
2041 140th St NW
Prior Lake, MN 55372
Office Phone: 9524962231
Michelle Miller
Associate Director
Center for Integrated Ag Systems - University of Wisconsin
1535 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Office Phone: 6082627135
Lea Zeise
Marketing and Logistics Specialist
Intertribal Agriculture Council
7 North Pinckney, Suite 235
Madison, WI 53703
Office Phone: 6086302100