2013 Annual Report for ENC13-139
Education for Veterinarians, Extension Educators and Other Agricultural Professionals on Organic Livestock Health
The project goal is to increase the knowledge and skills of veterinarians regarding the NOP livestock standards and best herd health practices for organic animals, and to give them greater confidence in treating certified organic livestock. During this first year, the project also delivered educational programming to veterinarians, Extension educators, and other professionals who routinely work with organic livestock herds and flocks. Programming consisted of webinars, on-farm training and tours, and full-day trainings on dairy herd and poultry flock health management. Networks of organic livestock health professionals and a farmer advisory council were established.
Objectives/Performance Targets
Provide webinar based trainings on National Organic Program standards, on-farm audits to assess risk, parasite management and control, pain management treatments, and poultry flock health to 75 veterinarians, Extension personnel, and other consultants. In collaboration with IOIA/OMRI provide education to 25 veterinarians on organic livestock input materials. Establish a functional education network for peer-to-peer support and informal information sharing. Establish a farm advisory council to provide guidance and expertise to project personnel, veterinarians, and farmers.
Documented achievements thus far include an increased level of knowledge and skills of veterinarians, Extension personnel, and other consultants.
- Webinar participation includes 61 veterinarians, 24 Extension agents, 34 educators, and 21 consultants/nutritionists, plus 84 farmers. 16 veterinarians participated in the IOIA/OMRI organic livestock input materials webinar.
- On-farm dairy workshop served 4 veterinarians, 1 extension agent, 5 consultants/nutritionists plus 22 farmers.
- Farm tours
- Organic dairy with 31 participants.
- Multi-species grazing with 93 participants.
- Diversified livestock management with 34 participants.
- Pasture based livestock management with 47 participants.
- Full-day workshops
- Dairy herd health served 6 veterinarians, 1 educator, 1 consultant/nutritionist, plus 11 farmers.
- Poultry flock health served 1 veterinarian, 3 educators, plus 28 farmers.
- Organic livestock and poultry care network inaugural meeting drew 4 veterinarians and 7 farmers.
- Scholarship opportunity to attend the 36th annual OEFFA conference was extended to 6 veterinarians.
The farmer advisory council added 3 new members, representing poultry and sheep producers.
Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes
- 16 veterinarians recieved certificates in organic livestock input materials standard through IOIA.
- 140 professional health care providers/consultants trained through webinar participation.
- 4 webinars archived on OEFFA website and you-tube channel.
- Farmer advisory council actively providing guidance to project staff and participants.
- 2 new factsheets developed on ruminant parasite management and dairy herd health.
- Organic livestock and poultry care network established.
- 6 veterinarians have a greater understanding of the organic community through participation at the OEFFA conference
Executive Director
International Organic Inspectors Association
Box 6
Broadus, MT 59317
Office Phone: 4064362031
Program Director
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
41 Croswell Rd.
Columbus, OH 43214
Office Phone: 6144212022
Extension Program Coordinator
Dept. of Veterinary Preventive Medicine
College of Veternary Medicine, Ohio State University
A100P Sisson Hall, 1920 Coffey Road
Columbus, OH 43210
Office Phone: 6142929453
Sustainable Agriculture Educator
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
41 Croswell Rd.
Columbus, OH 43214
Office Phone: 6144212022
Assistant Professor and Extension Veterinarian - Dairy
Department of Preventive Veterinary Medicine
College of Veterinary Medicine, The Ohio State University
A100L Sisson Hall, 1920 Coffey Road
Columbus, OH 43210
Office Phone: 6142926924