Farms to Institutions Conference

Project Overview

Project Type: Professional Development Program
Funds awarded in 2024: $119,102.00
Projected End Date: 09/30/2027
Grant Recipient: REAP Food Group
Region: North Central
State: Wisconsin
Project Coordinator:
Dr. Philip Kauth, PhD
REAP Food Group


Not commodity specific


  • Education and Training: farmer to farmer, networking, workshop
  • Farm Business Management: business planning, farm-to-institution
  • Sustainable Communities: local and regional food systems, partnerships, social networks

    Proposal abstract:

    REAP Food Group, Wello and
    FairShare CSA will build a Community of Practice for Farm to
    Institutional (F2I) partners, farmers and buyers, in Wisconsin
    that convene virtually on a quarterly basis and annually in a
    one-day networking and training event to share and gain
    knowledge, troubleshoot problems, identify infrastructure needs,
    and grow local purchasing by institutions in Wisconsin.

    Our project has two primary
    audiences: institutional buyers and farmers interested in selling
    wholesale. We intend to connect our audiences through these
    quarterly virtual COP meetings and training events. Our three
    organizations will manage the project through the creation of a
    Coordinating Committee and a Farmer Steering Committee to help
    recruit participants, set agendas and topics for meetings and
    trainings, identify and recruit experienced speakers and
    trainers, and lead networking sessions. Our three organizations
    are strongly committed to equity and diversity, and BIPOC and
    Hmoob outreach are a significant component of our farmer

    Project objectives from proposal:

    Our primary activities for this
    project are quarterly virtual meetings and two in-person events.
    Our goal is 100 participants in each of our in-person events, for
    a total of 200 participants. We plan to hold 10 COP virtual
    meetings, and with an average of 15 participants per meeting,
    anticipate connecting with 150 or more participants throughout
    the course of the project. Our total engagement goal for the
    project is 350 participants. We will maintain a database of event
    registrations and COP participants so we can track whether we are
    on track to meet this goal over the course of the

    While much of our work for this
    project will be virtual, we will have a need for some printed
    materials. Printed products will include a detailed event packet
    which will include an agenda, session summaries and speaker bios.
    With 100 participants for each in-person event, printing would
    include 200+ total brochures across the project. Graphic design
    work will be done in-house by REAP’s Event Coordinator, and
    printing done by a local printing house. 

    Our organizations will be
    promoting the COP virtual meetings through emails and social
    media as well, so all of those materials will be available
    electronically. We anticipate needing one graphic for the COP
    virtual meetings to promote on social media and include in
    emails, which will be designed in-house, and all agendas will be
    available publicly via Google docs. 

    Each Community of Practice
    virtual meeting, along with all of the in-person event sessions
    will be recorded and maintained on REAP’s website for public
    viewing. Any slides produced by the speakers or meeting hosts
    will also be available electronically and posted on REAP’s

    Feedback from the events and COP
    virtual meetings will be collected via surveys throughout the
    project. We outline the goals of the surveys and timeline in more
    detail in the Program Evaluation section.

    Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or SARE.