Professional Development for Agricultural Service Providers in Pollution Discharge Elimination System

2012 Annual Report for ENE12-126

Project Type: Professional Development Program
Funds awarded in 2012: $26,699.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2014
Region: Northeast
State: West Virginia
Project Leader:
Dr. Doolarie Singh-Knights, Ph.D.
West Virginia University

Professional Development for Agricultural Service Providers in Pollution Discharge Elimination System


A. Project Summary

The purpose of this project is to engage WV Agricultural Service Providers (ASPs) and farmer leaders in a program of education focusing on the rules and regulation regarding National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and best management practices (BMPs) of conservation standards. The project will involve stakeholders from NRCS, WVCA, WVDA, and the WVDEP.

Through a combination of workshops, on-farm tours and provision of a training resource kit, ASPs will develop knowledge and skills in the CAFO rules, BMPs, development of nutrient management plans, alternative management systems to reduce non-point source pollution (NPSP) and record keeping to become confident and capable of training, monitoring and advising producers on rules related to AFOs, CAFOs, and NPDES permits. ASPs will then be assisted to conduct an educational program for their producers about the AFO and CAFO rules, the basic BMPs producers can voluntarily undertake to reduce NPSP, and the related record-keeping forms necessary to provide evidence of actions to regulatory agencies.

Curriculum to include:
a) Overview of grant project and attendees role in project
b) Understanding the CAFO Final Rule and how it applies to your clientele
c) Top 10 Best Management Practices (BMPs) – to be integrated into the various topics
d) Conservation Planning Process
e) Nutrient Management 101
f) Alternative Production and Management Systems
g) Keeping and Using Appropriate Records
h) Cost of Implementing BMPs and Cost-Share Programs
i) Field Tours

Objectives/Performance Targets

B. Project Objectives/Performance Targets

1) Through a combination of workshops, on-farm tours and provision of a training resource kit, 70 ASPs will develop knowledge and skills in the CAFO rules, BMPs, development of nutrient management plans, alternative management systems to reduce NPS pollution and record keeping to become confident and cable of training, monitoring and advising producers on rules related to CAFOs and NPDES.

2) Fourteen 14 of the 70 ASPs who receive training will conduct an educational program for 20 producers each about BMPs and related record-keeping that livestock operations can voluntarily undertake to reduce NPSP.

3) Seventy producers implement at least one of the recommended BMPs and complete the relevant records provided to them.


C. Accomplishments/Milestones (July-December 2012)

1) Seventy ASPs who work with livestock producers in WV receive notifications to participate in the program on best management strategies related to the new CAFO rule. (July ‘12).

2) Seventy ASP’s receive survey to help identifying and prioritize their professional development needs as it relates to their knowledge of AFO/CAFOs, NPDES, and BMPs and the perceived needs of their clientele. Survey responses were used to help refine the project objectives and streamline the deliverables to better meet ASP’s needs. Survey response rate – 67%. (Aug – Nov., ’12).

3) Based on limited initial survey responses, we promoted the need for the program through other state-wide extension meetings and activities (Sept – Oct., 2012).

4) Based on survey results, training needs were prioritized and
curriculum materials were being developed for standardized training program, in collaboration with other stakeholders, including NRCS, WVCA, WVDA, WVDEP (Sept – Dec, 2012) .

5) ASP’s trainings (workshops and field tours) set for February through March of 2013 – five identical workshops throughout the state, each having its own field tour.

6) Farmer training to follow in April – June, 2013.

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes

D. Impacts and Contributions/Outcome

1) To be completed as project continues.


Dr. Doolarie Singh-Knights

[email protected]
Extension Assistant Professor
West Virginia University
2108 Agricultural Sciences Building
PO Box 6108
Morgantown, WV 26506-6108
Office Phone: 3042937606
Tom Basden

[email protected]
Extension Specialist, Nutrient Management
West Virginia University
2080 Agricultural Sciences Building
PO Box 6108
Morgantown, WV 26506-6108
Office Phone: 3042932602
Dr. Joshua Faulkner

[email protected]
Extension Agricultural Engineer
West Virginia University
2106 Agricultural Sciences Building
PO Box 6108
Morgantown, WV 26506-6108
Office Phone: 3042932714
Dr. Marlon Knights

[email protected]
Associate Professor
West Virginia University
1044 Agricultural Sciences Building
PO Box 6108
Morgantown, WV 26506-6108
Office Phone: 3042931946