2000 Annual Report for ES00-050
We can do something about fire ants - Training Professionals and Developing Teaching Materials in Sustainable Fire Ant Management
1) Conduct a hands-on in-service training session for 40 county agents and farmers on fire ant biology and sustainable management . Based on prior in-service sessions, we expect that pre-training and post-training tests will show that that we have increased by 20-25% the knowledge level of this first tier of trainers.
2) The major participants and first tier of trainees will work together to prepare fire ant teaching materials. We expect to develop a video, a slide set, an interactive CD-ROM, educational posters, preserved specimens of fire ants, and a model of a fire ant mound. This participatory training method will further increase the knowledge base of these trainers.
3) The major participants and tier 1 trainees will use the newly developed teaching materials to instruct a second tier of trainers and stakeholders, including additional county agents, farmers’ cooperative personnel, Master Gardeners, turfgrass managers, building industry personnel, and Christmas tree growers. We expect to hold approximately 30 training sessions.
Research Assistant Professor
Alabama A & M University
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
P. O. Box 1208
Normal, AL 35806
Office Phone: 2568584244
County Extension Agent, Madison County
Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Charles Stone Agricultural Service Center
819 Cook Avenue
Huntsville, AL 35801
Office Phone: 2565321578
Alabama Fire Ant Management Program Coordinator
Auburn University
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
301 Funchess Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849-5413
Office Phone: 3348442563
Associate Professor of Forest IPM
Alabama A & M University
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
P. O. Box 1208
Normal, AL 35762
Office Phone: 2568584249