2009 Annual Report for ES09-098
Strengthening the Goat Industry: A National Goat Conference
According to Bowman, 2003, meat goat production continues to be one of the fastest growing livestock industries in the U.S and has proven to be a profitable enterprise for many small farm families. The demand for goat meat and value added meat goat products among ethnic consumers in maintaining their religious or cultural practices continues to increase.. There has also be increased evidence of significant health benefits from the consumption of chevon or cabrito. Because of this increased demand among a diverse population of consumers, many small and limited resource producers are raising goats as an alternative source of income. However, producers in many cases still lack the necessary skills and knowledge to adequately produce quality meat goat products for profit. There is also a lack of reliable scientific information regarding the production and management of meat goat enterprises.
Florida A&M University will collaborate on this project with eight other 1890 institutions, two 1862 institution, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumers Services and a community based organization to host a national goat conference. The conference objectives are to develop a national strategy. and agenda to train extension agents, and others (i.e., NRCS, farmer-group-leaders) on goat production, management and marketing. Extension agents and other individuals will be invited from each consortium member’s state to attend the conference. Survey instruments will be used to determine which new technologies that can be used to further develop strategic plans to enhance the goat industry.
Objectives/Performance Targets
- 1.The overall objective of this project is to increase the number of educators (extension agents, state and federal agencies, community-based organizations [CBOs], private entities and non-governmental organization [NGOs]) trained on current, accurate and relevant information on goat production and management to share with their clientele, students and other agricultural professionals.
2. Create an avenue by which the committee members can share research-based information, share concerns, resources, technology and ideas to develop a national strategy and agenda to train current or future goat educators in effort to strengthen and enhance the goat industry in this country.
3. Develop a national consortium of goat educators, federal and state agencies, NGOs, and CBOs to address critical issues facing the goat industry.
4. Allow participants from the area of government an opportunity to become more aware of the significance of the industry and to share information about how they can support the industry (i.e., regulator issues, marketing issues).
5. Encourage the trainees (i.e., extension agents, farm group-leaders) to share what they have learned from the conference with producers from their respective communities through training meetings, workshops, field days, conferences etc.
6.Increase the number of producers adopting sustainable goat production practices on their farms to improve the sustainability and viability of their goat enterprises as the direct result of their extension agent’s, extension specialist’s or group leader’s
participating in this conference and other training opportunities.7. Develop an evaluation instrument and survey to determine the impact of the trainee program on program participants.
8. Develop a handbook [i.e., include a listing of each institutions resources such as websites, goat publications, research labs] and other training materials that can be used as a tool by the trainee to increase the access of reliable information available for goat producers.
9. Develop a clearing house of goat production and management information that is currently available or is in the developmental stages (i.e., Langston’s Goat Certification program, eXtension Community of Practice for goats, university’s goat websites, publications) for goat producers, agricultural professionals, students, federal and state agencies and other interested parties.
Recruited additional members to serve on the National Goat Conference Committee including Ag. professionals and farmers.
Establish committees for conference (i.e., logistics, proceedings etc.)
Held monthly meeting via teleconference and held two face-to-face meetings for entire committee (i.e., Nashville Tennessee, Tallahassee, FL).
Begin the development of the webpage for the National Goat Conference.
Develop “Save the Date” cards to advertise conference.
Began passing cards out during several venues at the local, regional and national level.
Recruited additional sponsors to help cover the costs of the conference.
Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes
Impacts will be measured at the end of the project. We are still in the planning phase of the conference
Research Associate
Southern University and A&M College
P.O. Box 10010
Baton Rouge, LA 70813
Office Phone: 2257712262
Director of Small Ruminant Research, Caprine Research Unit
Tuskegee University
105 Milbank Hall, College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences
Tuskegee University, AL 36083
Office Phone: 3347278401
Coordinator of Goat Industry for eXtension
302 Allen Hall
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Office Phone: 5736815357
Assistant Professor Animal Scientist
Florida A&M University
4259 Bainbridge Hwy
Quincy, FL 32351
Office Phone: 8508758559
Research Fellow III
Auburn University
214 Ann Upchurch Hall
Auburn University, AL 3684-5414
Office Phone: 3348441502
Director CESTA Office of Communications
Florida A&M University
Perry-Paige Building, Room 217 South
Quincy, FL 32352
Office Phone: 8505992644
Associate Director
Alcorn State University
1000 ASU Drive
, Mississippi Small Farm Development Center
Alcorn , MS 39096
Office Phone: 6018773933
Veterinarian Manager, Small Ruminants, Swine, and Poultry
Florida Dept. of. Agriculture
407 South Calhoun Street
Tallahassee, FL 3239-6555
Office Phone: 8504100947
Associate professor of animal sciences
University of Florida
PO BOX 110910
GAINESVILLE , FL 3261-0910
Office Phone: 3523922993
Multi County Extension Agent - Vegetables
University of Florida
7580 County Road 136
Live Oak, FL 32060
Office Phone: 3863621725
Florida Meat Goat Association
6378 SW Cr-791
Lake Butler, FL 32054
Office Phone: 3864962379
Website: http://www.fmga.org
Goat Producer
Southeaster Small Farmer's Network and Florida Meat Goat Association
P.O. Box 88
Whitesprings, FL 32096
Office Phone: 3863031361
Outreach Director
Florida A&M University
4259 Bainbridge Hwy
Quincy, FL 32352
Office Phone: 8505993546
Farm Manager (Animal Scientist)
Florida A&M University
4259 Bainbridge Hwy
Quincy, FL 32351
Office Phone: 8508758559
Goat & Sheep Producer
Florida Meat Goat Association
704 Barnes Road
Monticello, FL 32344
Office Phone: 8509976599
Small Farm State Specialist
Kentucky State University
400 East Main Street
Frankfort, KY 40601
Office Phone: 5025976437
Alabama A&M University
106 Mildred Spring Ct.
Huntsville, AL 35806
Office Phone: 2563725713
Animal Science Specialist
Kentucky State University
400 East Main Street
Frankfort, KY 40601
Office Phone: 5025975094
Extension Director
Florida A&M University
215 Perry Paige Building
Tallahassee, FL 32307
Office Phone: 8504125252
Conference Coordinator
Florida A&M University
4259 Bainbridge Hwy
Quincy, FL 32352
Office Phone: 8508758558
Director of Veterinary Technology Program
Florida A&M University
215 Perry Paige Building
Quincy, FL 32352
Office Phone: 8504125117
Website: http://www.famu.edu/herds
Goat Producer
Southeaster Small Farmer's Network
P.O. Box 409
Jasper, FL 32052
Office Phone: 3863031477
Extension Goat Specialist
Tennessee State University/ University of Tennessee
P.O. Box 9635
Nashville, TN 37209
Office Phone: 6159635539
State Extension Specialist, Small Ruminants
Lincoln University
900 Chestnut St.
Room 107 Allen Hall
Jefferson City, MO 6510-0029
Office Phone: 5736815169
Associate Dean
Florida A&M University
Perry-Paige Building, Room 204 South
Tallahassee, FL 32352
Office Phone: 8505998816
Food Safety Specialist
Florida A&M University
215 Perry Paige Building
Quincy, FL 32352
Office Phone: 8504125253
Sheep Producer
Florida Meat Sheep Alliance
7281 Sycamore Rd
Quincy, FL 32351
Office Phone: 8504424305
Chairperson, Department of Animal Sciences
North Carolina A&T State University
1601 East Market Street
Greensboro, NC 27401
Office Phone: 3363347547
Extension Leader
Langston University
P.O. Box 730
Langston, OK 73050
Office Phone: 4054663836
Project Manager
Kentucky State University
400 East Main Street
Frankfort, KY 40601
Office Phone: 5025976327
Small Ruminant Specialist
Delaware State University
1200 N Dupont Hwy
Dover, DE 19901
Office Phone: 3028576490
Animal Science Professor
Florida A&M University
303 Perry Paige South
Tallahassee, FL 32352
Office Phone: 8505993570
professor of veterinary science/ research
Fort Valley State University
102 O'Neal Building
Fort Valley, GA 31030
Office Phone: 4788256795
Senior Extension Director
South Carolina State University
300 College St, NE, P.O. Box 7336
Orangeburg, SC 29115
Office Phone: 8037072112
Extension Specialist
215 Perry Paige Building
Quincy, FL 32352
Office Phone: 8505993546
Goat Producer
Southeaster Small Farmer's Network
P.O. Box 88
Whitesprings, FL 32096
Office Phone: 3863031361
1890 Administrator and Research Director
Lincoln University
112 Bennett Hall
Jefferson City, MO 6510-0029
Office Phone: 5736815109