2004 Annual Report for EW04-016
BEHAVE Facilitator's Network
In 2004, we contacted all state facilitators and set a date for the facilitator’s training. It will be held during the first two weeks in October 2005 at Utah State University.
We finished the outline of the BEHAVE Facilitator’s Handbook and will be sending it out for review. We are working on the handbook and the first chapter will soon be ready for review.
The BEHAVE course on CD is about 50% completed. We are collecting information and writing articles about producers using behavioral principles in their operations. We are currently putting together a handbook on training animals for workshop demonstrations.
Objectives/Performance Targets
By the end of the first year ten, fully trained State Coordinators will be in place. They will have materials necessary to sponsor workshops and, because of their participation in their development, will feel comfortable that they meet constituent needs.
By the end of the second year, ten workshops will be completed to train a minimum of ten new facilitators in each state.
Associate Professor
Washington State University
Johnson Hall, Rm 121
Pullman, WA 99164-6410
Office Phone: 5093356632
Research Associate
Utah State University
5230 Old Main Hill
Department of Forest, Range and Wildlife Sciences
Logan, UT 84322-5230
Office Phone: 4357973576
Area Extension Agent - Livestock and Range
Colorado State University
525 Dodge Street
Delta, CO 81416
Office Phone: 9708742195
Range Extension Specialist
Utah State University
5230 Old Main Hill
Department of Forest, Range and Wildlife Sciences
Logan, UT 84322-5230
Office Phone: 4357972472
University Extension Educator
University of Wyoming
UW/Lincoln County Extension
P.O. Box 309
Afton, WY 83110-0309
Office Phone: 3078853132
Extension Educator,Area Plant and Soils Specialist
University of Nevada, Reno
111 Sheckler Rd
Fallon, NV 89406-8951
Office Phone: 7754235121
Research Assistant Professor
Montana State University
Department of Animal and Range Sciences
235C Linfield Hall
Bozeman, MT 59717-2900
Office Phone: 4069942362
Farm Advisor
University of California, Davis
11477 E Ave
Auburn, CA 95603
Office Phone: 5308897385
Utah State University
5230 Old Main Hill
Department of Forest, Range and Wildlife
Logan, UT 84322-5230
Office Phone: 4357971604
Extension Rangeland Specialist
Oregon State University
202B Strand Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331-2281
Office Phone: 5417371614
Assistant Rangeland Extension Specialist
Universtiy of Arizona
School of Renewable Natural Resources
325 Bioscience East
Tucson, AZ 85721
Office Phone: 5206217277