Sustainable Fruit and Vegetable Production in American Samoa: Protecting Your Health and the Health of Your Land with Integrated Pest Management and Soil Conservation

2008 Annual Report for EW07-002

Project Type: Professional Development Program
Funds awarded in 2007: $55,660.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2011
Region: Western
State: American Samoa
Principal Investigator:
Amio Mavaega-Luvu
ASCC-Land Grant
Amio Mavaega-Luvu
American Samoa RC&D Council

Sustainable Fruit and Vegetable Production in American Samoa: Protecting Your Health and the Health of Your Land with Integrated Pest Management and Soil Conservation


This project will update and expand an existing manual, “How to Grow Vegetables in American Samoa” written in 1974. The new manual will provide alternatives to chemical pest control, will describe soil conservation techniques, proven cultivars, and vegetable recipes. It will be written in English and translated into Samoan. Local professionals will be trained in the details of the manual and workshops will be held for local farmers on IPM and vegetable production. Follow-up of select farmers will be used to monitor the usefulness of the manual and opportunities for education and outreach to local farmers, students and backyard gardeners.

Objectives/Performance Targets

The objective is to develop the capacity of agriculture and conservation professionals to promote the local production of vegetables in a sustainable manner.
Two training workshops will expose both agriculture professionals and farmers to new information and research results. A post-event assessment will include documentation of awareness and knowledge gained through participation in the 3-day events. The events will conclude with an evaluation designed specifically for the target audience; i.e. agriculture professionals will receive a different evaluation form than attending farmers, prospective farmers, or teachers. Extension agents will assist with determining how widespread the manual is being used by existing and beginning farmers and gardeners. About 1,000 manuals are expected to be printed and distributed to farmers, agriculture teachers, agriculture students, agriculture professionals, and general public.


The Project Management Committee has met 3 times during the year to provide input on the contents of the manual. A complete draft has been submitted by the Project Consultant for the committee to review. Comments have been sent to the consultant with some requests for revisions. The Project committee is soliciting feedback from a few local farmers, the Department of Health and local chefs. Suggested pictures to include in the manual have been uploaded to the website:
Samoan translators are being located in order to begin translation of the manual.
A no-cost extension will be requested since additional time is needed to finalize and print the manual. A new timeline will be agreed-to with the Project Consultant.

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes

Most farmers and gardeners in American Samoa do not have easy access to books, magazines or websites that describe vegetable production. The manual will be an easy-to-read resource that will encourage farmers and members of the public to grow and eat more fresh vegetables. The manual will promote soil conservation and integrated pest management. Producers will be more resilient to increases in prices of fertilizers and pesticides. Consumers will have a wider variety of non-toxic, fresh and affordable vegetables. The training workshops will be continued and used as a forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences between farmers. Future projects will address coordinating and creating a bigger demand for fresh vegetables.


James Encil Ferrell
Project Manager (PI)
Private Consultant
P.O. Box 6247
Hilo, HI 96720
Office Phone: 8089664977
Poinsettia Senio
Administrative Assistant
American Samoa RC&D Council
PO Box 5169
Pago Pago, AS 96799
Office Phone: 6846331031