Sustainable Fruit and Vegetable Production in American Samoa: Protecting Your Health and the Health of Your Land with Integrated Pest Management and Soil Conservation

2010 Annual Report for EW07-002

Project Type: Professional Development Program
Funds awarded in 2007: $55,660.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2011
Region: Western
State: American Samoa
Principal Investigator:
Amio Mavaega-Luvu
ASCC-Land Grant
Amio Mavaega-Luvu
American Samoa RC&D Council

Sustainable Fruit and Vegetable Production in American Samoa: Protecting Your Health and the Health of Your Land with Integrated Pest Management and Soil Conservation


The Sustainable Fruit and Vegetable Production in American Samoa project has come to completion of its first year. The two thousand books of the English version had already been printed and have been delivered to us here in American Samoa. The Samoan translation of the book has been in progress and once the editing part is done it will be ready for the printing press.
At present, Jim Ferrell the private consultant will be travelling to American Samoa tentatively scheduled for October 17th to conduct the workshop and outreach for personnel in Agriculture Extension, Department of Education, Department of Commerce, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Agriculture, our United Stated Department of Agriculture partners – Farm Service Agency and Natural Resource Conservations Service and selected local farmers. The distributions of the book will take place at the workshops.
For the distributions of the book, the Vegetable Handbook Committee has created a list of 29 agencies and organizations including the local farmers’ cooperative. Some off-island partners including the Secretariat of the Pacific Community and the University of the South Pacific in Fiji will also receive the publication.

Objectives/Performance Targets

YEAR 1 (2010)
Sept/Oct. 2010 Year 1 Workshop and handbook presentation in American Samoa
Dec 2010/Jan 2011 Participant follow-up and evaluation

YEAR 2 (2011)
July 2010 – Feb 2011 Translation and proofing of Samoan text
Feb.-March 2011 Handbook layout and printing contract finalization
Apr-May 2011 Printing and workshop planning, advertising, securing venue
June 2011 Year 2 workshop and handbook presentation in the Island of Manu’a, American Samoa
Aug-Sept. 2011 Participant follow-up and evaluation


The final English version of the book is completed. Jim Ferrell, the consultant will be traveling to American Samoa tentatively scheduled for October 17, 2010 to conduct the workshops for our targeted audience and return to Hawaii on the 21st.

The translation for the Samoan version is on its completion stage and once editing and proofreading is completed it will be ready for printing. The workshops in the Samoan Language will take place when printing is completed and distributions as well.

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes

This book will not only benefit the Territory, the Western Region but producers and consumers in the Pacific region in general. This project will help develop the ability of agricultural professionals to provide up to date fruit and vegetable crop information and recommendations relating to sustainable agriculture. This project is targeted toward existing producers, as well as prospective producers and back yard gardeners. There may be those farmers who are currently producing only traditional crops that may find the book of interest or there may be young men and women considering entry in to agriculture on a full or part-time basis.


James Encil Ferrell

[email protected]
Project Manager (PI)
Private Consultant
P.O. Box 6247
Hilo, HI 96720
Office Phone: 8089664977
Poinsettia Senio

[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
American Samoa RC&D Council
PO Box 5169
Pago Pago, AS 96799
Office Phone: 6846331031