Project Overview
- Farm Business Management: market study, marketing management
During the period of mid-May to the end of June 2014, three specialist trainers conducted training in the four states of the Federated States of Micronesia. Included in two of the training sessions were representatives from Palau and the Marshall Islands. The focus of the training sessions were 1) Farm Management and Decision Making; 2) Quality Production for the Market; and 3) Food Safety from Farm to Table. These focus areas had been determined based on results of previous surveys for the US Embassy and for the WSARE funded Farmer/Chef project in 2010. An average of over twenty-five outreach agents, economists, nutritionists and students per state attended the training sessions. Formal in class sessions were combined with active demonstrations to emphasize important activities. Student Learning Outcomes were identified for each segment of the training and a questionnaire was applied at the end of the program to assess if SLO’s were met. The questionnaires also give guidance for future efforts in training. A WSARE project assessment tool was also applied to indicate satisfaction with the program and future recommendations.
Project objectives:
1. Purpose of the project
The purpose of the project is to train outreach agents in each FSM state to train farmers in specific areas that are desperately needed by farmers to enter the commercialization of farming and to provide quality produce in a hygienic manner to increase marketing of local produce to substitute for imported goods and improve the income of and quality of life of subsistence farmers
2. General goal of the project?
To improve marketing of quality and safe local produce to increase local revenue generation and to reduce imported foods while improving food security of the nation.
3. Objective clearly evaluated
Were the 100 trainees capable of reaching out to the community with the training information
The objective of the project is to train 100 or more outreach agents in each state to support farmers in transition to the market economy.
5. Is the object measureable and show indicators and standards developed from the objective
The objective is easily measured through numbers of participants and through changes in ability as indicated in pre- and post test surveys
6. Repeat all the steps until all objectives mention in the project are completed
Objectives were met.