2016 Annual Report for EW16-029
Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Mitigating Herbicide Resistance in the Northern Great Plains–Educational Tools for Agricultural Professionals
Herbicide resistance (HR) in weeds is a threat to the sustainability and profitability of the Northern Great Plains (NGP) agriculture. Growers and ranchers need awareness/training on mitigating HR issues on their farm through adoption of Best Management Practices (BMPs). The main goal of this project is to enhance the knowledge of agricultural professionals on HR weed evolution, dynamics, socio-economic impacts, and mitigation through incorporation of BMPs. This educational project will take place in 3 different phases. In this cycle stating April 1, 2016, we initiated Phase 1 (Course Development) and Phase 2 (Instruction) of this two-year project. The major accomplishments/milestones have been provided in the report. Phase 3 (Evaluation) will be conducted in 2017/2018 to evaluate the acquired change in knowledge, outreach to growers and ranchers, and long-term gains on the awareness of HR and BMPs, and will be assessed by the principal investigator and project coordinators.
Objectives/Performance Targets
Objective 1: Course Development (In-progress)
- Major activities: Photographs and details on major herbicide-resistant (HR) weeds of NGP, HR weed infestations on farm fields, frequency and distribution maps at the State/County level, and related research results on HR weed surveys will be compiled into extension bulletin, fact sheets, oral/poster presentations
- Sustainable BMPs for managing HR kochia through past and current research projects at the MSU Southern Ag Research Center and other published work in the region will be utilized for the development of a fact sheet and oral and poster presentations
- Printing these educational materials and development of web-based training modules
Objective 2: Instruction (In-progress)
- Major activities: Classroom instruction and workshops for Ag Professionals
- CCA seminars, on-site, and on-line programs
- Field instruction for Ag. Professionals
Objective 3: Evaluation
- Main activities: Field days
- Follow-up farm and online surveys
- Evaluation of Ag Professionals
During this first phase of the grant starting April 1, 2016, we initiated Objectives 1 (Course Development) and Objective 2 (Instruction). To fulfill Objective 1, we have initiated compiling reports on major herbicide-resistant weeds in the NGP, their biology, and distribution at the state/County level. Sustainable Best Management practices (BMPs) for managing HR kochia through past and current research projects at the MSU Southern Ag Research Center and other published work in the region will be utilized for the development of a fact sheet. The socio-economic risk/benefits of adoption of BMPs will be compiled from previous and current research projects at MSU and other published literature in this region. We are preparing a survey questionnaire for Ag. Professionals in MT-WY region to evaluate the current growers’ knowledge on HR weed management. Information on farm management practices such as cropping sequence, weed control practices, occurrence of HR weeds on farm fields, herbicide use pattern, and grower knowledge of current and future IWM technologies will be collected in this survey. We expect 150 participants in this survey. We have developed a Facebook Page @ SouthernAgResearchCenter which is being updated on a regular basis and will help to improve the knowledge and training of Ag professionals on herbicide-resistance research, mitigation and appropriate BMP adoption.
To fulfill Objective 2, a series of oral presentations at MSU Fields Days and regional grower meetings were delivered by the PI to educate Ag. Professionals on herbicide resistance issues in MT and adjacent states and strategies and upcoming technologies to mitigate herbicide resistance on-farm. Plot demonstrations were also conducted during 2016 field days across several locations in Montana. These fields days were attended by growers and Ag professionals from different agencies that advise growers on crop management practices such as United States Department of Agriculture-National Resource Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS), University Cooperative Extension, State Department of Agriculture, University Faculty and Staff, and Crop Consultants. Ag professionals from various disciplines such as agronomy, horticulture, weed science, and 4-H attended these grower meetings and presentations delivered by the project PI. Peer-reviewed journal articles were also published during this period and added to the reports that will be shared with the Ag. Professionals. A major milestone is that we are organizing a “Great Plains Herbicide Resistance Listening Session” on February 17, 2017 at Holyoke, CO, that will be attended by 150 Ag. Professionals from MT, WY, NE, CO, and KS. Major milestones during this grant period have been listed below:
Peer-Reviewed Articles on Herbicide Resistance and Management:
- Kumar, V., Jha, P. (in press). Effect of Temperature on Germination Characteristics of Glyphosate-Resistant and -Susceptible Kochia scoparia. Weed Science.
- Jha, P., Kumar, V., Spring, J. F., Lyon, D. J., Burke, I. C. (in press). Glyphosate-Resistant Russian-thistle (Salsola tragus L.) Identified in Montana and Washington. Weed Technology.
- Kumar, V., Jha, P. (2016). Growth and Reproduction of Glyphosate-Resistant and Susceptible Populations of Kochia scoparia. PloS one, 11(1).
- Jha, P., Kumar, V., Lim, C. A. (2016). Herbicide resistance in cereal production systems of the US Great Plains: A review. Journal of Weed Science, 48(2), 112–116.
- Reddy, K. N., Jha, P. (2016). Herbicide-resistant weeds: Management strategies and upcoming technologies. Journal of Weed Science, 48(2), 108–111.
- Kumar, V., Jha, P. (2016). Influence of Nitrogen Rate, Seeding Rate, and Weed Removal Timing on Weed Interference in Barley and Effect of Nitrogen on Weed Response to Herbicides. Weed Science.
- Jha, P., Kumar, V., Godara, R. K., Chauhan, B. S. (2016). Weed management using crop competition in the United States: A review. Crop Protection.
- Gaines, T. A., Barker, A. L., Patterson, E. L., Westra, P., Westra, E. P., Wilson, R. G., Jha, P., Kumar, V., Kniss, A. R. (2016). EPSPS Gene Copy Number and Whole-Plant Glyphosate Resistance Level in Kochia scoparia. PloS one, 11(12), e0168295.
- Kumar, V., Jha, P. (2016). Differences in Germination, Growth, and Fecundity Characteristics of Dicamba-Fluroxypyr-Resistant and Susceptible Kochia scoparia. PloS one, 11(8), e0161533.
Oral Presentations at Grower Meetings/Field Days/Annual Weed Science Conferences:
- Jha, Prashant, MSU Post Farm Field Day, “Advanced optical sensor-based hyperspectral imaging and spot spray technologies for precision weed control and HR weed management in fallow and in-crop”, Montana Agricultural Experiment Station, Bozeman. (July 7, 2016). Participants: 90 (20 Ag professionals including MSU extension agents, MT commodity group members, and crop consultants/industry reps; 15 MSU extension and research faculty; 45 growers; 10 general public)
- Jha, Prashant, MSU Southern Agricultural Research Center Field Day, “Integrated weed management in dryland and irrigated cropping systems of Montana and precision weed control technologies”, DRC-SARC, Huntley. (June 28, 2016). Participants: 105 (40 Ag professionals including MSU extension agents, MT commodity group members, and crop consultants/industry reps; 50 growers; 15 MSU researchers and extension specialists, and graduate students/postdocs and general public)
- Jha, Prashant, MSU Eastern Agricultural Research Center Field Day, “Weed control options for herbicide resistance management in pulse crops in eastern MT”, DRC-EARC, Sidney MT. (June 24, 2016). Participants: 80 (20 Ag professionals including MSU extension agents, MT and ND commodity group members, and crop consultants/industry reps; 50 growers; 10 MSU and NDSU researchers and extension specialists, graduate students/postdocs/general public)
- Jha, Prashant, MSU Northern Agricultural Research Center Field Day, “Fall-applied soil residual herbicides in wheat stubble and rotational crop safety and weed control in pulse crops”, DRC-NARC, Havre, MT. (June 22, 2016). Participants: 120 (40 Ag professionals including MSU extension agents, MT commodity group members, and crop consultants/industry reps; 60 growers; 20 MSU researchers and extension specialists, graduate students/postdocs/staff/general public)
- Jha, Prashant, Divide County Crop Improvement Meeting, “Management of glyphosate-resistant weeds in wheat-pulse rotation”, Crosby, ND. (September 21, 2016). Participants: 50 (20 Ag professionals including MSU and NDSU extension agents, crop consultants, and industry reps; 25 growers; 5 MSU/NDSU researchers and extension specialists)
- Jha, Prashant, MSU Western Triangle Research Center Field Day, “Integrated strategies to manage herbicide resistance in dryland, cereal production systems of the Golden Triangle”, DRC-WTARC, Conrad MT. (June 23, 2016). Participants: 85 (30 Ag professionals including MSU extension agents, crop consultants, and industry reps; 40 growers; 15 MSU researchers and extension specialists, students, and staff)
- Lim, Charlemagne, Jha, Prashant, Kumar, Vipan, Leland, Shane, Jha, Anjani, Western Society of Weed Science, “Survival and fecundity of glyphosate-resistant kochia with variable EPSPS gene copies in response to glyphosate selection”, WSWS, Albuquerque, NM. (March 8, 2016). (Attendees: Industry reps, researchers, and graduate students/post-docs)
- Jha, Prashant (Author & Presenter), Lim, Charlemagne, Kumar, Vipan, Jha, Anjani, Leland, Shane, Weed Science Society of America Annual Meeting, “Effect of glyphosate selection on survival and fecundity characteristics of glyphosate-resistant kochia with variable EPSPS gene copie”, WSSA, Puerto Rico, USA. (February 8, 2016). (Attendees: Industry reps, researchers, and graduate students/post-docs)
- Kumar, Vipan, Jha, Prashant, Lim, Charlemagne, Jha, Anjani, Leland, Shane, Weed Science Society of America Annual Meeting, “Distribution of multiple herbicide-resistant kochia in Montana”, WSSA, Puerto Rico, USA. (February 7, 2016). (Attendees: Industry reps, researchers, and graduate students/post-docs)
- Jha, Prashant, Annual Sugar Beet Research Meeting, “Integrated strategies for kochia management in Roundup Ready® sugar beet”, Western Sugar Coop., Colorado Springs, CO. (January 2016). Participants 50 (20 Industry reps, crop consultants, and agriculturists; 15 growers; 15 researchers, and university staff from MT, WY, NE, and CO)
- Jha, Prashant, Statewide Survey, “Statewide survey of glyphosate-resistant kochia, Russian thistle, and marestail (horseweed) from grower fields in Montana”, Montana. (August 2016). Participants: Ag professionals including MSU extension agents; crop consultants; growers
- Jha, Prashant, Survey, “Survey of glyphosate-resistant kochia in sugar beet fields in MT and WY”, Western Sugar Coop., MT and WY. (July 2016). Participants: Ag professionals including MSU extension agents; crop consultants; growers
Poster Presentations
- Kumar, Vipan, Jha, Prashant, Leland, Shane, Jha, Anjani, Lim, Charlemagne, Western Society of Weed Science, “Seed germination dynamics of herbicide-resistant and susceptible populations of Kochia scoparia”, WSWS, Albuquerque, NM. (March 8, 2016). (Attendees: Industry reps, researchers, and graduate students/post-docs)
- Jha, Prashant, Felix, Joel, Morishita, Don, Kumar, Vipan, Jha, Anjani, Western Society of Weed Science, “Survey of glyphosate-resistant kochia in eastern Oregon sugar beet fields”, WSWS, Albuquerque, NM. (March 8, 2016). (Attendees: Industry reps, researchers, and graduate students/post-docs)
- Kumar, Vipan, Jha, Prashant, Lim, Charlemagne, Jha, Anjani, Leland, Shane, Weed Science Society of America Annual Meeting, “Correlation between dormancy and herbicide resistance levels in kochia.”, WSSA, Puerto Rico, USA. (February 7, 2016). (Attendees: Industry reps, researchers, and graduate students/post-docs)
- Jha, Prashant, Felix, Joel, Morishita, Don, Weed Science Society of America Annual Meeting, “Survey of glyphosate-resistant kochia in eastern Oregon sugar beet fields”, WSSA, Puerto Rico, USA. (February 7, 2016). (Attendees: Industry reps, researchers, and graduate students/post-docs)
Media Contributions
- Montana Ag Live/Montana PBS Live TV Show (TV), October 16, 2016 Description: Emphasis on herbicide resistance issues in Montana, precision agriculture and site-specific weed management using optical sensors and hyperspectral imaging.
- AGWEEK (Internet), March 4, 2016. Description: First report on glyphosate-resistant Russian thistle in Montana wheat-fallow system.
Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes
This educational project is mainly centered on enhancing the knowledge of Ag professionals on escalading cases of herbicide-resistant (HR) weed occurrence in farm fields, socio-economic impacts, and implementing BMPs for HR prevention and mitigation in the NGP agriculture. The MSU Southern Ag. Research Center has extensive basic and applied research experience on HR that can be used to educate and train Ag professionals.
Through these outreach programs, we can expect that Ag professionals from different agencies and general public will become more aware on the HR weed evolution and sustainable BMPs for HR mitigation, and will follow the progress of on-going research projects on HR at the MSU Southern Ag Research Center. The training and educational materials (extension bulletin, fact sheet, video, oral and poster presentations, web-based information) will help these professionals to further spread the acquired knowledge to growers, landowners, and general public.
We are also working with individuals from public and private institutes including University Cooperative Extension personnel to disseminate the information to the wide range of clientele. We expect that the long-term outcomes of this educational project will also impact other Western US states where HR is an increasing threat to sustainable agriculture.
Montana State University-Bozeman
Southern Agricultural Research Center
748 Railroad Hwy.
Huntley, MT 59037
Montana State University-Bozeman
Southern Agricultural Research Center
Huntley, MT 59037
Montana State University
20 North Kansas Street
Conrad, MT 59425
MSU Glacier County Extension
1210 E. Main
Cut Bank, MT 59427
Montana State University-Bozeman
Southern Agricultural Research Center
748 Railroad Hwy, MT 59037