2008 Annual Report for FNC08-702
Building Organic Soil Health with Green Manure and Cover Crops
On 5/30/09 the Sweet Clover was interseeded with Flax at a rate of 10 lbs. per acre. The cost of the Sweet Clover was $1.30 per lb. The Seet Clover came up very nicely and a nice stand was established Going into the fall dormancy period there were 4 to 5 plants per square foot. With the snow cover we have this winter I am looking for a 98% to 100% servival rate in the spring.
I have contacted and ordered the cover crop seed. I haven't paid for it yet because they want to wait until it is delivered so they know the total price.
I am working with Copy Xpress for the signs. They will be 11"x17" and made of 1/8" vinyl. I have steel T posts on hand and I will mount the signs to 1/2" plywood before mounting them on the T posts.
The thermoeters for measuring soil temperature are ordered at a cost of $133.18.
There aren't any results yet because I received a one year extension so 2010 will be the year that most of the work will be done.
In 2011 have Red Spring Wheat will be seeded in the plots. The resulting crop will be evaluated for yeild, test weight, protein and falling number.
I will be trying to set up field tours, the plots will be available to the Dickinson Research Extension Center for tours if they want. I am also looking at a possible slide presentation for the next year.