2009 Annual Report for FNC08-728
Potential of Heritage Wheat Varieties for Use on Organic Farms: A Variety Trial and Market Survey
Seed was purchased for the project. Soil tests were taken. Soil was amended with composted goat manure and bedding prior to planting. Land was tilled and 18 varieties of wheat were planted.
Erected fence to exclude livestock and deer from plots.
Have been planning a workshop where the project will be discussed and the planting will be toured. Workshop will take place on Dec. 17, 2009.
Seed for these varieties of wheat are extremely difficult to obtain. Many varieties are available from Canadian growers but due to customs regulations they are unable to ship them into the US. The grower who committed to selling us seed prior to the project was unable to provide us with the varieties and amounts originally indicated.
We were able to locate small amounts of seed that have been included in the variety trial and will be increased over the next couple of years.
At this point the varieties ‘Moking’ and ‘Fultz’ have shown good germination and vigorous growth. ‘Red May’ is also looking good. Several of the varieties grown had poor germination.
We have altered the project somewhat because seed was so difficult to obtain and was only available in small quantities. Rather than doing a baking trial we will save all available seed to increase over the next several seasons.
We have used the funds that were committed to the baking trial and flour mill to increase the size of the variety trial from 11 to 18 varieties. We will also use these funds next season to expand the scope of the outreach activities associated with the project.
Manage and harvest plots. Collect and enter data, send plant samples off for necessary analysis. Compile results. Complete market survey of bakers. Conduct outreach activities and turn in final reports.
Andy Read has written a newspaper article talking about the project. The article was published in four newspapers throughout South Central Missouri. Andy has discussed the project during several seminars that he has held this season. We are having a field day and tour on Dec. 17, 2009 where the project will be discussed and registration has been cut off at 67 attendees. We have started a list for another tour in the near future.
Results will be discussed during workshops next season.