Project Overview
Project was not completed.
- Animals: bees
- Animal Production: animal protection and health
Modern beekeepers have been dealing with large losses of honeybee colonies for several years. The primary cause of these losses has been the Varroa Mite, a secondary cause as of late has been the Small Hive Beetle.
This project will test the ability to prevent the Varroa mite and Small Hive Beetle (SHB) from reaching damaging population numbers in honeybee colonies through the use of single brood chamber management techniques. These techniques will include the use of a break in the brood cycle, the removal and disposal of capped drone brood that contains reproducing Varroa mites, and the use of reduced dosages of three types of commercial mite treatments. This project will also monitor a single brood chamber hive's own ability to manage SHB populations with a high number of bees confined to a smaller space. If these techniques when combined can be shown to sustain the lives of colonies with minimal or no use of chemical treatments, pesticide use will be reduced or eliminated. With an increase in bee health, overwintering losses would decrease resulting in higher profitability due to reduced costs and labor associated with yearly colony losses.
Project objectives:
- Determine if Varroa and SHB populations can be better managed in a single brood chamber hive versus a double brood chamber hive.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of three types of commercial Varroa treatments at reduced dosages
- Share results and knowledge gained through this project with our local Purdue Extension offices, local and state beekeeping associations and through social media sites.