Project Overview
- Animals: bovine, goats, poultry
- Animal Production: animal protection and health, grazing - multispecies, pasture fertility, preventive practices
- Crop Production: cropping systems
- Education and Training: demonstration, farmer to farmer, on-farm/ranch research, technical assistance, workshop, youth education
- Energy: energy use
- Farm Business Management: labor/employment, land access, risk management, value added, whole farm planning
- Natural Resources/Environment: wetlands
- Sustainable Communities: employment opportunities, infrastructure analysis, leadership development, new business opportunities, quality of life, social networks
Traditional ag-technology programs do not currently include curriculum introducing drone technology as an effective farm management tool. The project will develop a 2-hour “drone use for livestock grazing operations” curriculum module in Worldwide Instructional Design System (WIDS) format for ag-technology instructors and other educators. This curriculum module will be easily inserted into current ag-technology courses at the discretion of the educator. The curriculum will also be easily adaptable for use in a field day venue with live drone demonstration.
The multi-media WIDS-format curriculum module will present real-life examples of the ecologically sound, economically viable and socially responsible use of drones on Pigeon River Farm. Examples will include research data and footage demonstrating such things as:
- Time and money saved using drones in routine grazing livestock monitoring and close inspection activities versus conventional in-person methods;
- Ecological / environmental benefits of using drones versus conventional in-person grazing livestock monitoring methods;
- Stress reduction by drone use when conventional in-person grazing livestock monitoring methods are either dangerous or unattainable.
The finished curriculum will be released to secondary and post-secondary ag-technology programs. Multi-faceted feedback and effectiveness from the ag-technology programs will be compiled and documented in the final report.
Project objectives:
- Establish benchmark by researching and documenting effects of Drone Technology in pasture management compared to conventional methods.
- Present early project concept at June 2019 MREA Energy and Sustainable Agricultural Fair in Custer, Wisconsin.
- Present / demonstrate proof of concept in September 2020 field day(s).
- Develop a 2 hour multi-media curriculum module in WIDS format for easy integration into ag-technology programs.
- Distribute finished curriculum module to ag-technology programs through website, social media, and live presentations.
- Compile multi-faceted feedback and effectiveness data from ag-technology programs into a final project report.