Living Mulches in Minnesota Wheat

1995 Annual Report for FNC95-091

Project Type: Farmer/Rancher
Funds awarded in 1995: $1,373.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/1996
Region: North Central
State: Minnesota
Project Coordinator:

Living Mulches in Minnesota Wheat


Increasing costs of fertilizers and herbicides have encouraged producers to use alternative methods to lower costs while maintaining fertility and controlling weeds. Living mulches are being examined as an environmentally friendly replacement to outside inputs.

Objectives: To demonstarte economic and environmental benefit of living mulch (Caliph Medic) in winter wheat. Two specific objectives were: 1) reduce leaching of nitrogen into groundwater, and 2) smother weeds while growing as green manure.

Results: Wheat yields in living mulch strips were 90% of fertilized strips and 128% of control strips with 10 pounds more nitrate nitrogen at years-end than either fertilized or control. Other benefits were reduced soil erosion, additional organic matter and improved soil tilth.