1996 Annual Report for FNC96-143
Networking and Education of Sustainable Bison Producers in the Northen Plains
"Commerical bison production is in its infancy, and the lack of information or misinformation is limiting the care and management of the animals. Problems include: poor animal health, little or no genetic selection, improper care and handling and lack of nutritional informaiton. Bison are produced in virtually all states in the North Central region. Many producers have banded together to form the North American Bison Cooperative to process and market their bulls fed for meat. This co-op is in its second full year of production."
Objectives: To increase the transfer of useful information on sustainable bison production among novice and experienced producers. To facilitate informal mentorship and peer communication for all phases of bison production, from selection of breeding stock to marketing bulls for meat.
Results: Results are not yet available.