1996 Annual Report for FNC96-157
Prairie Hills Marketing Network: Marketing for Producers in Northwest Kansas
"A cooperative distribution/transportation system is very importatnt for western Kansas producers because we are far from population centers. This project is important to us and other producers because it will provide a model for producers to sell higher priced products from their farms. This can attract mroe producers, which will help diversify the region's economy and help local markets attract lcoal production."
Objectives: To identify markets for value-added and horticultural production from western Kansas. To develop a cooperative transporation and distrubtion system. To support a marketing contact person.
Results: A group of northwest Kansas producers established a netowork to develop a cooperative distrubtion system. Due to diversity of products and production dates, the system did not go as planned. However, growers have used funds to develop their own markets. Production includes bedding plants, fresh vegtables, baked goods, honey and native medicinal plants. Marketing is taking placein Texas, Kansas, Colorado and Nebraska.