1997 Annual Report for FNC97-170
Integrated Row Tillage Project
Cultivation, interseeded cover crops and split applications of nitrogen fertilizer may be desirable on soils where erosion and nitrogen leaching pose a problem.
Objectives: To utilize a no-till cultivator as the foundation unit that would: 1) be an integral part of a farming system with multiple capabilities, such as a weed control, interseeding cover crops and sidedressing nitrogen, 2) maintain vegtative cover for erosion control, 3) reduce herbicide use, 4) accomodate timely nitrogen application and 5) promote introductions of cover crops into standing corn. The coordinator purchased a no-till Hiniker cultivator, gandy boxes, fertilizer attachments, etc. for interseeding legumes, banding herbicides and sidedressing 28% nitrogen while cultivating.
Results: The cultivator was effective in removing weeds between rows. Sidedressing nitrogen versus preplant application allowed for reduced rates while maintainign yield. Legumes were established by interseeding. Evaluation of interseeded legume growth and effect will be conducted in 1999.