1997 Annual Report for FNC97-178
Native Minnesota Medicinal Production Feasibility Study
The expanding demand for herbal products has created market potential for many native and introduced species now growing in the Midwest.
Objective: To determine which plants, many regarded as weeds, could be commercially produced to help fill the growing demand of the pharmaceutical trade.
Methods: Of plants with known market potential, dandelion, wormwood, motherwart, penny royal, scullcap, valerian, catnip and licorice were started in a greenhouse and transplanted in the field on May 20. Harvesting and processing was conducted by hand and with old grain handling equipment that Renne converted to handle the specialty crops.
Results: With the diverse group of plants in the demonstration plots, the results were varied and surprising. However, catnip showed the most promise for the grower on this site for large-scale organic production.
North Central Region SARE 1998 Annual Report.