Enhancing Native Bee Populations for Pollination

1998 Annual Report for FNC98-209

Project Type: Farmer/Rancher
Funds awarded in 1998: $4,700.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/1999
Region: North Central
State: Wisconsin
Project Coordinator:

Enhancing Native Bee Populations for Pollination


Recent declines in honeybee populations have encouraged producers to serach for alternative sources for pollination.

Objective: To increase on-farm populations of native solitary bee species, in order to enhance pollination of fruit and specialty crops.

The producer proveded nesting habitat for the native bee species with solitary bee nesting blocks and nest bozes filled with nesting tubes. He constructed the nesting blocks of oak, basswood and elm with 5/16-inch holes drilled four to six inches into the blocks. The 5/16-inch cardboard nesting tubes were stacked in rain-proof containers. The producer deployed the nesting structures in blueberry fields and around the farmstead. Orchard mason bees were also purchased and released.

Results: Observations in the blueberry fields showed increased activity by the solitary bees, especially during cool weather. Data revealed that native bee populations incrased almost 500 percent during the first year.

Full Report Available
Information Product:
Rush River Produce website, www.rushriverproduce.com.