Project Overview
Annual Reports
- Vegetables: tomatoes
- Education and Training: demonstration, on-farm/ranch research
- Pest Management: genetic resistance
Proposal summary:
Resistance to early blight and Septoria leaf spot would improve the length of season and thus the profitability of heirloom tomatoes. The farmer will arrange a trial of seven to ten different heirloom varieties to determine resistance, and seed from the most resistant plants will be saved and grown out in 2003-2004. These plants will then be used in a repeat trial, and the seed-saving process repeated. The progeny from this second trial will be used in a demonstration plot, and project results will be offered at seed-saving and growers’ conferences, growers’ publications, and will also be integrated into a sustainable agriculture curriculum. Any promising germ plasm will be offered for sale or exchange through seed saving groups or packaging companies.