2006 Annual Report for FNE05-541
A longitudinal study of milk nutrient levels among varied farm management systems
NE SARE Farmer/Grower Grant Interim Report
1. Title: A longitudinal comparison study of milk nutrient levels among varied farm management systems / FNE05-541
3175 State Route 13
Truxton, NY 13158-3107
2. The purpose of this SARE grant is to synergize research efforts and fund further nutrient testing of milk samples that are being collected for an already funded study lead by Linda Tikofsky, DVM at Cornell University’s Quality Milk Production Services. There is a wide spectrum of farm management systems in the group of farms with organic 100% grass fed, organic grazing, conventional grazing, and conventional confinement dairies. The funds from this grant will allow monthly testing of all the milk samples from the 20 farms for vitamins A and E, beta-carotene, and some pathogen testing. Monthly feed data are being collected from each farm along with the milk samples to analyze the link between diet and milk nutrients.
3. We currently have approximately 130 lactating age organic dairy cows plus around 115 youngstock on our farm. We have just over 600 acres in certified organic production as pasture, haycrop, small grains, and corn.
4. Linda Tikofsky, Senior Extension Veterinarian at Cornell University’s Quality Milk Production Services, is taking the lead role in this study by organizing and orchestrating the collection and storage of all milk samples and farm data and sending the samples out for testing to the Michigan State University Laboratory.
5. Collection of monthly milk samples and farm feed data began in November of 2005. I helped develop the feed data worksheet and assisted in identifying organic dairy farm participants for the study. Dr. Tikofsky lined up the 20 farms and set up the sample collection procedures.
6. Since it is still very early in the sample collection phase, no reportable results have been attained yet.
7. The drought conditions in much of New York State this past growing season were one factor in delaying the start of the sample collection.
8 & 9. Again, no reportable results yet.
10. Kathie Arnold, 1/7/06