Project Overview
Annual Reports
- Agronomic: rye, wheat
- Miscellaneous: mushrooms
- Crop Production: forestry
- Education and Training: demonstration, extension, farmer to farmer, networking, on-farm/ranch research, study circle, workshop
- Energy: energy conservation/efficiency, solar energy
- Farm Business Management: budgets/cost and returns, marketing management
- Production Systems: general crop production
- Sustainable Communities: sustainability measures
Proposal summary:
Project objectives from proposal:
The results will be measured by temperature, humidity, rate of growth, size of growth, and competing organisms (molds, other fungus species, parasites, loss of mushroom crops, and yield). Two logs will be kept for each growth location and pictures will be taken during the mushroom growth. The first log (Page B1) will contain daily temperature and humidity measurements. The temperature can be measured with a thermometer and humidity with a hygrometer. The temperature and humidity will be taken daily at both test areas. Only the wooden framed greenhouse will have temperature and humidity regulated. When and if the mushrooms start pinning the date can be marked at both test areas. A grid system will be used to keep track of each tote. The frequency or amount of pinning can also be taken. When and if the mushrooms pin the size of the cluster grown can be measured with a triangle square. The mushroom clusters will need to be measured daily because of the fast mushroom growth. When it is time to harvest the mushrooms the clusters (yield) will need to be weighed because that is how they are sold.
While the mycelium and mushrooms grow a second log for each sight will be made to note if there are competing organisms and loss of crop. Both test areas will be checked every day for accumulating molds, diseases, macro organisms, abnormalities, and insect pests. The Competing Organism and Loss of Crop Log (Page B2) will be made when there is a problem with the mushroom crop. Pictures will be taken to log accumulating molds, diseases, macro organisms, abnormalities, and insect pests. A comprehensive mushroom grower hand book from Penn State will be used to properly identify molds, diseases, macro organisms, abnormalities, and insect pests. Loss of crop will be noted when part of, or all of, the mushroom cluster is unsalable. The unsalable portion will be measured and logged.