Mas-D-Tec mastitis tool for dairy goats

2012 Annual Report for FNE12-761

Project Type: Farmer
Funds awarded in 2012: $9,950.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2012
Region: Northeast
State: Massachusetts
Project Leader:
Elizabeth Mulholland
Valley View Farm

Mas-D-Tec mastitis tool for dairy goats


Mas-d-tec for goats

We just finished the last month of recording data with mas-d-tec and will be sending in the final milk samples today. The goats will be dried off at the end of the month so they can rest up for kidding in March. The recording of the mas-d-tec readings and the sample collection for testing has gone very routinely. I have recorded the results in an excel spreadsheet along with notes/observations about individual goats. During the year I communicated with a veterinarian at Cornell who has particular interest in goat milk and he sent me a lot of information that maybe useful in the writing up of the report relative to the findings. Earlier in the fall Tavi Merrill came twice to video tape us during the sampling process and to discuss the grant objectives. He also met with our technical advisor Alex MacDonald. Over the next two months (the final months) of the grant period I will analyze the findings and write up the report.

Objectives/Performance Targets


The objectives were met. We collected data and samples from each half of the lactating goat for ten months.


Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes


Alex MacDonald

[email protected]
Massachusetts Dairy & Animal Health Inspector
Massachusetts Department of Agriculture
251 Causeway Street
Suite 500
Boston, MA 02114
Office Phone: 6176261795