Organic Artichoke Production in North Florida

Project Overview

Project Type: Farmer/Rancher
Funds awarded in 2024: $18,250.00
Projected End Date: 03/31/2026
Grant Recipient: Dragonfly Trace Farms
Region: Southern
State: Florida
Principal Investigator:
Connie Maxwell
Dragonfly Trace Farms


  • Vegetables: artichokes


  • Crop Production: cover crops, fertilizers
  • Pest Management: integrated pest management
  • Production Systems: organic agriculture

    Proposal summary:

    The purpose of the project is to investigate three key issues in organic Florida's artichoke production, the insufficient chilling degree hours required for bud development, the presence of plant parasitic nematode pests, and the effectiveness of fertilizing using organic soil amendments. To address these challenges, we will assess the use of gibberellic acid to stimulate bud emergence, and the use of organic nematode control methods, such as cover crops and crab meal. Additionally, we will monitor crop nutrient levels to assess the effectiveness of organic amendments in fertilizing the crop. This assessment will involve conducting a field trial at Dragonfly Trace Farm in North Florida, utilizing organic production practices. The field trial will consist of two main treatments: one involving the cultivation of artichokes with the application of gibberellic acid application and another without the application of gibberellic acid. Additionally, an organic nematode control treatment will be implemented for treatments, which involves planting and terminating cover crops before transplanting and applying crab meal with the chicken litter. Our objective is to explore the potential of cover crops as an organic method to reduce or control nematode populations. Crab meal, composed of chitin from crab and shrimp shells, can promote the growth of chitin-consuming fungi in the soil, which can help reduce or control nematode populations. The artichokes will be fertilized with organic soil amendments and plant tissue content will be assessed to determine nutrient content. The trial's design will be a randomized split block arrangement. Our goal in addressing these organic artichoke production challenges in Florida is to enhance the supply of high-quality, organic artichoke to local markets. We aim to generate valuable insights and data that can be shared with the local agricultural community.  

    We will reach the local agricultural community through hosting a field day at Dragonfly Trace Farms’ location to share trial
    results. These results will include information on artichoke yield, marketing, the use of gibberellic acid, nematode control
    methods, and organic nutrient management practices. Dragonfly Trace Farms will collaborate with UF/IFAS Extension partners, including Jay Capasso, the Columbia County row crop extension agent, Dr. Zane Grabau, a professor of nematology and entomology, and Dr. Shinsuke Agehara, a professor of Horticultural Sciences. These collaborators will inform us about artichoke production, support the research trial, and help disseminate project results. 

    The project's success will be measured by the lessons learned about artichoke production and our capacity to share this knowledge with local members of the agricultural community. 

    Through our efforts at Dragonfly Trace Farms, we anticipate not only increasing the supply of high-quality organic artichoke in local markets but also equipping farmers with the knowledge and skills needed for successful artichoke production. The benefits will extend to consumers seeking healthy, locally sourced produce at the Alachua County Farmers.

    Project objectives from proposal:

    To investigate artichoke production challenges, we will grow artichokes on native ground with organic amendments added after tilling in a cover crop at Dragonfly Trace Farms. Four, 100-foot beds will be laid with plastic mulch over drip irrigation and subsequently planted. Two out of four beds will receive gibberellic acid treatment through fertigation, while the remaining two beds will not. Nematode treatments consisting of crab meal will be applied in all treatments through pre plant fertilizing with chicken litter. In the beds treated with gibberellic acid two applications of gibberellic acid will occur. The first application will occur about 6 to 7 weeks after transplanting or after 7-8 leaves have emerged if direct seeded. We will consult with collaborator Dr. Shinsuke Agehara of the University of Florida Horticultural Sciences department to
    determine the precise timing and amount to be used. The second application of gibberellic acid will occur two weeks after the initial application.  We will also investigate nematode control practices by planting and terminating the cover crop in all beds prior to planting and using preplant chicken littler application with crab meal.  

    Prior to conducting the trial soil samples will be collected and sent to both the Soil Extension Lab and the Nematode Assay labs located at the University of Florida in Gainesville. Tissue samples will also be collected once throughout the season. The first tissue sampling will occur prior to reproductive growth. These tissue samples will be collected and sent to Water’s
    Agricultural Laboratory in Camilla, Georgia for basic tissue analysis. Artichoke plant roots and soils will also be sampled
    end of season to observe percent root damage from root knot nematodes and nematode soil counts. We will weigh and report the total artichoke harvest yield at the end of the season by summing the weights of the harvested buds. Notes will also be kept on any quality issues related to harvested artichoke buds. Dragonfly Trace Farms will also report on the profitability of artichokes at the local farmer's market either as a vegetable or as a flower.      

    Throughout the season the plants will be observed for plant disease and insect pests. Any observed insect pests will be
    recorded. If any plant disease symptoms are observed a sample will be collected and sent to the University of Florida Plant
    Diagnostic lab in Gainesville for identification. Only agricultural inputs approved for organic production will be utilized for nutrients, plant pests, and plant disease management. Organic amendment products will include a mix of chicken litter, compost, and fish emulsion.    

    Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or SARE.