Roots of Resilience: Mulching for Higher Yields in Breadfruit Agroforestry and Island Food Sovereignty

Project Overview

Project Type: Farmer/Rancher
Funds awarded in 2024: $18,011.00
Projected End Date: 03/31/2026
Grant Recipient: Carite 3.0
Region: Southern
State: Puerto Rico
Principal Investigator:


  • Additional Plants: trees, breadfruit


  • Soil Management: mulching
  • Sustainable Communities: food sovereignty, food security, food sovereignty

    Proposal summary:

    Puerto Rico's agriculture faces numerous challenges. One of them is the yield and stability of breadfruit as a local food source. Problems like premature fruit drop impede breadfruit's potential to contribute to the island's food security. Our project seeks to evaluate the effect of heavy mulching on breadfruit trees. This could improve management practices and boost yields. By establishing an optimal mulch depth, we aim to make breadfruit a more dependable staple crop. This will support sustainable agriculture and food security in Puerto Rico.

    Breadfruit is a perennial tree crop that thrives in tropical regions and holds tremendous potential as a food source. However, its cultivation in Puerto Rico has yet to be fully optimized. Addressing fruit drop through improved soil management could lead to substantial gains in output. Our solution is to investigate heavy mulching's impact on
    breadfruit trees. Our hypothesis is that increased mulch depth will correlate with heightened soil moisture retention, improved soil fertility, reduced fruit drop, and enhanced yield.

    Study Design

    To assess mulching's effects, we will conduct a randomized block experiment. The experiment will use five mulch treatments across mature breadfruit trees. The treatments will comprise varying mulch depths: 0 (control), 2, 4, 6, and 8 inches. We will implement five replicates per treatment to ensure statistical confidence. The research will occur over two growing seasons. After a single growing season we should gain immediate, actionable insights.

    We will measure soil moisture and nutrient levels at regular intervals to track changes attributed to the mulching. We will quantify fruit yield for each tree to ascertain the impact of mulch depth on output. An analysis of variance will test the significance of treatment effect. This will provide a rigorous statistical foundation for our findings.

    Expected Outcomes

    This study aims to identify the optimal mulch depth for improving breadfruit yields in Puerto Rico. Expected outcomes include:

    1. A detailed analysis correlating mulch depth with soil moisture, nutrient levels, and fruit yield.
    2. A set of mulching suggestions tailored for breadfruit growers, informed by local conditions.
    3. An expanded body of knowledge for local and regional farmers, supporting sustainable agriculture practices.

    The expected increase in breadfruit yields would contribute to Puerto Rico's food security. That would decrease reliance on imported staples. By enhancing the resilience and productivity of breadfruit orchards, we can create a replicable model for sustainable agriculture within the tropics.


    The use of heavy mulching in breadfruit cultivation holds promise as a simple yet effective practice to boost yields. By conducting this research, we will fill a critical knowledge gap. Once filled, we can provide practical guidelines for local farmers. The broader adoption of optimized mulching practices could be profound. It could reinforce Puerto Rico's farming sector, safeguarding food supplies against the backdrop of climate change.

    Our project aligns with the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) goals to enhance efficiency, productivity, and profitability in farming. We believe that our focused research will deliver strategic
    advancements for breadfruit cultivation. It will serve as a stepping stone to a more food-secure future for Puerto Rico.

    Project objectives from proposal:

    Approaches and Methods for
    Enhancing Breadfruit Yields through Strategic Mulching

    Solving the constant challenges in breadfruit cultivation in Puerto Rico needs innovative, research-backed solutions. Premature fruit drop is a primary constraint on breadfruit output. It threatens the role of this tree as a sustainable food resource. In this section, we outline our project’s methodology for studying the impact of mulching on breadfruit yields. Our aim is to substantiate the practice as a solution to increase local food security.

    Methodology Overview

    Our methodology centers on a randomized block design. It allows us to isolate the effect of mulch depth on breadfruit yield while controlling for variability among trees. By measuring changes in soil moisture, nutrient levels, and fruit yield, we can assess the efficacy of mulching with vigor. Our structured approach ensures that the project is repeatable and yields clear, objective results.

    Randomized Block Design

    We chose randomized block testing for its robustness in field trials. We will divide breadfruit trees into blocks that are homogenous in aspects like age, size, and health. Within each block, we will randomly assign the five mulching treatments to individual trees. This randomization minimizes the impact of confounding variables. This allows for precise attribution of any observed changes to the mulching depth.

    Mulching Treatments

    We will apply mulch depths of 0 (control), 2, 4, 6, and 8 inches around the base of each tree, extending outward to the tree’s drip line. The mulch used will be of uniform type. We'll use local sources to reflect the conditions and materials accessible to Puerto Rican farmers. We will apply the mulch at the start of the growing season. During the study period, we will monitor the condition of the mulch and maintain it throughout the study.

    Measuring Soil Moisture and Nutrient Levels

    Soil moisture is a critical indicator of the micro-environmental conditions at the root zone of breadfruit trees. By using soil moisture sensors at various depths, we will gather data on how mulch depth affects water retention in the soil. We will take soil samples to measure nutrient levels. Using key metrics such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium content, which are essential for healthy breadfruit growth. These measurements will be taken at regular intervals to monitor changes throughout the growing season.

    Fruit Yield Quantification

    The primary measure of success will be the fruit yield from each tree. By counting and weighing the breadfruit harvested from each tree, we can assess the impact of mulching on output. This process involves meticulous recording of each fruit’s size and weight to ensure that the data reflects the true yield.

    Data Analysis

    Analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be employed to test the statistical significance of our results. This method will compare the means of different treatments. This should provide a clear picture of the relationship between mulch depth and tree performance. The ANOVA will tell us not only if there are differences but also how confident we can be of our findings.

    Addressing the Statement of the Problem

    The described methodology is tailored to address the challenges of breadfruit cultivation. By focusing on mulch depth, we are targeting a factor that any farmer can control and optimize. The study’s findings will provide actionable insights. Insights that can lead to immediate improvements in breadfruit management practices.

    The project’s randomized block design ensures that results are specific to the effects of mulching. It ensures the results are not skewed by other variables. The in-depth measurement of soil conditions and fruit yield allows for a thorough analysis. It will show how mulching influences the growth environment of breadfruit trees and, in turn, their yield.

    Through this research, we aim to develop and share a set of mulching best practices with breadfruit growers across Puerto Rico. The methodology serves the immediate needs of this project. Further, it sets a precedent for future agricultural research within the region. The measurable outputs—soil moisture, nutrient levels, and fruit yield—provide a tangible benchmark for the success of mulching as a cultivation technique.

    We expect our research outcomes to address the problems of fruit drop and inconsistent yields that plague breadfruit cultivation. By determining the optimal mulch depth for breadfruit trees, we can offer local farmers a simple, cost-effective strategy to increase their harvests. This has the potential to significantly contribute to Puerto Rico's food security and pave the way for a more resilient agricultural sector.

    The systematic approach of this project aims to solve an immediate agricultural challenge. It also contributes to a broader understanding of sustainable farming practices. The successful implementation of this study’s findings could mark a turning point in breadfruit cultivation. Not only in Puerto Rico but in tropical regions worldwide where food security is a pressing concern.

    Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be construed to represent any official USDA or U.S. Government determination or policy.