Integrated Pest Management and Sustainable Grape Production in Sonoma County

2004 Annual Report for FW03-007

Project Type: Farmer/Rancher
Funds awarded in 2003: $13,000.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2004
Region: Western
State: California
Principal Investigator:
Nick Frey
Sonoma County Grape Growers Assn.

Integrated Pest Management and Sustainable Grape Production in Sonoma County


The Sonoma County Grape Growers Association initiated its Integrated Pest Management Project in 2000, establishing four demonstration vineyards, one in each major American Viticulture Area, or appellations, of Sonoma County.

Monthly Grower Appellation Meetings (GAM) were held from April through July to facilitate grower-to-grower education and integrated pest management. Annual IPM Field Days were held each August to review pest-monitoring data and pest management decisions for each demonstration vineyard that year. The 2003 IPM Field Day Aug. 6 reviewed four years of monitoring date for each demonstration vineyard.

• Achieve growers attendance of 90 or more at monthly GAMs and 125 or more at the IPM Field Day
• Achieve non-farming community attendance of 25 or more at the IPM Field Day
• Publish one or more articles on some aspect of the IPM in newspapers or magazines
• Further reduce use of 9 pesticides under FQPA review as reported in the California Pesticide Use Report
• Implement the Sustainable Winegrowing program with 75 or more growers in 2003

The Sonoma County Grape Growers Association IPM Project has seen increasing grower support. Attendance at monthly GAM in 2003 remained the same as in 2002 (about 100 a month). In 2002, 180 different growers attended meeting, and in 2003, the number fell to 150. However, of the 150 growers attending one or more meetings in 2003, 39% had not attended an IPM meeting the previous year.

The project cooperated with the California Association of Winegrape Growers Pest Management Alliance in 2001, 2002 and 2003. Each April, between 110 and 150 growers attended alliance-sponsored field days, reinforcing the goals of both the statewide and Sonoma County projects.

The project’s educational outreach appears to be reaching most of the 1,200 Sonoma County grape growers. An independent survey by the North Coast Pierce’s Disease Task Force reports 83% of Sonoma County respondents were aware of IPM, 79% had read related articles, 64% discussed IPM and 56% changed practices.

Partly as a result of the educational program, total pesticide use continues to decline among Sonoma County grape growers, with pounds applied declining by 35% and acres treated by 24% between 1999 and 2002.

Producer Cooperators
Dry Creek Valley
John Clendenen, Vineyard Manager
Clendenen Vineyard Management LLC
P.O. Box 69
Healdsburg, CA 95448
(707) 433-5838
[email protected]

Russian River Valley
Dennis Devitt, Vineyard Manager
Gallo Vineyards
3386 Dry Creek Rd.
Healdsburg, CA 95448
(707) 824-8664
[email protected]

Sonoma Valley
Joe Votek, Vineyard Manager
Loma del Sol Vineyards Inc.
P.O. Box 998
Glen Ellen, CA 95442-0998
(707) 996-1430
[email protected]

Nick Frey, Producer Advisor and Executive Director
Judy Tuhtan, Project Coordinator
Sonoma County Grape Growers Association

Sustainable Practices Committee Members
Duff Beville, Vineyard Manager
4724 Dry Creek Rd.
Healdsburg, CA 95448
(707) 433-1101
[email protected]

Jim Cuneo, Vineyard Manager
Robert Young Vineyards Inc.
4950 Red Winery Rd.
Geyserville, CA 95441
(707) 433-3228
[email protected]

Dana Grande, Viticulturist, Grower Relations
Jordan Vineyard and Winery
P.O. Box 878
Healdsburg, CA 95448
(707) 431-5261
[email protected]


Rhonda Smith