Sustaining Tilapia Production in the CNMI Through the Use of an Artificial Fry Incubation System

2009 Annual Report for FW08-024

Project Type: Farmer/Rancher
Funds awarded in 2008: $15,000.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2009
Region: Western
State: Northern Mariana Islands
Principal Investigator:

Sustaining Tilapia Production in the CNMI Through the Use of an Artificial Fry Incubation System


Objectives/Performance Targets

* Increase the availability of Tilapia fly in the CNMI through the use ofthe “Artificial Incubation System Technology”

* Promote Sustainable Agriculture practices with planned field and media days and proposed workshops


* Most of the work to get the system up and running was completed. This included constructing the basin for the hatching jars and the larva trays, assembling the artificial incubation jars and installing the plumbing system.

* Acquired 500, O. Niloticus fry and grew them out for six months and then selected 100 out of the batch, based a set criteria, and then stocked them into the broodstock tanks.

* Assembled “Hapa” net cages for the brood stock and stocked them with breeders.

* Started fry demonstration using the hatching jars and incubators.

Outline and Timetable of Work to Be Completed

* Combine field and media days and conduct on the same day, November 20, 2010.

* Conduct workshops on December 20 on Saipan, December 21 on Tinian and December 23 on Rota. Printed materials will be distributed at these workshops.

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes


Michael Ogo

[email protected]
Extension Aquaculture Specialist
Northern Marianas College
Office Phone: 6702345498