Project Overview
Information Products
- Animals: deer
- Animal Production: grazing - continuous, grazing management, range improvement, grazing - rotational
Proposal summary:
The Northern Mariana Islands import almost 95% of their beef, pork and chicken. Domestically produced deer meat is a sustainable and economic alternative to these expensive imports. Deer meat is in high demand for local residents and tourists and requires less land and labor than other livestock. However, the current supply is insufficient. This project will investigate the high growth rate and feed systems for deer farming to achieve maximum productivity. If successful, it will promote deer meat as a delicacy and alternative protein source, discourage poaching and maximize agro-tourism.
Project objectives from proposal:
(1) The project will do a demonstration of sustainable livestock grazing strategies to local famers/ranchers to protect soil, the environment and the wild life by promoting “Katne Binadu” deer farming. (2) The project will investigate the creation of alternative enterprises, such as deer meet tapas and jerky; deer “Katne Binadu” production; the agri-tourism concept of education and marketing, promotion and preservation of cultural delicacy; and promotion of small-scale profitable business. This means creation of self-employment and empowering of small businesses. (3) The demonstration of deer production through effective rotational grazing strategy, protection through provision of alternative animal health regimen and provision of good pasture and proper grazing system. No artificial feeds and medicines will be used to promote organic deer production. (4) By demonstrating a sustainable strategy and coupling it with agri-tourism, more clients will be reached and educated about the proper way to manage animals and promote environmental protection while creating an enterprise for livelihood.