NOP Compliant Antimicrobial Rinses on Leafy Greens and the Effect on Foodborne Pathogen Indicator Presence

2011 Annual Report for FW10-062

Project Type: Farmer/Rancher
Funds awarded in 2010: $14,944.00
Projected End Date: 12/31/2011
Region: Western
State: Washington
Principal Investigator:
Dan Hulse
Tahoma Farms

NOP Compliant Antimicrobial Rinses on Leafy Greens and the Effect on Foodborne Pathogen Indicator Presence


Objectives/Performance Targets

Original Funding Period


*Test the effectiveness of anti-microbial rinses for reducing pathogen indicator organisms on leafy greens.

*Compare current methods used in conventional production to those meeting organic certification guidelines.

*Allow adoption of an antimicrobial rinse in preparing leafy greens for marketing.

Project Activity, Date, Persons Responsible for Activity:

*Purchase and Install wash basin, May 2010, Dan Hulse

*First sampling of leafy greens, June 2010, Dr. Killinger/Andy Bary

*First microbiological testing, June 2010, Dr. Killinger

*Second sampling of leafy greens, July 2010, Dr. Killinger/Andy Bary

*Second microbiological testing, July 2010, Dr. Killinger

*Analysis of lab results completed, September 2010, Dr. Killinger, Andy Bary

*Field Day, October 2010, Andy Bary

*Summary report, November 2010, Dan Hulse, Dr. Killinger, Andy Bary


Work Completed to Date

We have conducted both field trials and have received feedback from the lab from the first round of sampling. Without the second set of lab results to analyze, we have no preliminary results to share.

Impacts and Contributions/Outcomes

Work Remaining

The second round of lab tests have been completed and after the data is analyzed by our group, we will be prepared to discuss our findings and how we want to deliver our results and through what method of outreach.

We are allowing ourselves as much time as possible by stating our intention to complete the project no later than November 4, 2013.


Andy Bary
Extension Scientist
Washington State University
2606 W Pioneer
Puyallup, WA 98371
Office Phone: 2534454588
Dr. Karen Killinger
Assistant Professor
Washington State University
PO Box 646376
Pullman, WA 99164
Office Phone: 5093352970